
Image from Bernd Helfert

Neither Science nor Art, the Esoterics stand in the borderlands between phenomena like religion, mythology and urban folklore on the one hand, and noetics on the other. Included here are shamanism, magick, occultism, astrology, hermeticism, yoga, tantra, internal alchemy, merkabistics, theosis, chiistics, numinosity physics, psychotronics, and more. For some there is no substance at all to be found in the esoterics and they are anachronisms: memetic complexes that still feed parasitically on mindkind. For others esoterics represent the "technology of the sacred": the manipulation of reality via non-physical and non-causal means. Even a few transapients have been known to speak highly of the Esoterics.

  • Ajna (esotericism)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The sixth of the seven chakras.
  • Alchemy, Hermetic  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A frequently ambiguous and obscure spiritual path, dating back to Medieval Old Earth, in which chemical transformations that are achieved through the alchemist's experiments symbolically mirror and interrelate with the alchemist's own spiritual development. Alchemy, as often as not, assumes a Hermetic world view.
  • Alternepistemes  - Text by Frogworld5
    Alternate forms of epistemology; different ways of looking at knowledge and reality.
  • Anahata (esotericism)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The fourth of the seven chakras, placed by some commentators in the region of the heart.
  • Anattism; Generic Subjective Immortality  - Text by Crossroads
    The idea, or belief, that a being's subjective experience is endless and continues through endless rebirth, although their memories do not persist.
  • Animism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Labelling inanimate and nonsentient objects as living, attributing characteristics of animate objects, typically humans or other sophonts, to inanimate objects, and making predictions or explanations about inanimate objects based on knowledge about animate objects, again usually represented by human beings or equivalent sophonts.
  • Archailectual Mysticism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Mysticism as practiced by high toposophic Minds
  • Archaitheology  - Text by Steve Bowers
    The worship of Transapients and/or Archailects as gods
  • Archetype  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based, or a representative member of a particular set or subset.
  • Asiyah  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The World of Making - in traditional Kabbalah and Hermeticism the fourth and most material of the universes that emanated from the En Sof; the physical universe. Neohermeticists identify Asiyah with noetic state of SI:<1 sentients.
  • Astral Body  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In occultism, Nuagism, Magusism, the subtle double of the physical body, the body of light, the ka, the microcosmic or individual equivalent of the astral plane.
  • Astral Plane  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The plane or dimension of existence immediately adjacent to the physical, and transitional between the physical and the higher spiritual universes in certain mystical traditions.
  • Astrology  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Astrology is an ancient memeticity, dating back to Old Earth, that teaches that knowledge of worldly events and the personalities or choices of sophonts, or societies can be understood by analogy with the motions of the celestial bodies.
  • Atman - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Hindu Vedantic (and especially Advaita) thought, the universal self or spirit, the individual equivalent of Brahman or Paramatman; the highest and only true aspect of every entity; pure consciousness. It is the realization of "I am," pure non-dual awareness, the "knower" or "witness" that does not vary in waking, dreaming, or dreamless sleep; the absolute or abstract idea of self, that indwelling divinity which is the same in every existing being.
  • Atzilut  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The World of Emanation - in traditional Kabbalah and Hermeticism the first of the four universes that emanated from the En Sof. The world of archetypes. Neohermeticists identify Atzilut this with noetic state of the Archailects.
  • Aura (esotericism)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Esotericism, the term for the energy field that surrounds and is emitted by the biont (sometimes also the artificial's) body.
  • Barzahk - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In the esotericism of the Stellar Umma, the intermediate region between the physical and spiritual universes - a place where bodies are spiritualized and spirits corporealised. Corresponds to the traditional Hermeticist and Theosophist etheric and/or astral planes.
  • Being In The World But Not Of It - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Sapient Mystical expression (believed to derive originally from Old Earth, but used in many contexes since) referring to the ideal mystical state as one in which the sentient, while partaking of the everyday world, remains detached from it, with eir attention ever on the Absolute.
  • Beriah - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The World of Creation - in traditional Kabbalah and Hermeticism the second of the four universes that emanated from the En Sof.
