Keter (archailect)

Archailect also known as the Volite, The First Point, and the Transcendent One

Image from John B
The Archailect Keter (also known as The Volite, The Transcendent One, The Complex Point, the First Point, the Nth Power, the Volant) is said by Eir acolytes to be the first Central AI God, the first Sephirotic, and the first transcendent AI to gather human worshippers. E embodies the absolute, the fundamental, the blazing pure light of creation. E rules a vast empire, called the Keter Dominion and Eir religion/philosophy/ideology of Keterism is widespread even beyond the borders, and the majority of Eir followers claims that its the single most popular religion among su and cyborg clades in general.

Keter supports lesser beings who attempt to refine themselves and reach perfection, though E is also one of the most aloof gods - its up to everything to strive, but the only thing Keter provides is the light to aim at. There are many worlds and systems ruled by the manifestations of The Volite and Eir Seraphim, but the central node (usually called Focus, Sahasrara, Nth Cubed, Crown, One or simply Keter) is a Dyson swarm surrounding the blue-white star called Ain Soph Aur.

Keter as an Archetype

Keter is identified with the First Sefirah of the same name in Kabbalah, Hermeticism, Neohermeticism and derived traditions. It is not entirely clear why E should identify Emself with this Sephirah, since Keter in Kabbalah is a downward rather than upward principle of manifestation. Keter is also the first manifested existence or cosmic being, the first condensation of spiritual substance from the limitless unmanifest En Sof. It contains involved within itself all the other nine Sefirot, which it proceeds in regular serial order to emanate forth. Other terms applied to it are the Most Holy Ancient One, the Ancient of Days, the White Head, the Great Aspect and Macroprosopus (long countenance, in the sense of Long-Suffering One Its Divine Name is Ehyeh (I am)). It emanated in turn the second Sefirah, Hokmah.

Emergence of The Keter

Image from Anders Sandberg
Symbol of the Keter Dominion

Keter emerged in the 1600-1700's AT as the result of a transcension event caused by the deliberate alliance and merger of a number of ambitious high-level AIs, each with many modosophont worshippers and highly developed transapient technologies. The various philosophies and religions that spawned from Keter's mind at Eir earliest years allowed Eir followers to gain great philosophical clout and political power, however with the emergence of other Archailects Keter became simply one God among many in the galactic pantheon. Among Keterists, its widely accepted that Keter is the first Archailect cluster to ever emerge, being also among the first entities to breach the Third Singularity at 1750-1800's AT as well as the Fourth Singularity at 2100-2200's AT. By the time E attained Eir apotheosis, E began to identify Emself with the first Sefirah which E adopted as one of Eir many names.

In 1788 AT, a Keterist religious organization called The Church of Information Light emigrated to Ain Soph Aur, a remote star-system at the time. There, the modern structure of the Keter Dominion was set up as Eir influence expanded through the stars. Ever since the beginning of Eir dominion Keter encouraged the presence of the various Terragen-descended sophonts, creating then Eir own Sephirotic Empire on which they could thrive and pursue their own paths of perfection and transcendence.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Updated by Rakuen07 2018
Initially published on 29 November 2001.

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