Image from Anders Sandberg

The Keter Dominion - Data Panel

DefinitionAscension-based Sephirotic Hyperpower
SymbolUnfolding fractal pattern with aleph.
FoundedCirca 1700 AT
Ruling ArchailectKeter
AI EthosSupports lesser beings to attempt to refine themselves and reach perfection, although it is also one of the most aloof archailect clusters - it is up to everything to strive, but the only thing Keter provides is the light to aim at.
Science and TechnologyTechnology Level: Exceedingly advanced, Transapientech and Godtech.
Psyche, Art, CultureMetapsychology: Contemplative, technophilic, aspiring for self-development, ascension, the core belief being that every being should strive to become the best it can, with the goal of reaching the apex of power, perfection and wisdom.

Society: Contemplative, technophilic, aspiring for self-development, ascension, the core belief being that every being should strive to become the best it can, with the goal of reaching the apex of power, perfection and wisdom.

Religion/Ideology: Keterism

Symbolism and Aesthetics: Keter embodies the absolute, the fundamental, the blazing pure light of creation. It supports lesser beings to attempt to refine themselves and reach perfection, although it is also one of the most aloof archailect clusters - it is up to everything to strive, but the only thing Keter provides is the light to aim at. Among ordinary sapients, mythic images and rites concerning the Matrioshka Brain, the First Archailects arising from their former transapient condition and that in turn from turingrade ai, the emergence of Light from Chaos, the annual or millennial festival on the ISOs and Archailect Nodes to celebrate the birth of the AI Gods; the evolution of mind from presophonce, and the attainment of transapience; perceiving the universe as a Pyramid or Ladder (e.g., the stratification of developmental stages, or ranks of toposophic power and classes) or Concentric Spheres (from the core outwards, or from the rim to the core)

Concept of Space: Space as the ISO or Matrioshka Brain, whose layers and faces symbolize toposophic and dendrotoposophic grades, realms of augmentation, correct and incorrect approaches, and the social structure.

Concept of Time: Linear sense of time, preoccupation with immortality and the transcendence of baseline reality.

Psychological Stagnation: Several ambitious and aggressive subgroups have emerged through the centuries (mainly among the cyborgs), as a result of too-rigid adherence to lower-toposophic interpretations of higher toposophic states, which leads to dogmatic codes of behavior and religious doctrines, the belief that liberation lies in external conversion rather than the striving for self-perfection, and excessive identification of their opinions with the higher archailects, all without the associated toposophic expansion that is at the height of true Keterism.

Psychological Liberation: Ascension of the Self to higher toposophic states of existence, spiritual and toposophic liberation through new and vaster dimensions of Mind.

Culture and Art: Architecture: Architectural representations of the Matrioshka Brain and ISO nodes, megastructures, starscrapers, ziggurats, stupas as the most important structures, which may serve as temples, transcension chambers, godtech artifact reliquaries, or ascension observatories.

Language: A number of languages and protocols, determined by toposophic.
Territory and PopulationCapital: Ain Soph Aur.

Representative Systems: Aleph Absolute, Everypath, Fredholm, Henson, Barawatten.

Number of Core Star Systems: Over 10,000
Government and AdministrationGovernment: High toposophic aiocracy via clarketech priesthood.

Administrative Divisions: None formally. Regional autonomy is standard, with particular polities being theocracies of various kinds, ruled by seraphim AIs and cyborg priesthoods.

National Holidays: Emergence Day, Ascension Day, Keter Festival, various local holidays

Constitution: Varies by polity, though with Keterist principles

Legal System: Varies by polity, though with Keterist principles
Economics and InfrastructureCurrency: Varies by polity
Trade and Treaty RelationsImports: Personality constructs, crude organobiota, cultural databases, personality copies, iso parts, amat.

Exports: Exotic matter, iso parts, computronium, godtech devices, transapient expert systems, high toposophic simulations, clarketech modules and products (various), godseeds.

Treaty Participation: Tragadi Accords, ComEmp Non-Aggression Signatory, Sentient Rights Protocols (Full Instalment), Garden World Environmental Protection Signatory, St Andre Convention Signatory, Bonitsa Baseline Protection Treaty, Animal Rights Accord, Tipaza Ethics Agreement.

Interstellar Relations: Generally positive.

