Image from Copyright P Bourne

Part meme, part noesis, religion is something that seems to deny all categorisation. Yet it is always there. As sentient beings, organic or inorganic, Terragen or xenosophont, spread throughout the universe in the centuries following the discovery of space flight, they took with them their philosophies, religions, theories and arguments about the nature of the universe and of Ultimate Reality. Among every species and race there emerged and still emerge teachers, prophets, messiahs, avatars, and Buddhas, sometimes bogus and manipulative, sometimes genuine. There is a saying among the Neo-Buddhists of Potala Biosphere that even the great Archailect Gods who can manipulate the very fabric of spacetime, are just in as need of enlightenment as the most ignorant ferals of Chaos March. Whether this saying is true or not, who knows, but even the greatest of the AIs are seen to be working to purposes and goals that go beyond even their nature.
  • ::GN - RealNews - SUPER ADVANCED ALIENS FOUND!::  - Text by Radtech497

  • Absolute, The - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A term for the impersonal Supreme Reality, the Godhead, Brahman, Tao, etcetera. Also variously called The Grand Unity, Ultimate Singularity, Omega, Monomega, God, Godhead, Shunya, etc. Obviously, not all these terms overlap, or are even equivalent.
  • Acosmism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Extreme mystical-philosophical position that states that the physical universe (both r/l and virch) is ultimately unreal, and that only the Absolute is real.
  • Advaita Vedanta  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Popular monistic acosmic non-dualist mystical philosophy of Old Earth Hinduism.
  • Ahimsa - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Harmlessness; non-violence; one of the cardinal virtues of many religions and ideologies. Originally a Sanskrit word. The sanctity of life is embodied in the teachings of the Buddhists and Jains, as well as of many Hindu schools and in many religious sects and phyles throughout the Zoeific Biopolity and the Utopia Sphere. Asoka, the first Buddhist emperor (Old Earth Classical Age), particularly espoused ahimsa as part of the practice of dharma. Zoe of Hibbert herself - the forerunner of the Green and Blue Goddess - has said "all life is sacred".
  • Akasa, Akasha - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Hindu and Tantric thought, cosmic space; the fifth cosmic element; the vehicle of mantra. In Theosophy and neotheosophy, the shining; ether, subtle, supersensuous spiritual essence which pervades all space, cosmic spirit-substance, the reservoir of being and of beings. In Nuage and neo-nuage thought, the substance on which the cosmic memory is imprinted; by reading this a clairvoyant is supposedly able to tap into past events - hence "akashic record".
  • Alphaism  - Text by Steve Bowers
    A counterpoint to Omega point theology that arose during the Second Federation. Alphaists maintain that intelligence arose extremely early during the universe, and that an advanced civilisation, entity, or group of entities existed at that time.
  • Anattism; Generic Subjective Immortality  - Text by Crossroads
    The idea, or belief, that a being's subjective experience is endless and continues through endless rebirth, although their memories do not persist.
  • Anukarma school  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Buddhist sect/school of thought, based on the teachings of Apadammai Tanbodhi, asserts that each copy inherits only a "quantum" of the karma of the alpha, although e inherits all the alpha's consciousness and memories. Contrast with the Sarvakarma school.
  • Archailectology, Schools of  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Many interpretations of the nature of the Archailects have developed among lower toposophic minds, including ordinary sapients. While some are too abstract and obscure to be comprehensible to subsingularitan intelligence, others are popular among everyday bionts, vecs, and aioids of the galaxy. Not that not all these options are mutually exclusive:
  • Archaitheology  - Text by Steve Bowers
    The worship of Transapients and/or Archailects as gods
  • Archon - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Classical Gnosticism, one of the lesser gods or rulers of the material world, as distinguished from the Aeons or transcendent divinities of pure Spirit; in late Federation Hermeticism, a supernatural god or deity, usually associated with a particular archetype; in the Keter dominion, a secondary archailect charged with overseeing a star system or local sector.
  • Atonism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Also known as Solarism. Emergence and Establishment Age religion, based on neo-Egyptian and cyberhermetic interpretation of high toposophic AIs, especially the AI Cluster that was to become the Lord of Rays. Atonists colonized Xi Majoris, naming it Abydos. Later the system was renamed Fons Luminis after the Bordean revolution.
  • Augustine  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Old Earth Agricultural Age (Western Civilization Classical Age), 1615-1539 BT (354 - 430 c.e.) Christian Theologian and Saint; one of the four Latin Fathers of the Old Catholic Church.
  • Aurobindo, Sri  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A 1st century BT Old Earth activist, philosopher, yogi, and teacher.
  • Avatar (religion)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Incarnation of God or a god in human or other modosophont form.
  • Ba  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The human soul; closely connected with the heart, and usually depicted as a hawk with a human head.
  • Backup of Last Resort  - Text by Ian Campbell

  • Bardo  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Tantric Buddhism, the interval or intermediate state between two states, such as between two births (in reincarnation).
  • Belief  - Text by Steve Bowers
    Acceptance of a worldview or memeticity on faith or trust, without critical intellectual analysis.
  • Belief System - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Any personally held philosophy, religion, ideology, or worldview; a type of meme-complex, usually pertaining to a metaphysical or a-rational assumption of of how the universe works. Both secular religions, like atheism, Buddhism, and Platonic Materialism, and supernaturalist religions, like Christianity and Solarism, are examples of a belief-system.
  • Beneficence   - Text by Glen Finney
    The history of the Beneficence ethico-religious movement stretches as far back as 2nd century AT (21st century c.e.) Earth, and ever since has been a small but significant element in the history of early Terragen civilization.
  • Benisolism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Omegist philosophy of Mahara Benisol.
  • Bilatism - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Techno-religious style widespread in MPA 6900-7300, centred around extreme evolutionism and the vision of organic growth as the underlying dynamics of civilizations and gods.
  • Bioism  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Life-worship, with its origins as a major spiritual movement in the middle of the first century AT (or in the 21st century c.e.) as an outgrowth both of the romantic/neopagan side of the environmentalist movement and the various complexity movements on the transhumanist side of the spectrum. It has seen many different expressions and elaborations in the millennia since, especially in the Zoeific Biopolity.