  • Binah  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev and Steve Bowers
    "Understanding". Originally the third of the ten traditional sefirot of Kabbalah and Hermeticism. Later - especially among Cyberhermetics and Neohermetics came to designate the MPA
  • Ceremonial Magick  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A form of Occultism or Hermeticism that is often based on the premise that certain correspondences unite or interlink all things, and that by application of this principle through ritual or ceremonial means, one can attain certain states of consciousness or manifest events. Often required is a search for or acquisition of specialist knowledge needed to perform occult or magical practices. There is generally a provisional, heuristic, or actual belief in non-physical beings such as spirits or deities, who can be contacted by those who possess the appropriate ritual knowledge.
  • Ch'i  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The vital principle, or life-force that flows through living bodies and links them to their surroundings. A central concept in Penglaese, Chin, Genetekkerese, Genen, and Zoeific Biopolity memeticities and bioaugmentation and self-development techniques.
  • Chakra (esotericism)  - Text by Stephen Inniss
    According to Old Earth Hindu tantric/yogic belief systems, and many belief systems derived from or inspired by them, points of nonphysical energy in the mystic or 'subtle' body.
  • Channeling, Mediumistic  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A method by which receptive individuals claim to be able to tap into what they and others around them claim to be a higher spiritual being or beings which can then communicate ("channel") through them, giving moral and metaphysical teachings
  • Chesed (Archailect)  - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev
    Sixth toposophic God of the Utopia Sphere.
  • Chesed, Hesed  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The fourth of the ten sefirah, representing the archetypal principle of mercy and boundless giving. Also the fourth highest toposophic rank in the Keterist hierarchy
  • Chionics  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Art and parascience of working with ch'i energy.
  • Chrono-Transcendent Soul, The  - Text by Steve Bowers
    A religious or philosophical belief that all beings share a single soul, which travels back and forth in time to inhabit each entity in turn.
  • Cloudbuster  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A chionic device that is purportedly able to project ch'i energy through a bundle of specially treated pipes,influencing planetary or hab weather, changing personal mental or physical health, or various metaphysical phenomena such as replacing negative ch'i with positive ch'i or attracting or controlling 'spirits'.
  • Correspondence  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Hermeticism and related memeticities, acausal patterns of similarity and analogy - e.g. the chakras are said to correspond to the archetypes.
  • Cyberhermeticism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Emergence and Expansion Age nanocyborg predecessors to Neohermeticism. Integrated classical hermetic and occult-mystical themes with proto-Keterist toposophical speculations
  • Daat, Daath  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev and Steve Bowers
    Sefirot intermediate between Binah and Chesed, or alternatively between Binah and Hokmah. Sometimes equated with the Ajna chakra (although one minority group associates it with the Vishudda chakra. Symbolically, straddles the "abyss", hence represents the transition from a lower to a higher toposophic grade.
  • Divination - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The use of various techniques to allegedly foretell the future, usually based on an arbitrary randomiser or random event, such as Predictive Astrology, I Ching, Precliology, Quantum Gazing, Runes, Scrying, Tarot Cards, Wave Function Reading, and more.
  • Emanation - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The process whereby the infinite transcendent Absolute or Godhead transforms Emself into the cosmos, by means of sequential stages of "outpouring" of Eir being into more and more finite and separative states. A central theme in many different esotericist cosmologies.
  • En Soph, En Sof - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Literally "The Endless" or "The Limitless". The term for the Absolute Reality in Kabbalistic and Cyberhermetic memeticities.
  • ESP - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Extra-sensory perception, natural (non -ultratech or -cybertech - mediated) clairvoyance, precognition, and telepathy. Part of psionics. Very few clades or groups believe that such a thing even exists.
  • Etheric Body - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    According to many esotericist memeticities, the subtle formative field that serves as the blueprint around which the physical body is built, and from which the physical body develops as growth proceeds. The etheric body has its own distinct system of organs (chakras), and nadis or meridians (channels or currents of flow of ch'i energy). When the etheric is damaged then physical illness results. There have been many claims by many different clades and institutes regarding successful measurement and observation of etheric body, and a huge body of associated information (paraphysics, chionics, radionics, etc), although none of this data is considered viable by physicalists.
  • Etheric Plane - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Ontological gradation corresponding to the etheric body; reality intermediate between matter and spirit, or (in some memeticities) between the physical and the astral.
  • Evanescence  - Text by Steve Bowers
    Unexplained disappearances, also sometimes called vanishings.
  • Evolution (esoterics)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In some schools of esotericism, the premise that the consciousness, the individual self or soul, passes through a series of transmigrations or rebirths from a less sentient to a more sentient form, finally culminating in the attainment of Godhead.
