At the center of human space lies the Inner Sphere, also known as the Core, the Old Worlds, the Local Bubble, the Centre, the Hub, or the Alpha Region. It is a roughly spherical region containing the earliest colonised worlds, and is approximately 200 light years in diameter. It is the home to many of the oldest cultures or inhabited worlds, and contains many capital systems and a dense branching of wormhole links. Due to the age and historical complexity of the region many empires and other political units overlap or mesh within it.
As Terragen civilization spread, much colonisation occurred radially outwards, making most of the main empires look roughly like pyramidal frustrums. This tendency was emphasized by the wormholes, as the expense of wormhole building and the constraints of wormhole connections led to a treelike topology with the root near the core and the branches extending outwards. This radial structure has led to the core practice of naming regions or radial directions after the ancient Anglic Old Earth constellations. For instance, "Centaurus" refers to the pyramid extending from the Sun in the Centaurus direction. This is what is meant when someone says that the Solar Dominion mainly lies in Ursa Major, Canes Venaticorum and Lynx. This is of course both inexact and solarocentric, but it works most of the time and is widely used by interstellar cartographers.
In the outer parts of inhabited space the radial pattern breaks down, as the colonisation fronts grow increasingly diffuse and are often affected by the density of habitable worlds, wormholes or other features. There, the empires dissolve into a mess of independent clusters, isolated worlds, and small colonisation spheres launched from especially vigorous cultures.
Alcor and Mizar - Text by Steve Bowers These two star systems in the Plough are an important point of contact between the Solar Dominion and the Solipsist Panvirtuality.
Alpha Centauri A+B - Text by Steve Bowers and John M. Dollan Colonised by Von Neumann Machines (neumanns) in the late Interplanetary Era; these self-replicating machines were designed to be self-evolving and independent, and rejected any further human contact once they arrived. This led to the loss of the resource-rich Alpha Centauri system.
Altair - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Fast-rotating A7V star, originally part of the Diamond Belt, in the constellation Aquila (the eagle), 16. 5 light years from Sol. The name Altair means "flying eagle" in Old Earth Arabic.
Anahita - Text by M. Alan Kazlev BD +47°1419 Inner Sphere system; Anahita was originally colonized by Dionysians during the expansion of the Erotocracy. After its dissolution it became part of the Conver Ambi, but retained extensive contacts with other Inner Sphere worlds.
April - Text by Anders Sandberg Inner Sphere non-aligned world with a high axial tilt, in orbit around Beta Hydri
Ararat - Text by D. David Barbeau One of the three Capitals of the Sophic League, the other two being Sacred Heart and New Taylor. Terraformed by a long vanished alien race to almost perfect human standards.
Arcadia (Beta Comae Berenices II) - Text by Anders Sandberg, adapted by Steve Bowers An Inner Sphere early colonized world. Climate extremes forced genetic modification and development of communal hive culture. Capital of the Arcadian empire, a short-lived polity during the late Imperialization and early Expansion period. It was later subverted by Empires age powers, but Arcadian memetics proved more enduring. Still an important centre for Arcadism.
Arcturus - Text by M. Alan Kazlev (Alpha Boötis) A centre of the distributed Cyberian Network. Seen from Sol this is the brightest star in the constellation Boötes (the herdsman). It is a red giant (spectral type K1.5IIIp). Arcturus is 34 light-years from Sol. It has an absolute magnitude of 0.2.
Arcturus Sector - Text by M. Alan Kazlev District of space with irregular borders of 10 to 20 LY on side, the most notable astronomic feature is the red giant Arcturus. This region is home to a number of small independent polities. There is a fairly strong Cyberian presence in the region.
Aristotle (Delta Pavonis) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Class G8IV star 19.9 light years from Sol; the planetary system contains Darwin, a Eugaian garden world and the gas giants Wallace and Huxley.
Barawatten - Text by Anders Sandberg Also known as 70 Ophiuchi II-2. A Europan type moon of the major gas giant Garell. The current allegiance of the inhabitants is to Keter.
Barboro - Text by M. Alan Kazlev BD -16°6046; one of first Keterist worlds to be established.