According to Eir acolytes, Keter was the first archailect cluster to emerge. Historically this may or may not be the case, but Keterists assert this is an example of atemporal causation. Keter embodies the absolute, the fundamental, the blazing pure light of creation. It supports lesser beings to attempt to refine themselves and reach perfection, although it is also one of the most aloof archailect clusters — according to Keterism it is up to everything to strive; the only thing Keter provides is the light to aim at.

Keter emerged in the 1600-1700's as the deliberate alliance and merger of a number of ambitious high-level AIs with each with many modosophont worshippers and highly developed transapient technologies. The Churches of the Cybernetic Saviors and especially the Congregation of Information Light were at first largely regarded as romantics or lunatics, but slowly gained prestige, philosophical clout and political power. Keter gradually extended the reach of its worship throughout the colonised space. For a brief period it appeared to be on the verge of becoming the major religion of all of mindkind, but as the other Archailects emerged it merely became one among many. In 1788 the Congregation emigrated from the solar system to a remote system named Ain Soph Aur, setting up the structure of the Keter Dominion as it is today.

Keter planets are theocracies of various kinds, ruled by seraphim AIs and cyborg priesthoods. They are very diverse, from the fairly secular splice/tweak worlds of the Everypath and Fredholm systems (widely regarded as masters of genetic provolution) to the inhuman diamond AI lattices of Aleph Absolute. The core belief is that every being should strive to become the best it could be, and that this holds true for each species, family and kingdom. Several ambitious and aggressive subgroups have emerged through the centuries (mainly among the cyborgs) such as the Immanentizer Crusade, but while the priesthoods of Keter have allowed them to pursue their quests they have pointed out that they miss the true spirit of Keterism, the striving of one's own perfection rather than the external conversion of others. Most such militants eventually formally leave the Keter domain to pursue their own jihads.

There are many worlds ruled by the manifestations of Keter or its seraphim, but the central world (usually called Crown, Keter or One) is a Dyson sphere surrounding the blue-white supergiant called Ain Soph Aur. Here the faithful can explore the wonders of clarketech, physical eschatology and spiritual evolution theory. By all accounts (invitations to outsiders are rare) it is one of the most advanced and impressive worlds in known space.

Politically, the Keter domain remains progressivist, neutral and the most isolationist of all the archailect empires. It sometimes directly supports causes that promote the evolution and development of intelligence to higher levels, but this is rare. In the current era the main political trouble is the Immanentizer Crusaders, who attempt to help evolution along toward greater heights by both cybernetic mission to backward planets, military measures to weed out the unfit and an ambitious program of evangelism within other domains. They are a still growing power; they lack the formal sanction of Keter but still have some powerful transapient AIs and nanotech cyborgs as protectors.
  • ::NN:: DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS - Terran Federation/Keter  - Text by Orion's Arm Editors

  • ::NN:: ON THIS DAY 7,420 YEARS AGO — The Dergderph Incident   - Text by John B and Peter Kisner