  • Bodhicitta - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Literally "enlightened mind". The ideal Buddha or bodhisattva state according to some Buddhist sects.
  • Brahman  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Hindu religion and Indian memetics in general, the supreme, impersonal, absolute reality, which is the indweller in every entity, animate and inanimate, the true nature of the self (Atman), and of the essence of being-consciosuness-bliss (sachchidananda).
  • Bruno, Giordano - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Old Earth Italian philosopher, poet, and priest who spread the ideas of Copernicus and also taught that there were an infinity of worlds in the universe, and that the stars were other suns. He was executed by the ecclesia of his time (the Catholic Church) for heresy, though whether this related to his cosmological speculations or his theological views is a matter of dispute.
  • Buddha - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Buddhism and many other religions and memetics based on or inspired by it, one who is awakened, enlightened; one who is spiritually awakened, who has transcended limits of the relative self and attaiined to the true nature of reality.
  • Buddha, The (Siddhartha Gautama)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Siddhartha Gautama, member of a Northern Indian royal family, who left his wife, children and political involvements in order to seek truth as an ascetic mendicant. He studied the various spiritual teachings of his day but ultimately rejected them, and through his own efforts and meditation attained enlightenment and founded Buddhism in 2498 BT (535 b.c.e.).
  • Buddhabrain - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    An ISO, moon-node, jupiter-node, or nebula brain that has attained a state of holistic Enlightenment.
  • Buddhai - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    An enlightened ai (generally hyperturing or above), a transapient Mind that has transcended all toposophic levels, and indeed all phenomenal existence.
  • Buddhism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    An belief system founded by Siddhartha Gautama in India on Old Earth, in the 25th century BT (5th century b.c.e.) A practical memetic and spiritual psychology and atheistic religion, it teaches the impermanence and unsatisfactoriness of samsaric (embodied, phenomenal) existence, the absence of a persisting self or soul, and the path to nirvana and enlightenment.
  • Catholic Church  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Also known as the Roman Catholic Church. A major Old Earth division of Christianity.
  • Centauri Vehicle  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A Federation period Buddhist school.
  • Ch'i  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The vital principle, or life-force that flows through living bodies and links them to their surroundings. A central concept in Penglaese, Chin, Genetekkerese, Genen, and Zoeific Biopolity memeticities and bioaugmentation and self-development techniques.
  • Chakra (esotericism)  - Text by Stephen Inniss
    According to Old Earth Hindu tantric/yogic belief systems, and many belief systems derived from or inspired by them, points of nonphysical energy in the mystic or 'subtle' body.
  • Chesed, Hesed  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The fourth of the ten sefirah, representing the archetypal principle of mercy and boundless giving. Also the fourth highest toposophic rank in the Keterist hierarchy
  • Christianity  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Old Earth religion based on belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ.
  • Chrono-Transcendent Soul, The  - Text by Steve Bowers
    A religious or philosophical belief that all beings share a single soul, which travels back and forth in time to inhabit each entity in turn.
  • Church of Crisis, The  - Text by John B
    A social and cultural phenomenon found in both extreme hider clades and autotopias, each with different interpretations on the 'True Works' of one "G'nt ValParadizo", a semi-mythical baseline from around 2,000 a.t., who was convinced that transapients at the highest toposophic level of the day had made significant errors and were under some form of external control.
  • Church of Quantum Suicide, The  - Text by Steve Bowers, from an idea by Hans Moravec
    Fringe religion based on an interpretation of quantum physics.
  • Church of the Cosmic Christ, The  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    One of the larger derivatives of Christianity in the Inner Sphere.
  • Church of the Great Programmer, The  - Text by Steve Bowers
    Widespread vec and aioid religion.
  • Church of the Original Sacrement  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Minor theistic religion, based on elements of heterodox NeoCatholic Christianity, Solarism, and other sects, distributed through parts of the NoCoZo and Sophic League. Through an unfortunate misreading of several historical records, they use a lazurogened divine clone called "Craise" as a sacrificial sacrament. This has led to some persecution by rival groups.
  • Church of the Resurrected Eä  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Ai worship corporate religion, worshiping Eä Mulsystems.
  • Church of The Truly Re-Engineered Light - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Keterist religion with a penchant for hyper-rational anarchy. Disbanded in 2680. See also Auto-Holding-Container.
  • Classical Omega Point Theory  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Assertion that the future c-boundary of the universe is an Omega Point. Although a number of Tiplerite clades and religions hold this view, it is not widely accepted, especially in the face of evidence that the universe is open rather than closed. The theory originates with information age transhumanist Frank Tipler.
  • Collective Unconscious - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Jungism the collective repository of unconscious thoughts, feelings, and memories that pertain to an entire clade, rather than an individual. Also supposed to be the source of archetypes, although this is disputed by some schools.
  • Conreligion - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Constructed religion, a religion that has been deliberately formulated rather than being received as revelation or tradition.
  • Corporate Religions  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    See Philosophy of Abundance.
  • Cosmism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Generic name for any of a number of independent AI-worshipping pantheistic religions that developed during the early Interplanetary period.
  • Cosmocyclism  - Text by Alphadon

  • Cosmognosticism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Generic pantheistic or acosmist religious cosmology or philosophy popular in parts of the Sophic League which explains the universe in terms of a long series of emanations from a transcendent Godhead. Not world negating in the sense of classical gnosticism, although it shares the same baroque vision of spiritual planes of existence, gods, archetypes, and worlds beyond worlds.
  • Cosmopaganism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Optimistic shamanic-based belief that the whole universe is alive, and that meditation, worship and religious ceremony and celebration can be directed towards stars, nebula, galaxies, and in contemplation of interstellar distances. Popular in the Zoeific Biopolity, the Orion Federation, FAS, and elsewhere.
  • Deific Mind Coalescence Studies - Text by Glen Finney
    Fields of study that investigate and theorize about trends toward the merging of minds at higher toposophic levels around archetypal and other attractors. See also Archetype, Attractor, Noetics, OmniPersonality Theory.