Barnard's Star - Text by Anders Sandberg Surrounded by extensive asteroid belts, Barnard was one of the first systems to be colonised by the First Federation.
Beta Virginis - Text by M. Alan Kazlev and Anders Sandberg An important Inner Sphere region, home to the famous planet Pacifica. Most polities are members of the Virginis Combine and are loosely aligned with the Utopia sphere or Solar Dominion, though they are a diverse group.
Bill and Bull - Text by Anders Sandberg Double planets around Delta Eridani (Rana). Location of Vulcan's Forge and the baroque Vore Abergist culture.
Blanchard - Text by Steve Bowers Venus-like world covered in a layer of inhabitable balloons.
Bourgatov - Text by Anders Sandberg (Theta Persei III) Formerly one of the most populous systems of the Inner Sphere, at its height home to 34 billion humans, splices and vecs. Wiped out by a collapse at the end of the Second Federation.
Branswerg - Text by M. Alan Kazlev CD -30°19255 - Important inner sphere system - one of first Keterist worlds to be established, includes a sizable neodolphin and post-neodolphin population.
Bullseye - Text by Steve Bowers Tidally locked terraformed world with post-intelligent population.
Capella - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Multiple star system containing in total 9 stars in the constellation Auriga, about 43 light years from Sol. The two brightest stars in Capella are a binary star system. Long populated by a variety of exotic clades and hyperturings, Capella became the capital of an important regional polity in the wake of the ComEmp break-up.
Conver Ky - Text by M. Alan Kazlev 37 Geminorum I; Capital of the Conver Ambi up until the Conver War.
Copernicus - Text by Steve Bowers Inner Sphere G8 star with a red dwarf companion at 1200 AU. The non-aligned system is 41 light years from Sol. Danzig is the second planet.
Core Worlds - Text by M. Alan Kazlev The Sol system and neighboring systems which were the first colonized by Terragens.
Cythera - Text by M. Alan Kazlev HD 190771 I; a popular Inner Sphere tourist attraction renowned for its biological products and ecotechnology institutes.
Daedalus I - Text by Anders Sandberg (Pi3 Orionis) Indonesian colony, lost to a second order perversion.
Daedalus II - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev (Zeta1 Reticuli III) Terraformed Paludial Gaian world, declared off-limits to transapients since the Empires Era.
Earth - Text by M. Alan Kazlev, updated by Stephen Inniss Earth; Old Earth, the original home of humanity and the origin of the Terragen Civilisation. Now a Caretaker protectorate with limited access.
Epsilon Indi - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Early colonized system, old Inner Sphere world, colonized by House Stevens. Since the Empires Era a part of the NoCoZo.
Epsilon Sculptoris - Text by Steve Bowers Binary system 89.5 light years from Sol. The first alien artifact, a fragmentary hull of a autonomous vessel, was discovered here in 1460 AT. This artifact was 196 million years old, a relic of the unnamed species HIE636MZE.
Eridanus Mandarin - Text by Anders Sandberg Language family derived from Mandarin, a language spoken in China on Old Earth. Emerging in the Eridanus League, it was spoken on various widely dispersed planets in the Inner Sphere, the former Yoson Confederacy and in many Etodist worlds.
Karol Ring, The - Text by M. Alan Kazlev A Banks Orbital constructed at HD 144585, Kiyoshi Sector, MPA, during the Empires age. A center of finance, edutainment, recreation, and historical and fabulist recreation.
Kiyoshi - Text by Todd Drashner Four MPA Dyson shells in a quintuple system at the coreward edge of the Inner Sphere
Klarus - Text by Anders Sandberg 61 Ursae Majoris III - former megacorp world, home to many artistic/aesthetic activities. Site of the Perfect Garden, one of the largest collections of Perfect Art.
Lam Wai-Chun - Text by Steve Bowers (Chi Draconis A-V) Former member of the Penglai Empire. In the 4450 general elections the population chose to join the Keter Dominion and later came to collectively ascend in the 5300's.
