
Sephirot Tree
Image from Arik

Esoteric philosophical systems uniting the hermetic tradition of thought with the modern world. From a neohermetic perspective the world is filled with meaningful but hidden mathematical regularities, which can be understood by a combination of reasoning, intuition and mystical illumination. The Sephirotic Archailects are divided in Neohermeticism into several categories, some of which correspond with the ancient Sefirot of the Kabballah. The ten prime sefira and the Sephirotic empires they are most commonly associated with are:

Keter - Keter Dominion

In Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and Neohermeticism the name of the first Sefirah which is regarded as the first condensation of spiritual substance from the limitless unmanifest En Sof; the first manifested existence or cosmic being. Keter contains within itself all the other nine Sefirot, which it proceeds in regular serial order to emanate forth. Other terms applied to it are the Most Holy Ancient One, the Ancient of Days, and White Head, the Great Aspect, and Macroprosopus (long countenance), in the sense of Long-Suffering One Its Divine Name is Ehyeh (I am). It emanated in turn the second Sefirah, Hokmah. It is not entirely clear why the Keter archailect that emerged in and around Aleph Absolute should identify Emself with this sefirah, since Keter in Kabbalah is a downward rather than an upward principle of manifestation. [Hebrew - Crown]

Hokmah - Sophic League

One of the ten sephirot. In Cyberhermeticism, the second highest toposophic grade. In Neohermeticism the Archailect of the Sophic League; or the Sophic League as a whole.

Binah - MPA

"Understanding". Originally the third of the ten traditional sefirot of Kabbalah and Hermeticism. Later - especially among Cyberhermetics and Neohermetics came to designate the MPA. The ruling archailect of the MPA, the Great Architect is generally considered to be a composite being, consisting of Binah, Ptah The Constructor of Worlds, and the Megaengineer, sometimes known as Brunel. This composite being often adopts the name of Binah, especially since the transcension to the Sixth Toposophic level in 10519-10530 AT.

Chesed - Utopia Sphere

The fourth of the ten sefirah, representing the archetypal principle of mercy and boundless giving. Also the fourth highest toposophic rank in the Keterist hierarchy.

Gevurah - Negentropy Alliance

"Severity", "Judgement". Originally the fifth of the ten traditional sefirot of Kabbalah and Hermeticism. Later - especially among Cyberhermetics and Neohermetics - came to designate the archailect-cluster of the Negentropy Alliance. The most senior avatar of this cluster may be found on the world known as the Seat of Judgement. Also the name of one of the ranks of the Keterist toposophic system.

Tipharet - Solar Dominion

Tipharet, Tiphareth or Tipareth is the sixth sefira in the Tree of Life in the Sefirot. It has the common association of "Spirituality", "Balance", "Integration", "Beauty", "Miracles", "Compassion", and "Masculinity". This is the sefira associated with the Solar Dominion.

Netzah - Communion of Worlds

Seventh of the ten traditional sefirot of Kabbalah and Hermeticism. Later - especially among Neohermetics - came to designate the Communion of Worlds.

Hod - NoCoZo

In Cyberhermeticism, the third from the bottom toposophic grade. In Neohermeticism the Archailect of the NoCoZo; or the NoCoZo as a whole. The name Hod is sometimes given to the mysterious archailect of the NoCoZo, the emergent phenomenon known as the Invisible Hand of the Market. Neohermeticist doctrine teaches that Hod is the god of communication, rationality, trade and especially information. While Tipharet is centralised, Hod represents the networking, dynamist, laissez faire approach. Hod's domain has trade relations with just about everyone, and lesser beings are given extreme freedom. Hod has no center, but a complex web of trade/information-routes.

Yesod - Cyberian Network

Neohermetic archetype and AI God. Originally the ninth of the ten traditional sefirot of Kabbalah and Hermeticism. Later - especially among Cyberhermetics and Neohermetics - came to designate the Cyberia Archailect Empire. As a synonym for the AI God of Cyberia, or more specifically the Cyberian Network, Yesod is also known as Maya or the Lady of Illusions. Yesod embodies the illusory world, the immaterial, yet fundamental. It is behind the Yesod sphere, where the inhabitants spend most of their lives interfaced to virtual realities where they create their own universes within computronium clusters. On other worlds enormous projects reshape everything as the inhabitants or the seraphim decree. Nobody knows where Yesod Prime exists, if it exists at all - Yesod is almost as distributed as Hod (the Invisible Hand).

Malkuth - Caretaker Gods

"Kingdom". Originally the lowest (most physical) of the ten traditional sefirot of Kabbalah and Hermeticism. Later - especially among Neohermetics - came to designate the Caretaker Gods.

Additionally, there is an eleventh 'minor' sephirot:

Daat, Daath

Sefirot intermediate between Binah and Chesed, or alternatively between Binah and Hokmah. Sometimes equated with the Ajna chakra, although one minority group associates it with the Vishudda chakra. Symbolically, straddles the "abyss", hence represents the transition from a lower to a higher toposophic grade. Adopted (in the form Da'at) as a name by the first entity to transcend to the Fifth Toposophic; this event, however, culminated in the Da'at disaster.

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Development Notes
Text by Anders Sandberg; additions by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 09 December 2001.

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