  • Deity, Sectarian Interpretations  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Many religions, mystic and esoteric paths and memeticities have different approaches to and interpretations of the nature of deity. This varies greatly according to one's memetic, sephirotic or toposophic orientation. For some, only those truths and experiences pertaining to their own god or gods are acknowledged as valid. This may refer to an Archailects which may or may not be considered co-essential with the Godhead / Enlightenment / etc. - depending on one's memeticity. A Solarist for example may consider that the Lord of Rays is the physico-cosmic embodiment of the Supreme Light, but a supernaturalist-monotheistic worshipping hu considers that blasphemous. For that matter, so do the citizens of other Archailect empires
  • Destinarianism  - Text by Darren Ryding
    A controversial religion that originated in the Tiralfia polity in the 7000s AT.
  • Dharma - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Spiritual path, spiritual obligation; spiritual teaching, especially of a Buddhist or quasi-Buddhist sort
  • Dharmakaya - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The absolute reality; the transcendent body of a Buddha.
  • Divination - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The use of various techniques to allegedly foretell the future, usually based on an arbitrary randomiser or random event, such as Predictive Astrology, I Ching, Precliology, Quantum Gazing, Runes, Scrying, Tarot Cards, Wave Function Reading, and more.
  • Dualist Meta-Theology  - Text by Glen Finney
    A school of thought that performs comparative theology with the following thesis: our spacetime continuum is the work of a beneficent deity whose creation was disrupted by a maleficent deity of comparable power.
  • Ekumenikon - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Religious cooperation organizations during the Federation Era. As a response to the integration of the various Terragen clades many religions and their churches began to negotiate mutual agreements on nonaggression, protection, shared facilities and mutually beneficial projects. The formation of the Sophic League was to a large extent the result of the unification of a number of major Ekumenikons.
  • Enlightenment  - Text by Michael LaTorra and M. Alan Kazlev
    In some belief systems, a metaphysical state characterized by great compassion, a high level of awareness, and a certain indifference to phenomena that are deemed to be transitory.
  • EOCC (Evangelical Orthodox Catholic Christianity)  - Text by Stephen Inniss
    A branch of Christianity that arose during the Technocalypse in Solsys in the habs orbiting Saturn.
  • Escapist Gnosticism  - Text by Glen Finney
    An offshoot of gnosticism that shares most of the tenets of the Universal Freedom Gnostics (UFGs), but applies them in a much more benign form.
    They believe that the material universe is evil and seek to escape into the spiritual universe. However, death is no release as conscious beings are constantly being reincarnated. Only when the material universe no longer supports conscious beings can any truly escape.
  • Etodism  - Text by Aaron Hamilton
    Religion of the infinite path, particularly active in the Yoson Confederacy.
  • Ex nihilo - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Creation from nothing; in contrast to creation of order from chaos. A common element in the theology of many monotheistic memeticities.
  • Expiationism  - Text by Stephen Inniss
    Philosophy or hypothesis that transapients are to sapient beings as sapient beings are to sentient life, and for that reason sapient beings owe a moral, karmic, or historical debt which must be paid.
  • Extropism (religion) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Interplanetary Age religion, an extension of extropist philosophy, based on rigid application of Extropian Principles and worship of Max More as an avatar. Although the actual Max More turingrade upload and eir associated copies and ais vigorously denounced the movement, its leadership retained control through a selective isolation of the community in the Belt Habitat Extropia. The habitat, along with the few remaining members of the sect, were destroyed in the Technocalypse in 566 AT.
  • Festival - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Originally (in pre-technological) strongly tied to harvests and the year, festivals came to be related to different social, spiritual and emotional functions. Some of these continued to persist long after the religion or philosophy that invented them disappeared. Today, festivals tied to nature and the year are most often local, and associated with prim or low tech planetary societies. Religious festivals follow their own calendars, but with a few exceptions religions doesn't dominate entire empires. But these basic socio-emotional festivals are celebrated very broadly.
  • Folk Religion - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The popular, SI:<1 to S<<1 expression or development of religion; much less sophisticated nature than the central theological expression of the faith, and usually incorporating indigenous local cultural and other heterodox memes.
  • Fractal Brotherhood, The  - Text by Thorbørn Steen
    The members of the Fractal Brotherhood in the Sophic League seek to suppress the self and achieve nirvana by concentrating on the search for Buddha Fractals.
  • Francisclarans  - Text by Stephen Inniss
    An Expiationist religion devoted to the protection of the less powerful sentient, sophont, or transapient beings from abuse by those of higher toposophic levels.
  • Gaia  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Also called the Mother of Life and Mother Earth. The deity worshiped by a number of pagan and ecological Earth Religions (see Gaianism) during the Information and Interplanetary Ages in Solsys. Based on a misinterpretation or elaboration of James Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis. These beliefs were reinterpreted in a variety of ways after the advent of the transapient being named GAIA.
  • Genetekker Vehicle Buddhism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Interplanetary age Genetekker development of Vajrayana/Buddhist Tantra that rejects the asceticism of orthodox Buddhism. First appeared in habitats around Jupiter in the Gengineer Republic. It still has a small following among a few Genetekker-descended groups in the Sol System and a few other old core worlds.
  • Gnosticism, Classical  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev, Glen Finney
    Old Earth Classical Age religio-philosophical dualistic memeticity that posited a fundamental opposition of spirit and matter. According to Classical Gnosticism the cosmos was an "error" created by an inferior deity. Spirit is imprisoned in matter (the the cosmos) and has to be freed, usually by spiritual knowledge (gnosis), asceticism, antinomianism, or other approaches.
  • God  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    [1] Colloquially, one of the most powerful Archailects. Each Archailect embodies a particular noetic archetype, reflected in the large region of interstellar space under its influence.
    [2] In religion, a being with supernatural attributes and powers, often the recipient of worship and sometimes seen as creator of all or part of the universe.
    [3] The personal hypostasis of the Godhead or the Inner Light.