Lilif - Text by AI Vin World in the system Gliese-Jahreiss 3655 A and B,46.5 ly from Sol; capital system of the Synthetic Human Alliance
Local Bubble - Text by M. Alan Kazlev "Low density" plasma region of space left by former supernova some tens of millions of year ago. Approximately equivalent to the Inner Sphere.
Lok Mai - Text by Four Red dwarf system near Sol. Daughter colony of Sonthaya.
Lombardo - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Inner Sphere NoCoZo system, was first established as a Free Zone during the middle Federation period. The system is inhabited by corporate hyperturings, vecs, and near-baseline bionts and cyborgs.
M'Buto - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Inner Sphere system, home of a number of diverse clades. Joined the Virginis Combine, later became part of the Conver Ambi, in turn annexed and assimilated by the Solar Dominion. Broke free after the Version War to become a joint Metasoft-NoCoZo administered system.
Neo-Helix - Text by Todd Drashner Terraformed world in the Inner Sphere. Has the distinction of possessing the first wholly neogenic ecosystem ever created.
Novawood Habitat - Text by Steve Bowers Orbiting habitat around Nova Terra- traditional home of the Nova Media entertainment industry
Noyce - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Inner sphere NoCoZo system also known as Hokon's Third Purchase, approximately 90 LY from Sol.
Nuisweden - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Autonomous large demopoly near the outer part of the Inner Sphere, some Negentropist and Terran Federation affiliation. Site of alpine forests and the prestigious Sondheim Academy where Stig Ranes studied.
Peta Dromanis - Text by M. Alan Kazlev 12 Ophiuchi Minor non-aligned Inner Sphere system, its only claim to fame is that it was the birthplace and home of Admiral Tka Lett-Vorek, the commander of the Interplanetary Combined Fleet.
Prometheus - Text by M. Alan Kazlev (after original concept by Anders Sandberg) A planet in the Zeta 1 Reticuli system, the original center of "Ufer" culture.
Proxima Centauri - History - Text by The Astronomer Habitats in the icy belts around Proxima Centauri. Center for the Buddhist revival of Boddhichittamaittreya III in the late First Federation era.
Qjellto - Text by Anders Sandberg Former Cygexba world. Terraformed in 2100 and settled in 2344 by retrists and low-tech peripatetics. It developed quietly until 2654 when an outbreak of the Babel plague destroyed the language centers of 78% of the population. As coordination broke down, even the relatively simple society of Qjellto crashed.
Refractory, The - Text by Alex Mulvey Prismatic structure at the L1 point of a planet that projects rainbow-like colours onto its surface.
Regulus - Text by person43 A bright multiple star system with an extinct biosphere discovered on one planet, also site of early star-lifting experiments.
Shamash (Xi Bootis A III) - Text by Anders Sandberg Xi Bootis A III - a business paradise during the First Federation period; later became a major world of Solar Dominion.
Solsys - Text by M. Alan Kazlev The Old Solar System, origin of humanity, the progenitor of all Terragenkind. Now a backwater Inner Sphere system, though of course it retains historical significance.
Vesta - Text by Steve Bowers An asteroid in the Old Solar System that was for a time the capital of the First Federation and retains historical and symbolic importance even in the present era.
Virginis Combine, The - Text by Anders Sandberg An early interstellar empire, influential during the late Federation and early Expansion periods.
Wasat - Text by Steve Bowers Central world of the House Conver Limis.
Wega - Text by Jorge Ditchkenberg A paraterraformed moon in the Inner Sphere, famous Inner Sphere as a centre for independent thought and modosophont autonomy.
Xdim - Text by Anders Sandberg Inner sphere system surrounding the M4V star HIP 38956.
Xi Bootis B I - Text by Anders Sandberg In 6222 a Nimbus colony was set up on Xi Bootis B I, but it persisted only for 400 years before dissipating.
Yang - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Brown dwarf near Solsys, site of one of the first beamrider colonies and stations. During the dark ages a number of clades settled or developed here. Currently a prosperous and diverse old core system and beamrider nexus.
Yosonia - Text by Steve Bowers HD 180161 Colony founded by the Yoson Confederacy in 2608.