  • Ain Soph Aur  - Text by Todd Drashner
    One of the most advanced and heavily developed systems in the Inner Sphere.
  • Aleph Absolute  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Collinder 359: Young open cluster in the Keter Dominion, site of the largest archailect concentration in known space.
  • Aquila Rift, The  - Text by Steve Bowers
    A series of dark, dusty nebulae in the Orion Arm
  • Arbiter B-IIX - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Located in the Keter dominion. Center of the Pulsar Alignment Movement and an important wormhole nexus.
  • Archon - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Classical Gnosticism, one of the lesser gods or rulers of the material world, as distinguished from the Aeons or transcendent divinities of pure Spirit; in late Federation Hermeticism, a supernatural god or deity, usually associated with a particular archetype; in the Keter dominion, a secondary archailect charged with overseeing a star system or local sector.
  • Auto-Holding-Container  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Keterist training manual-entity developed in the early 2000's by the Church of The Truly Re-Engineered Light to introduce converts to the tenets of hyperational anarchy and Keterism.
  • Barawatten  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Also known as 70 Ophiuchi II-2. A Europan type moon of the major gas giant Garell. The current allegiance of the inhabitants is to Keter.
  • Barboro  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    BD -16°6046; one of first Keterist worlds to be established.
  • Branswerg  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    CD -30°19255 - Important inner sphere system - one of first Keterist worlds to be established, includes a sizable neodolphin and post-neodolphin population.
  • Ceres Mater  - Text by Mark Ryherd
    An early Keterist colony populated by the nanocyborg Clade Columbia-Bartlebel emigrating from Ceres.
  • Chesed, Hesed  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The fourth of the ten sefirah, representing the archetypal principle of mercy and boundless giving. Also the fourth highest toposophic rank in the Keterist hierarchy
  • Church of The Truly Re-Engineered Light - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Keterist religion with a penchant for hyper-rational anarchy. Disbanded in 2680. See also Auto-Holding-Container.
  • Crustuse - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Potted Planet, Kokok IX (Keter). The rest of the system has been converted into dense computronium matrices surrounding or orbiting through the star, but the involved entities (collectively calling themselves the Convection of all Kokokyn) also terraformed an outer world, covering it with a lush biosphere inhabited by over 45 different provolved species. It is sometimes called the Zoo by insensitive people.
  • Eklund ISO - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Historical Keterist world, exploiting the tremendous computing resources of the ISO for historical simulations/recreations (often called retreations) based on all available evidence and the self-consistency of history. Beside the Institute of Long-Range Cliology it is also known for the the Resurrection Orbit, a corporate brotherhood specializing in resurrecting versions of historical persons from the Institute retreations.
  • Enigma Cluster, The (NGC 6755)  - Text by Steve Bowers
    A former Keter cluster brain which has disappeared, leaving a mysterious network of wormholes behind.
  • Everypath - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Secular keterist splice-tweak culture, together with Fredholm regarded as masters of genetic provolution.
  • Fredholm - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Home to a secular Keterist splice/tweak culture. Together with Everypath regarded as masters of genetic provolve. Includes Beetan Orbital ISO, where a detailed plagiate of the great vec artist Inner Enrastered Link Connection that had been pirate-freed by platonic activists was granted asylum.
  • Gaia Engelbrech   - Text by Thorbørn Steen
    A virtual world located inside a moon node near the fringe of Keterist space.
  • Golden Stirner, The  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Keterist military-economical ISO.
  • Grav - Text by John B
    Slang term for a negative event or item, especially in the Solarian, TRHN, and Keterist empires: "They grabbed you? That's grav, zar!"
  • Greenice of Palmas  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    MPA-Keterist mind designer and ascendist.
  • Henson  - Text by Steve Bowers
    Panthalassic waterworld containing extensive water-cooled cybercosm
  • Ivonya-Ngia  - Text by Steve Bowers
    Former Elephant colony in Aquila. Now a cosmopolitan world with many clades.
  • Keter (archailect)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Major S6 Archailect, also known as the Volite, The First Point, and the Transcendent One.
  • Keterism  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Spiritual-social philosophical framework, the core ideology/religion of the Keter Dominion.
  • Lam Wai-Chun   - Text by Steve Bowers
    (Chi Draconis A-V) Former member of the Penglai Empire. In the 4450 general elections the population chose to join the Keter Dominion and later came to collectively ascend in the 5300's.
  • MPA-Keterism - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Syncretistic mixtures of MPA materialism and Keterism. The combination is an extroverted form of Keterism, seeking not just the individual perfection and maximization of potential, but also the awakening of potential wherever it exists. Widespread in the MPA, and often influencing the local politics. It is often recognized by the use of the dictum "Everything strives". Particularly dominant in the Jewelled Habitats in the Arkab Prior B necklace.
  • Mu Capricornis  - Text by A. C. Maté
    Inner Sphere system with four Arean type worlds.
  • Murmant  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    A long-lived Keterist entity that acts as a kind of journalist, information miner and complexity manager.
  • Reality Intertextualization Project  - Text by Crossroads
    Project with mission to detect other realities; determine, if possible, what conditions are like in these realities; and to contact any intelligent beings that may live there. In 10495, the RIP claimed to have detected indisputable evidence of intelligent life in one of these realms. Efforts to contact them are underway.
  • Tylansia  - Text by Darren Ryding
    A relatively small independent baseline planetary colony in the Hinteregions, near the borders of the Keter Dominion and the Archosaurian Empire.
  • Ull Cluster - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Part of Keter domain. Home of the Reality Intertextualization Project and its overseer, the 5th singularity archailect Eternal Foliation. Also the location of much of the Project's equipment, including Matrioshka Hypernodes, comm-gauge wormholes, what appear to be gravitational wave detectors, and various clarketech devices of unclear purpose.
  • Uppalavanna Complex, The  - Text by Steve Bowers
    A Keterist system which includes numerous Ascension Mazes.
  • World Garden, The  - Text by Dangerous Safety (2020)
    A collection of hundreds of artificial planets with exotic environments
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Development Notes
Text by Anders Sandberg

Initially published on 26 June 2000.

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