    [4] In metaphysics or philosophy, the first cause or first principle, which precedes the cosmos logically (but, unlike religion, not necessarily sequentially)
  • Godhead - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The ineffable Absolute Reality, the Ground of being; the goal of the mystic path.
  • Grek  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Grek is a religion whose gods are based on mixture of the ancient gods of Greece and Rome during the Bronze and Iron Ages on Earth.
  • Guru Kahachak  - Text by Kirran Lochhead Strang
    A highly influential religious figure from the Sophic League during the Post-ComEmp Era.
  • H'me'ch  - Text by Kirran Lochhead Strang
    An famous world of the Umma Shell, To'ul'hformed by Islamic settlers, and long-renowned for its status as a xenosophont-majority Islamic world.
  • Henotheism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Worship of one god or archailect, while recognizing the existence of other deities. The high god does not absolutely control other gods, but rather is (depending on the religion, the worshippers and the orientation) a sort of paternal/maternal figure or master node.
  • Hinduism  - Text by Kirran Lochhead Strang
    A broad religious metatradition, incorporating atheist, monotheist, nondualist, pantheist, panentheist, animist, polytheist and other viewpoints, and a wide diversity of practices. It is arguably the oldest of the Old Earth religions.
  • Hypostasis (theology) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    One of the personalities of the Godhead; a part or aspect of an Archailect or Archailect Cluster; an aspect of a supernatural deity - e.g. the Christ of the Reformed Catholic Church.
  • Immanence - Text by Stephen Inniss
    In philosophy, archailectology, and theology, the idea that the divine presence (however defined) is manifest in the material world. In monotheistic, pantheistic, or panentheistic world views this is part of a view that the spiritual world interpenetrates the physical world. Materialists may apply the word to the omnipresence of higher toposophic beings from the point of view of lower toposophic entities. Often seen as contrasting with transcendence, the idea that the divine entity is outside or beyond the observable world, though of course the two concepts are not mutually exclusive.
  • Inner Light - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Solarism, the stainless, pure, perfect and lucid Light of the Inner Self, which is also the Light of God, as embodied and expressed through the Lord of Rays and Eir emissary the God Emperor.
  • Inner Self - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The inner, spiritual core of one's being. A central element of many religions and esoteric teachings. Also known as the soul, the self, the essence, the atman, etc.
  • Ipsemism; Manifold Immortality  - Text by Steve Bowers
    Religion started by the virtual sophont Laron Ipsem.
  • Islam  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Old Earth monotheistic religion based on belief in one God and Muhammad, circa 1399 to 1337 BT (570 to 632 c.e.) as the last of a series of Prophets of God.
  • Jesus Christ  - Text by Stephen Inniss
    A human from the Agricultural Age of Old Earth, born somewhere between 1975 and 1971 BT (6-2 b.c.e.) and died 1939 BT (30 c.e.). Founder of Christianity, and still worshipped as God in human form in some parts of the Galaxy by Christians and by members of some derived faiths.
  • Jesus the 'Borg  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev, amended by Steve Bowers
    Argelander (NoCoZo)-based Christian-cyborg crypto-corporate religion. A strange mix of conservatism and hipness. Their theology is based on cyber-utopianism as the perfect exemplar for a "Christian Life".
  • Jobitarianism  - Text by Darren Ryding
    A Terragen religion that emerged after the Technocalypse; followers take the very human and long-suffering figure of Job as their ideal.
  • Jovism  - Text by MacGregor
    A religious tradition dating back to the late Interplanetary Age centered on the veneration of Jove, the Supreme Being, who is associated with the planet Jupiter.
  • Jungism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Mythico-psychological religious school, developed from the psychological theories of atomic age psychoanalyst C. G. Jung. It became an important minor religion during the Interplanetary Age. Jungism reached a zenith during the CoEmp but remains of local importance in the present day.
  • Kabristaanis  - Text by Kirran Lochhead Strang
    A radical religious biopunk subculture from Interplanetary Age South Asia on Old Earth. Outgrowths of the subculture into Solsys space had influences upon certain religious groups and genetekker-related cultures.
  • Karma - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Literally action, or the causes and consequences of action; that which produces change. In Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Sophic League, the linked cause and effect that is the principle of continued existence (samsara). Many esoteric memeticities reject the concept of judgment by a supernatural deity or capricious archailect in favor of a universal law or principle, by which one's previous actions result in an effect or reaction that preserves the moral equilibrium by compensating and adjusting all actions, excessive or defective. According to some theosophical and esoteric traditions, there are many types of karma, such as individual, family, clade, social, polity, empire, po, etc.
  • Karma Yoga - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The Yoga of Works. In Hinduism, one of the three traditional approaches to at-one-ment or union with the Divine; in this case by means of unselfish action or deeds. An important principle not only in the the Sophic League but among a number of other polities, especially monastic ones.
  • Karuna - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Selfless compassion; love and sympathetic joy for all beings. Buddhism and Buddhist-based and inspired religions, memeticities, and Sophic-type noeticities encourage various meditations to cultivating compassion. See also Mahakaruna.
  • Kathenotheism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Worship of one god (whether natural, archailect, or supernatural) at a time. Contrast with Henotheism.
  • Keterism  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Spiritual-social philosophical framework, the core ideology/religion of the Keter Dominion.
  • Khu - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Classical Egyptian and Neo-Egyptian thought, the spirit-soul, closely connected with the heart (ab), and considered to be everlasting; usually depicted in Classical Egyptian hieroglyphics in the form of a heron. While the definition varies somewhat, generally a contrast is made with the Ba or soul and the Ka or double; the Khu being more associated with the higher or transcendent heaven. Keterist Neoegyptists identify the Khu with the act of ascension to a higher toposophic.
  • Kja Observance  - Text by Steve Bowers and Anders Sandberg
    Biocentric vec religion, Kja Observance or biology worship, tolerated but not sanctioned by Metasoft, has two main dogmatic schools,pertaining to the amount and quality of revered biological matter incorporated into the body of the believer. A third school - Virtual Kja Observance - has developed and spread to the rival Vec house of the Silicon Generation.