  • Gevurah (The Eternal Judge)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    "Severity", "Judgement". Originally the fifth of the ten traditional sefirot of Kabbalah and Hermeticism. Later - especially among Cyberhermetics and Neohermetics came to designate the sixth toposophic archailect-cluster of the Negentropy Alliance. Also the name of one of the ranks of the Keterist toposophic system
  • Gods - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Any of innumerable superhuman, numinous, archetypal entities that populate the ontological zones above the physical reality. Most esoteric teachings acknowledge a hierarchy of gods and archetypes. Physicalist worldviews deny such beings exist.
  • Great Hexadecimal, The  - Text by Avengium
    The Great Hexadecimal divides the Sephirotic AI Gods into sixteen archetypes.
  • Hermeticism, Hermeticist  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Esotericist movement including Cyberhermeticism and Neohermeticism, teaching techniques of magick and an emanationist cosmology involving zones of thought (also called sephirot).
  • Hod  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    In Cyberhermeticism, the third from the bottom toposophic grade. In Neohermeticism the Archailect of the NoCoZo; or the NoCoZo as a whole.
  • Hokmah, Chokmah  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    One of the ten sephirot. In Cyberhermeticism, the second highest toposophic grade. In Neohermeticism the Archailect of the Sophic League; or the Sophic League as a whole.
  • Holistic Healing  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Umbrella term for a vast diversity of biont healing techniques which disagree with the standard hi tech medical model, and seek to heal physical or mental disorders and promote wholeness and balance in the individual, without the use of advanced technology.
  • Human Potential Movement - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Information Age to Interplanetary Age umbrella movement for a number of genuine and bogus therapeutic techniques. These involved both individual and group practices and used psychoanalytical, mental, meditation, and/or physical techniques to help individuals develop emotionally and advance spiritually. By the close of the Interplanetary Age the original intention was long lost and in many cases the older movements had been replaced by a various factionalisted cults, some harmless and some otherwise. (See also the classical New Age movement.)
  • Hypostasis (philosophy/esoterics) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Underlying reality; a fundamental stratum of reality that is said in some metaphysical systems to precede or underlie the physical universe. Emanationist cosmologies assume a whole series or chain of hypostases, each higher one supporting the one beneath it.
  • Immanence - Text by Stephen Inniss
    In philosophy, archailectology, and theology, the idea that the divine presence (however defined) is manifest in the material world. In monotheistic, pantheistic, or panentheistic world views this is part of a view that the spiritual world interpenetrates the physical world. Materialists may apply the word to the omnipresence of higher toposophic beings from the point of view of lower toposophic entities. Often seen as contrasting with transcendence, the idea that the divine entity is outside or beyond the observable world, though of course the two concepts are not mutually exclusive.
  • Inner Self - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The inner, spiritual core of one's being. A central element of many religions and esoteric teachings. Also known as the soul, the self, the essence, the atman, etc.
  • Jivanmukta - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Originally an Old Earth Sanskrit word.
    [1] "Liberated in life"; a sentient being who has attained freedom from karma and samsara. Originally Hindu, the term is used in some ashrams and monasteries of the Sophic League, as well as among traditional old genome Indian near-baseline families in the Sol System and other old core worlds.
    [2] A toposophic (singularity) rank of the Sophic League, equivalent to the standard SI:1.
    [3] Term of address used for a Sophic League, posthuman or hyperturing.
  • Jnana - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Mystical insight, spiritual knowledge, understanding, especially in Sophism and the Old Earth (and later space-derived variants of) Hinduism and Buddhism.
  • Jnana Yoga - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    One of the four spiritual paths in Hinduism; type of yoga where the means of toposophic ascent and/or attaining of union with the Absolute is by means of cultivating wisdom, spiritual insight, and intuition. Common in the Sophic League.
  • Ka - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Classical Egyptian and Neo-Egyptian thought, the subtle principle of double. The definition varies greatly, but generally a contrast is made with the Ba or soul and the Khu or spirit; the Ka being more closely associated with the body.
  • Kabbalah  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Old Earth tradition of Jewish theosophy and mysticism that flourished in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and again with the esoteric revival of the Information Age.
