
Image from Steve Bowers
Some of the many moons of Jupiter

Type: Eujovian
Primary, Position: Sol, V
Primary, Distance from: 778,412,010 km
Natural Satellites: originally 28 (some have been mined away)
Diameter / Gravity: 142,984 km / 2.54 G
Length of day / year: 0.4135 days / 11.8626 years
Atmosphere: H2 (86.1%), He (13.8%), other gases 1.1%
Surface temperature: 288 to 293 K
Atmospheric Temperature (at level with pressure = 1 bar): 165 K
Surface composition: no true surface; atmosphere transitions to liquid metallic hydrogen
Discovery: n/a
Administration: Solar Organisation territory
First colonies in orbit 205 A.T.

The largest planet in Sol System and the fifth planet from Sol, this gas giant has a thick atmosphere, over a hundred moons, and a dark, barely-visible ring. Its most prominent features are the great cloud bands across its surface, and a several great spots (large centuries-old storms). In the standard planetological system of classification, Jupiter is the type planet of the Eujovian Type

Like the Belt, the Jupiter system, with its myriad of moons, its trojans, and its orbitals, is quite populous and often visited by tourists, mainly ancestry-interested tweaks looking for the history of the Jovian League, the Gengineer Republic and the early Genetekker Culture. From her various tours to outer system sights such as Okeanos (a major pilgrimage for Hwii dolphins), the remnants of the GeneTEK habitats (popular among the Genen) and other classic places, the Jupiter system is a place of endless fascination.

Most of the population is found on or in orbit around the great moons. All four of the Galilean moons are tidally locked to Jupiter. Ganymede, Callisto and Europa are all icy bodies, and the original colonies were heavily dependent on mining Io and the rocky outer moons for resources. Apart from the Europa experiment, and a few submerged habitats on Callisto, none of the original orbital settlements survived the Technocalypse, and only a few of the bubblehabs survived. The Jupiter system was recolonised and played an important part in the early Federation.

For details about Jupiter in the Current Era, see here.
Jovian League
Image from Steve Bowers
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 25 November 2001.

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