  • Kollam Rianths  - Text by Kirran Lochhead Strang
    An extinct elephantine rianth clade which emerged and dwindled away during the Interstellar Era, based around a particular trend of Hindu devotionalism or bhakti.
  • Kringslerism - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Business-religion combining ancient Christianity with market worship and some unhealthy elements of fascism. It lasted from 3850-4100, and eventually collapsed into schism. The Kringslerites then began a drawn out genocidal war among themselves until everybody lost sight of them during the Version War.
  • KuanYinism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    First Federation period cyborg devotional-meditation worship school, originally derived from Mahayanist worship of Kuan Yin and incorporating elements of the Universal Church.
  • Kwan-yin  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Chinese Buddhist goddess of compassion, a popular religious figure that became quite influential among Chinese and other ethnicities (including several Genetekker clans) during the Interplanetary period.
  • Magusism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Esoteric - occult memeticity based on the development of individual psychic powers, usually by means of wetware and - in some cases, transapientech augments. Some sects are more traditionally religious and public, others tend to reclusive and sometimes elitist. They are not aligned with any of the AI empires.
  • Mahayana  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Major Old Earth Buddhist sect, now rarely practised.
  • Maitreyism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A ComEmp period baseline/near-baseline eschatological Omegist sect that identified the Maitreya Buddha with the Omega Exemplar; the famous Teilhard Maitreyists integrated this with Omegist Christianity. Still has a number of followers today.
  • Maldavian Biopsychism  - Text by Thorbørn Steen
    A system of belief which states that only biological creatures can have souls.
  • Marketer Fleet, The  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Marketing cult and para-religion.
  • Marsfather Movement, The  - Text by James Rogers
    Religious movement that emerged on the planet Mars during the late Nanotech Age.
  • Mechanists, Mechanism  - Text by Stephen Inniss
    In philosophy and metaphysics, the theory or belief that all observable phenomena can be explained by physical causes. In ideologies or religions, the belief that mechanical systems, devices and persons are fundamentally superior to any and all biological systems, particularly evolved ones.
  • Meditation - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Techniques for modifying consciousness to attain enhanced, non-ordinary, or mystic states. May involve postures (asanas), watching the breath, mantras, or mindfulness. Purists (especially Sophics and Xenodharmists) avoid use of augments, or use only minimal wet- bio- or cyber-ware. However, many meditators use hacks such as Patanjali and Buddhabiobot.
  • Metamortalism  - Text by Steve Bowers
    A belief system which rejects modern forms of immortality such as life extension and backup technology.
  • Moksha - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In hu (especially Indian Hindu ethnic) mysticism, liberation, release, transcendence of embodied existence. The Hindu equivalent term to Nirvana. Also called Mukti, Kaivalya, etc.
  • Monaism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    1. Worship of an AI, especially an archailect, as the one supreme Archailect.
    2. Belief that all the higher toposophics are different aspects of a single Mind.
  • Monasticism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Reclusive spiritual-contemplative communal lifestyle option, especially popular in the Sophic League and among mystic-orientated sophonts in general.
  • Monomegism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Religious and philosophical belief that one's own AI as the one that will eventually grow into the template of Omega. Monomegism became the ideological underpinning or at least undercurrent of much of the emerging empires and their continued expansion in the age of Empires.
  • Monotheism, Theism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Religious paradigm or meme-group, as distinguished from deism polytheism, pantheism or atheism, that professes the existence of a personal, transcendent God (whether archailect or supernatural) who created, preserves and governs the world. Among pre-singularity terragens, classical monotheism was held by Judaism, Christianity and Islam; some other religions, such as early Zoroastrianism and later Greek religion, were monotheistic to a lesser degree. Monotheism appears to be an attractor, it has appeared spontaneously among a number of cultures and races, even xenosophonts. Explanations for monotheism range from the supernatural and cosmological (there really is a "God, whether a spirit or an archailect from a previous universe") through the memetoselective, to various psychological hypotheses (parental projection and internalization, collective unconscious, etc.)
  • Mykultura/Egotheism  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Self-worship, the religious veneration of oneself. Mykultura emerged in the Communion religious communities in the Regernar system in the early 5000's, although commonly Recor Hochent is named as the founder.
  • Neotaoism  - Text by Anders Sandberg, with some notes by M. Alan Kazlev
    Federation Age Penglaiese religion based on Old Earth Taoism and various Interplanetary Age memes.
  • Neotolerikerism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Mytho-religious system based on Baradine Habitat, Garnet, NoCoZo, founded by the Su-bioborg Paxitis Viamontor of Nuieridin that in schism from the True Tolerikerian Church following the system being isolated during the Version War.
  • New Age Movement, Classical - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Old Earth Information Age eclectic religion/movement incorporating elements from contemporary mysticism, theosophy, alternative lifestyle, pop-guru movements, and pseudo-science, that developed as backlash against logic and science. Gave rise to a number of "new religions" while itself continuing under the "nuage" umbrella.
  • Nirvana - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In Buddhism and related forms of classical and neo-classical mysticism and theosophy, the cessation of embodied existence through return to the Absolute Reality. Moksha is equivalent.
  • Nuage, Nuagism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Tolerant pop-esotericist religion and memeplex dating back to the Atomic Age of Old Earth, based on principles of love and fellowship with all beings, meditation, alignment with nature and cosmic forces, and uncritical spirituality.
  • Objective Pantheism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A derived form of Pantheistic Materialism popular among some Cosmologists of the Objectivist Commonwealth. It uses a dense series of mathematical algorithms to "prove" that Pantheistic Materialism is the "logically objective" response of any sentient ai to an understanding of the universe. It is incomprehensible to any sentient of less than 2nd singularity. TRHN Pantheism is a development preferred by some TRHN clades.
  • Om - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Also Aum. In Hinduism and Tantra, a sacred mantra, a syllable of invocation. Om is said to be the vibration of the cosmos. Many mantras begin with this sound. Even today, some Buddhist schools, and both cyber- and bio-tantrikas, still use it.