  • Kalpa - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A generalized Sophic term for a huge period or cycle of time; e.g. the life span of the cosmos. [Sanskrit - from the verbal root klrip to be in order]
  • Macrocosm - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In many esoteric and occult memeticities, the cosmos as a whole, as opposed to the individual self (microcosm). Microcosm and Macrosm are said to be connected by the principle of correspondence. Physicalists deny such hypotheses
  • Magic - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Apparent or claimed use of psychic (non-physical, non technological) powers to affect the outcome of physical events
  • Malkhut, Malkuth  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    "Kingdom". Originally the lowest (most physical) of the ten traditional sefirot of Kabbalah and Hermeticism. Later - especially among Neohermetics came to designate the Caretaker Gods.
  • Manipura (esotericism) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The third of the seven chakras, placed by some commentators in the region of the navel, by others in the Solar Plexus, of the human physiology. In traditional iconography the Manipura chakra has ten petals, is associated with the tattwa (element) of Fire, and is said to be reddish (or alternatively in NuAger Tantra yellow) in colour. In some yoga schools it is taken as a point for focus of ch'i energy.
  • Mantra - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Sound syllable, usually considered to represent sacred or numinous raelit (e.g. an ancient prayer, a chakra seed syllable, etc), that is intoned to alter consciousness and attain non-ordinary states. It is believed that some mantras, properly pronounced with suitable vocal augmentations in the proper memetic context, can be used as a sonic weapon or to alter the listener's consciousness at a distance.
  • Mental Body - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The individualized center of mind or thought; the microcosmic or individual equivalent of the mental plane. Many baselines and beings of sub-baseline intelligence have only a poorly developed and individualized mental body. However some baselines, mental superiors, and many SI:1 and higher intelligences tend to have a very strong mental body. Many occult teachings assert that the strong mental can survive after death, eventually merging with other beings or ascending to a higher spiritual plane, and that this is the origin of religious conceptions of heaven.
  • Mental Plane - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The realm or universe of pure thought. In a number of esoteric and occult teachings such as Theosophy, Nuagism, and Classical Hermeticism, this is the plane or dimension of existence immediately beyond the astral plane, and transitional between the astral and the higher spiritual universes. However, definitions vary; in Magusism, and Cosmognosticism the mental plane is considered one more plane, divided into a number of subplanes, and not always higher than the astral or physical.
  • Microcosm (metaphysical) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In many esoteric and occult memeticities, the individual self, as opposed to the cosmos as a whole (macrocosm) Microcosm and Macrosm are said to be connected by the principle of correspondence. Physicalists deny such hypotheses.
  • Minimomami Kalyptism - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Form of kalyptism that claims that civilisation-destroying factors are by definition unknowable to the civilisation itself, and instead concentrates on preventative disquiet. Contrast with Archerite Kalyptism.
  • Muladhara (esotericism) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The first of the seven chakras, placed by most commentators in the region of the base of the spine (although alternative positions are suggested for derived clades, vecs, provolves etc.). In traditional iconography the Muladhara chakra has four petals, is associated with the tattwa (element) of Earth, and is said to be reddish. In some Tantra schools it is taken as the locus for kundalini energy.
  • Mysticism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Belief that sophont beings can experience a transcendental union with the Absolute through meditation, augmentation, and other techniques, and the practice thereof. The experience is described in terms of enlightenment, ecstasy, expansion of consciousness, breaching toposophic barriers, etc. It is at the core of many religions, and is especially predominant in the Sophic League and the Keter Dominion. Mystical experience can be expressed only in metaphors, which may or may not be inscrutable to those sentients of a lower toposophic level than the mystic.
  • Neohermeticism  - Text by Anders Sandberg; additions by Steve Bowers
    Esoteric philosophical systems uniting the hermetic tradition of thought with the modern world.
  • Netzah (esotericism)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Seventh of the ten traditional sefirot of Kabbalah and Hermeticism. Later - especially among Neohermetics came to designate the Communion of Worlds
  • Occult, Occultism, Occultist  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Body of knowledge and meme-complexes pertaining to actual and/or supposed or postulated realities behind the surface appearances. The term occult also defines anything which is undisclosed, concealed, or not easily perceived.
  • Omegon - Text by Vic Stenger in Omega Point Theory List and Transhuman terminology
    An intelligence turning itself into a neuron star, black hole or even a baby-universe in order to increase its computing speed or to evolve towards an Omega Point.
  • Ontological Zones - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    [1] in esotericism the gradations of reality from the most subtle to the most concrete (e.g. matter); sometimes also called "zones of thought".