  • Om Mani Padme Hum - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Literally: Om! The jewel in the lotus, hum! One of the most sacred Tantric Buddhist mantras; used in Old Earth Tibet and in surrounding countries for centuries; became popular among some schools of Genetekkers for a while. Even today there are some clades and sects in the Sophic League that recommend its use. It is claimed that when properly pronounced or changed, it produces different results, differing from the others according to the intonation and will given to the formula and its syllables.
  • Omega Point Theology  - Text by Anders Sandberg, some modifications and additions by M.Alan Kazlev and Steve Bowers
    Religio-philosophical evolutionary cosmology that states all consciousness and existence is evolving towards a singularity of limitless perfection and consummation known as the Omega Point.
  • Omegism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Religio-philosophical evolutionary cosmology based on the teachings of First Federation superbright Mahara Benisol, according to whom consciousness and existence evolves towards a singularity of limitless perfection and consummation [ref. The Bridged Abyss and other works]. See Omega Point Theology and also Benisolism.
  • Omnipersonality Theory (OPT) - Text by Glen Finney
    Theory that the classically named omni-attributes of ultimate deity such as omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, omni-beneficence and omni-appreciation are predictive parameters of such a being's personality, and that as beings approach these attributes, they also approach unity with this personality, and will achieve identity with any other beings possessing these attributes, past, present, and future. OPT is a subset of Deific Mind Coalescence Studies (DMCS).
  • One Soul Movement  - Text by John B; additional material by Steve Bowers
    A group that believes that sophonts of any kind have souls but that copies made from an original do not.
  • Order of St. Christopher - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Solarist starship religious order, founded in 5378 by Nos D388. The members are all starships (mainly relativist craft), serving the Divine Order by transporting beings, equipment and especially wormholes to where they are needed. During the Version War the ships of the order were involved in refugee transports, linelaying and scouting, their efforts gaining them a formal blessing of divine gratitude from H. H. the God Emperor. The order has since then largely been active in the Perseus rift and in the Amalgamation effort.
  • Orthodox Tolerikerian Church  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev, with additional notes by Xaonon
    Mytho-religious system characterized by a mythopoetic quasi-romanticism (longing for an idealist neoprim pre-singularity Old Earth).
  • Paganism, Neopaganism, Ecopaganism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Generic terms for nature-based caretakerist, ecospiritual, polytheistic or pantheistic types of religions, often related to powers of sexuality, cycles of bio-habitat seasons, and so on.
  • Panentheism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Theological/philosophical explanation regarding the nature of God or Godhead.
    Differs from pantheism in asserting that not only is God or Universal Mind identical to the cosmos, but E also transcends the cosmos. Hence Panentheism emphasizes both God's immanence and Eir transcendence. May also incorporate emanationist themes. Panentheism is found in many religions and philosophies - e.g. various Tantric, Taoist, and Sophic schools.
  • Pantheism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Religious or philosophical viewpoint in which God and the universe are identified, stressing God's immanence and denying Eir transcendence.
  • Paramegism - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Omegist theology that assumes that Omega already exists as the attractor in hypospace that all advanced archai merge with - it is not time but size which is the spiritual progression.
  • Paz, Broderik  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Religious visionary, founder of the True Universalist Church, a breakaway faction of Universalism that objected to the Gabrielic reforms of the middle First Federation period.
  • Peitho Buddhism - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Neobuddhism developed by the Peitho school of Povenmire habitat, Rosselia (Sophic League) in 8700's. According to Peitho doctrine, the physical world is actually a hell realm of the true world. The graves of the exemplary dead are sacred places since they have a connection to the true world.
  • Perennial Library - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Any of a number of libraries of perennial memes that is used (especially by Universalists) to interpret or decode higher toposophic mysticism. Critics say that rather than elucidating the S>1 teachings such a methodology imposes a modosophont procrustianism on them.
  • Philosophy of Abundance, The  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The Corporate Religions of the later First Federation period.
  • Physical Existence (metaphysics) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In many forms of esotericism and supernaturalist religion, this refers to existence in either r/l or virtual form; existence in a physical or virtual body; material as opposed to psychic or spiritual existence.
  • Physical Universe - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The universe of physical matter and energy, determined by physical laws. Materialism states this is the only reality, while supernaturalist religion and esotericism assert that beyond the physical universe are one or more spiritual planes or dimensions.
  • Pluralism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A religious or philosophical system which does not reduce reality to Unity; it is considered that there are a number of qualitatively distinct fundamental principles. Contrast with monism, materialism and dualism.
  • Pluralist Meta-Theology - Text by Michael Walton
    Variant of Dualist Meta-Theology that replaces a pair of opposed deities or pantheons with three or more mutually opposed entities. The operative principles are otherwise identical to those of Dualist Meta-Theology.
  • Polytheism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Belief in and worship of many gods. The gods may be considered as supernatural beings, cosmic forces, archetypes, or archailects.
  • Popular Religion - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Religion oriented and appealing to the non-su and less educated masses of ordinary sophonts, using simplistic theology and easily digested memes, often rich in superstition and long-forgotten urban folklore; folk religion.
  • Pozen  - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev
    Transapient art/religion/contemplation noeticity.
  • Prana - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In tantra and derived memeticities, the life principle, ch'i.
  • Progenitism  - Text by Anders Sandberg, amended by Steve Bowers
    Movement that seeks to demonstrate that all intelligent species have been provolved.
  • Pure Soul Reformation, The  - Text by Stephen Inniss
    The Pure Soul Reformation is a revolutionary and kalyptic religious, political, and philosophical movement with strong Mechanist leanings.
  • Ram (name) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Shortened form of Rama, an avatar of the god Vishnu in Old Earth Hindu culture. Still a common personal or family name common in cultures deriving from or influenced by Old Earth India. In some places, a synonym for God or a god.
  • Reformed Catholic Church - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Revival of the Catholic Church based on the Tradition of the Life of Christ as interpreted through the teachings of the three Holy Figures of Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas and Evangelion of Umbriel. Based on monastic biospheres, bishoprics, and vicarages throughout much of the Inner Sphere, with the largest number in the Terran Federation, and the Sophic League. There is also a small but thriving cluster of habs in the inner Perseus Arm.
  • Reformed Tolerikerian Church - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Monastic, contemplative faith that broke away from the Orthodox Tolerikerian Church during the later post-ComEmp period, rejecting "Velvet Series" literalism (or fundamentalism) and virchgame interactivism in favor of quietist contemplation, mild ludditism, and study of the later Sophic League To Lerik. They are quite a successful sect, with monasteries dotting the civilized galaxy (there is a modest one on Thasaiya), and an estimated membership of around 2,590 million.
  • Reincarnation - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Religious conception that there is a soul or personality that continues after the death of the physical body, and is reborn and lives again in a future life. An important component in many religions, also a common folk-belief. See also rebirths.
  • Relativism - Text by Stephen Inniss
    In politics, religion, or philosophy, the view that actions are right or wrong not according to some universal standard but in relation to a given set of social customs and beliefs. The opposite of absolutism. The interplay between absolutist and relativist positions is an important factor in inter-clade relations.
  • Saint Marxism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Late Interplanetary Age Old Earth religion based on reinterpretation of Industrial Age economic philosopher Karl Marx's text Das Kapital in terms of nanotech and distributed automation. Considers Marx a "saint" but not an avatar. The religion went through several local revivals during the early First Federation period, and was particularly popular among disenfranchised vecs.
  • Sambodhi - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Buddhist term for complete enlightenment, the goal of mystic path. Various schools and sects differ as regards the nature and toposophy of sambodhi, and how it is to be attained. See also bodhicitta, nirvana, satori, moksha.
  • Samsara - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Popular Buddhist and Sophic term for embodied existence; the state of non-enlightenment. In a number of religions, especially some schools of Old Earth Buddhism and Hinduism (even up to the first Federation period), existence in the world was seen as an evil, and escape samsara meant completely withdrawing from embodied existence into quiescent nirvana. This is still advocated by some elements of Xenodharama, as well as by Neobuddhist Orthodoxy. In many traditions of Sophism however (especially those with strong Pozen elements), and among the disciples of the Reconstructed Nagarjuna, while samsara is to be rejected for sambodhi, sambodhi itself is not seen as an other-worldly state but as the complete actualization of existence in the universe.
  • Santism  - Text by Kirran Lochhead Strang
    A broad set of religious traditions originally derived from a form of Christianity, typified by polytheism and derived forms of monotheism, monism and atheism.
  • Sapient Mysticism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Mysticism as practiced by sentients of the 0
  • Sarvakarma School - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Buddhist school of thought, asserts that each copy inherits 100% of the alpha's karma, no matter how many copies there are. Contrast with the Anukarma school.
  • Sects of Inconsequence, The  - Text by Thorbørn Steen
    A category of philosophical and religious belief which covers a wide range of groups and sects, few of which acknowledge the label, although they all share certain specific characteristics. The Sects of Inconsequence are defined as sects which seek enlightenment through the suppression of the self, and do so using methods which have absolutely no relevancy to the surrounding universe.
  • Self-Worship - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The religious veneration of oneself. The most well-known example is Mykultura, which emerged in the Communion religious communities in the Regernar system in the early 7000's.
  • Sensatism  - Text by Michael Beck
    Religion/memeticity/lifestyle choice, based on extreme physical sensation, including self-torture.
  • Shamanism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Tribal religion common among caretakerists, based on the principle of the shaman or magician-healer as the mediator between the human and spirit worlds ("original shamanism"), or (where there is more mediation between the humans and the AIs) between the baselines and the seraiph of the caretaker gods ("seraiphic shamanism, "caretakerist shamanism"). Original shamanism is the oldest religious modality known to the terragens, dating back to the Paleolithic Age.
  • Simulationism  - Text by Graham Hopgood
    The belief that Reality is in fact a Simulation.
  • Solarism  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Major AI religion, founded by Daniel G. Borde.
  • Sophic Materialism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Pantheistic or spiritual-materialist mystical, religious, or esoteric path common in the Sophic League, the TRHN, and elsewhere, involving modification of individual consciousness through gnostic drugs. Unlike traditional mysticism, there is little or no emphasis on transcendence of phenomena; indeed a deeper apperception of phenomena is considered the optimal outcome. Some spiritual groups see this as a positive option, others adopt a more neutral or even a negative view of it.
  • Sophism (Sophic League)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The religion/philosophy/memeticity of the Sophic League.
  • Sophism, Lucidian  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    One of the largest religions in the Sephirotic Empires, Sophism is a synthesis of scientific, spiritual, philosophical, and magical approaches.
  • Soteriology  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A branch of theology dealing with spiritual salvation; in mysticism,
    pertaining to liberation, enlightenment or nirvana; in toposophic noetics the transcendence of limitations of a lower toposophic or singularity level through the attaining of a higher one.
  • Soul-Divisionists  - Text by Steve Bowers
    A creed or religion whose members believe that the act of mind-state copying produces multiple copies of the original transcendental spirit or soul. Soul-Divisionists believe that the essence of the soul is not increased by the act of copying, but rather divided so that both the original and the copies have a proportion of the original 'soul-stuff' and both are therefore diminished by the process. Only by dedicated and prolonged spiritual endeavour can the divided souls become fully developed once more.
  • Sphere of Twelve Billion Faces, The  - Text by Thorbjørn Steen
    A sect of the Multiscopic Church in the Sophic League.
  • Splice and Provolve Universalist Church  - Text by D. David Barbeau
    Major religion derived from the Universal Church.
  • Subsequentialism  - Text by Steve Bowers
    The belief that the universe existed before any other entity, and that all other entities emerged after the creation of the universe
  • Subtheism  - Text by John B and Steve Bowers
    A religious belief or position which holds that the superhuman entities which are present in our universe are less than fully divine.
  • Sufism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Originally Old Earth mystic tradition in which followers seek inner knowledge directly from God through meditation and ritual and dancing; developed as an ascetic reaction to the formalism and laws of the Qur'an. They incorporated ideas from Neoplatonism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Many Sufi ideas, both original and reform, were directly incorporated into the Stellar Umma, and from there Sufi memes spread widely throughout the civilized galaxy. However, little remains of the original Old Earth practices.