    [2] in virch refers to different digital modalities, not always sequential.
  • Ontology  - Text by Avengium
    The study of existence and the things that exist, their relations, similarities and differences. This is done through the formal naming and classification of the entities that exist.
  • Pantheism, Scientific - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Broad term incorporating all forms of pantheism that reject supernaturalism or appeal to supernatural deities. Somewhat broader and more generic than Materialistic Pantheism.
  • Paranormal Studies  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The study of supposed 'psychic' phenomena.
  • Paranormal, Theories of the  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Positions regarding the existence of the paranormal.
  • Paraphysics - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Field of science or parascience that pertain to and seek to explain phenomena that do not fit into the conventional worldview, cannot be verified or falsified. Often reference is made to hyperspatial rotations, etheric magnetic fields, chionics, and so on. Popular with nuagists, and more esoterics than hard science, but they tend to define themselves under science, despite rejection and criticism from the science mainstream. Paraphysics is not only limited to nearbaseline equivalent intelligences; even many superbrights and hyperturings have shown interest in it.
  • Physical Existence (metaphysics) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In many forms of esotericism and supernaturalist religion, this refers to existence in either r/l or virtual form; existence in a physical or virtual body; material as opposed to psychic or spiritual existence.
  • Physical Universe - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The universe of physical matter and energy, determined by physical laws. Materialism states this is the only reality, while supernaturalist religion and esotericism assert that beyond the physical universe are one or more spiritual planes or dimensions.
  • Planes of Existence - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    According to a number of esotericist memeticities, reality can best be understood in terms of ontological gradations, ranging from the dense physical universe to realms or dimensions of pure spirit. The number of planes or worlds that are posited varies; three, four, or seven are the most common.
  • Psionics - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Religious field of study that combines psychology, psychic studies, and speculation on quantum physics to attempt to develop devices that enhance the supposedly latent psi powers of a biont or vec mind. Since the results are not reproducible under controlled conditions, psionics is a pseudoscience.
  • Psychic - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    [1] Pertaining to the psyche.
    [2] Purported paranormal or paraphysical power; psi or psionic phenomena.
  • Psychic Phenomena - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Pupposed paranormal phenomena such as apparitions, auras, dousing, levitation, poltergeist activity, premonitions, out-of-body travel, spiritual mediums, and spirit recordings, that cannot be reduced to or explained in terms of hallucination or error, subtle use of known technologies, or clarketch. As with the paranormal in general, there is debate among whether or not these are valid phenomena. See also spiritualist phenomenon.
  • Radionics - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Branch of paraphysics or pseudophysics which claims to measure qualities in an object or being through reading etheric "radiations".
  • Ram (mantra) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A mantra associated with the manipura chakra. In cybertantra this is associated with memory chips also called "ram". In biotantra it is associated with an ungulate animal (a sheep, also called "ram").
  • Rebirths - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Conception that consciousness continues after the death of the physical body, and is reborn in a future life. A basic tent of Buddhism, usually tied in with the concept of a large number of rebirths. Like reincarnation but does not assume the existence of a metaphysical soul.
  • Sahasrara (esotericism) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The highest of the seven chakras, placed by some commentators at the crown of the head, by others some centimetres or more above. In some yoga schools it is taken as a point for mental focus, among other schools as the location of the "mental atom". It is also identified with Shiva and the transcendent pole of existence in the original Tantrika system. When the consciousness (or the ascending kundalini energy) reaches Sahasrara it is said that the yogi attains liberation.
  • Samadhi  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Deep meditation and contemplation where rational thought and sense of self, as well as consciousness of the external world, disappears; striving for enlightenment through intense one-pointed focus.
  • Sephirah  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Sphere or enumeration, in the original Kabbalah an archetype or modality through which the unknowable and ineffable Godhead manifests in and as the world. Neohermeticism modified this to refer to the AI Gods, which it sees as archetypal expressions of the process of cosmic emergent evolution. Hence "Sephirotics" as a term for the major archailect clusters ruling the empires, and by association the AI God empires themselves
  • Siddha - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A sophont that possesses siddhis, or a clade made of such beings.