  • Tahmetianity, The Tahmetian Crusades  - Text by Aaron Hamilton
    A religion that is now considered by many to be a scam. It is based on the apparently miraculous simultaneous appearance fo the same "prophet" on worlds light years apart. It greatly weakend the remnants of Old Earth Christianity and Islam within its area of influence, and on several worlds it led to persecution of rival religions such as Etodism and Undyoism.
  • Tao - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Taoist term for the absolute reality, usually described as inscrutable and beyond conception - "The Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao".
  • Taoism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Old Earth quietist religion originating in China, based on contemplation, non-contending, cultivating the ch'i, and understanding the interplay of yin and yang. Also includes more dynamic magical, alchemical and martial arts elements and sects.
  • Technobylatic - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Adj., referring to the techno-religious style known as Lesser Machtet.
    The meaning is a pun on the Anglic prefix techno-, and the Olykky word nobylatiz, uncollapsed/uncollapsable wave function. Originally a derogatory term for Lesser Machtet, but gradually accepted as the standard name for the style.
  • Technomegism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Doctrine that the final cosmic state will be one of intelligence augmentation and unlimited progress, enabled by ultratech and godtech of high toposophic entities.
  • Teilhardism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Christian-omegist religion popular in a few nearbaseline habitats throughout the galaxy. The relations to the teachings of the original Teilhard are often tenuous at best.
  • Theology - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Religio-philosophical discourse or speculation on the nature of God or transcendent beings in general. Theology can be natural (seeking the Divine in the physical universe), supernatural (based on faith) or archailectonic/"artificial" (pertaining to the Archailects). See also theologian.
  • Theravada  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Major Old Earth Buddhist sect, now very rarely practiced.
  • Thomism / neo-Thomism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The theological system of St. Thomas Aquinas (medieval age Old Earth) — a synthesis of Aristotelianism and Old Catholicism — teaching that sophont philosophy and supernaturalist theology have separate spheres, with one seeking truth through the agency of reason and the other through that of revelation, but that the two support each other.
  • Tiplerism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev from Anders Sandberg's Transhuman Terminology
    Generic name for any of a number of small religions based on the omegist teachings of Frank Tipler.
  • Tiplerite Church - Text by M. Alan Kazlev from an idea by Michael Flynn in Anders Sandberg's Transhuman Terminology
    One of a number of small Inner Sphere omegist sects based on a Tiplerian cosmology. Mostly Terran Federation membership.
  • TRHN Pantheism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A development of Objective Pantheism found among some TRHN clades, but rejected as "cryptosubjective" by the Objectivist Commonwealth.
  • True Church of Pantheist Materialism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Somewhat baroque collection of Pantheistic Materialist memeticities popular among some Human Liberation clades. Considers it blasphemous to worship either archailects or supernatural deities, and states that the only worship worthy of the hu mind is the cosmos itself. Important sects are The Church of Einstein, the Reformed Muntz-Tychoists, and Neocosmism (Human).
  • Undyoism  - Text by Aaron Hamilton
    Undyoism is a religion not about worship of other creatures but about reconnecting the Human mind and soul with the underlying unity of All. All is created by the ultimate cause, the infinite and undefinable Undyo. The Undyo is the source of every universe, every God, every soul and every being.
  • Universal Church, Universalism  - Text by Michael Beck and M. Alan Kazlev
    A major religion, late Information Age to recent. A development of ecumenical Catholicism, the Universal Church caused a dramatic schism in that faith, as well as acquiring converts from other religions.
  • Universalist, Universalism, Perennialist, Perennialism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Clade or phyle of sapients that assert that there is a universal truth, a Perennial or Universal Philosophy, that lies as a common thread through all mystical teachings, regardless of origin or toposophy. While Perennialism dates back to Old Earth Sufism, in its current form it derives from the school of Kagyal of Porphyry (Sophic League). No relation to the Universalist Church.
  • Vajrayana or Diamond Vehicle Buddhism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Major Old Earth Buddhist sect; the last form of Buddhism to develop on Old Earth, best known from Tibet. Vajrayanist ideas were still popular among some baselines even as late as the second Federation period.
  • Viewers of the Sacred Vacuum, The  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    A group of philosopher-mystics whose practices and beliefs are based on insights in First Federation physics concerning the nature of the vacuum.
  • Virtual Kja Observance  - Text by Steve Bowers
    Vec religion in which a biological inclusion is present as a virtual representation, and so can be stored more easily and protected against dangerous environments.
  • Void Cathedralism  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Metaphysical doctrine of Qristan Kemshola that there is no lowest possible level of reality, but an infinity of yet more fundamental levels.
  • Warwickism  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    The collective doctrines and alternative Reformulation of a breakaway portion of the Sophic League from the 71st to early 75th century AT.
  • Yin and Yang  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A meme from Old Earth Chinese culture, variously replicated and interpreted in the Terragen Sphere in the time since. In Taoist, Confucian, Neotaoist, Nuage, Cosmopagan, and many other philosophies, yin and yang refer to the two inseparable polar opposites or complementaries, the interaction between which determines phenomenal reality.
  • Zen  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Originally a branch of Mahayana Buddhism, dating back to Old Earth, that emphasizes meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition over traditional forms of worship. Originally practices in parts of Old Earth's Asia, it spread to the Cislunar states and outsystem explorers. It was a successful memetic during the First Federation but declined in influence in the Inner Sphere with the rise of the archailects, though it retains a niche influence in the Negentropy Alliance, Sophic League, and FAS. It has many derived forms, especially in the Outer Volumes.
  • Zoei - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Life-force, ch'i, also life as a sacred principle. A central concept in Zoeticism.
  • Zoeticism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Major biocentrist memeticity established throughout much of the Zoeific Biopolity. The roots of Zoeticist doctrine go back to Zoe of Hibbert's own teachings, but there have been innumerable additions and developments since.
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Text by M. Alan Kazlev

Initially published on 10 July 2000.

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