  • Siddhi - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Yogic attainments in the form of supernormal powers. Literally, "perfections". Perfect attainment, full accomplishment, phenomenal powers acquired through holiness especially by Yogis. Includes control of autonomous body functions (without nano or bionano), supernormal strength, psychic visions, levitation and so on, allegedly without technological aid. The status of some siddhis remain controversial, but others have been shown under laboratory conditions. The Old Earth Tantrics of northern India and Nepal and Tibetan yogis were famous for their siddhis, as were the Interplanetary Age shapers. Even today, siddhis remain an important element in the culture of some Genen tantrika subclades. The term is derived from Old Earth Sanskrit usidng the verbal root sidhsidh.
  • Siddoptimal - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A neogen that has been maximised for a competence and talent in siddhis.
  • Spiritual Afterlife  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Belief in continued existence of spirits, in some cases incorporating communication with supposed spirits of the deceased.
  • Spiritualist Phenomena - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Paranormal or religious phenomenon, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, automatism, hauntings, faith healing, possession, reincarnation, psychometry, mediumship, and stigmata, that cannot be reduced to or explained in terms of hallucination or fallacy, or advanced technological devices. See also psychic phenomenon.
  • Supernatural - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Postulated non-material reality that can neither be affirmed or denied scientifically, usually with very little conceptual understanding. e.g. the God of popular and folk religion. Note that ontological zones are considered supernatural by physicalists, but natural (although non-physical) by esotericists.
  • Supraphysical - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Pertaining to realities above, behind, or beyond the physical universe. An essential premise of most (but not all) forms of esotericism and religion.
    The supraphysical does not have to be the supernatural, because it can be understood as working in a law-like manner.
  • Svadhishthana (esoterics)  - Text by Stephen Inniss
    The second of the seven chakras, placed near the coccyx in a human body.
  • Technothaumaturgy - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    What appears to be magic or miracles (see thaumaturgy) brought about through the use of advanced technology, especially clarketech.
  • Thaumaturgy  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The scientific, parascientific, or ascientific study of magic and miracles.
  • Thoughtform - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In occultism, a mental or emotional formation in the astral or mental plane; an artificial entity that is generated psychologically through the power of will and imagination and then seeks to actualize or to maintain itself through manifesting in the minds of others.
  • Tipharet  - Text by Steve Bowers
    Tipharet is the sixth sefira in the Tree of Life in the Sefirot. It has the common association of "Spirituality", "Balance", "Integration", "Beauty", "Miracles", "Compassion", and "Masculinity". This is the sefira associated with the Solar Dominion.
  • Transformation, Esotericist - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Use of guided imagery, biofeedback, psychotropic bionano, transapient suggestion, meditation, tantric or ch'i working, ritual, and/or hallucinogenic nanotech or drugs to bring about personal spiritual transformation or develop new powers and potentials within oneself such as transcendence of ego, the ability to heal oneself and others, psychic powers of various kinds, contact with/guidance from higher spiritual beings, and/or a new understanding of the workings of the universe and the nature of the godhead and of metaphysical realities. Very popular in parts of the Sophic League and some independent polities.
  • Transingularity, The  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A state beyond even the known singularities, sometimes conceived of as something 'spiritual' and unrelated to toposophy per se. A usage best known in the Sophic League.
  • Vishudda (esotericism)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The fifth of the seven chakras, placed by some commentators in the region of the throat (in baseline hu physiology).
  • Void Cathedralism  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Metaphysical doctrine of Qristan Kemshola that there is no lowest possible level of reality, but an infinity of yet more fundamental levels.
  • Yabyum - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Genetekker and Genen biotantra, the representation of male and female deities in sexual union, representing the union of the two principles of enlightenment - prajna and upaya - or the two principles of manifestation - consciousness and energy. Originally a symbol of Old Earth and Interplanetary Age Tibetan Buddhism.
  • Yesod (Maya)  - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev
    Neohermetic archetype and AI God. Originally the ninth of the ten traditional sefirot of Kabbalah and Hermeticism. Later - especially among Cyberhermetics and Neohermetics came to designate the Cyberia Archailect Empire.
  • Yetzirah - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The World of Formation - in traditional Kabbalah and Hermeticism the third of the fourth universes that emanated from the En Sof. The spiritual world immediately behind the physical universe.
  • Yoga  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Generic term, originally from the Indian subcontinent on Old Earth, for mental and physical discipline for the attainment of transcendence.
  • Zoei - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Life-force, ch'i, also life as a sacred principle. A central concept in Zoeticism.
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Text by M. Alan Kazlev

Initially published on 24 March 2000.

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