Io (Sol V-i)

The innermost Galilean moon of Jupiter in Solsys

Io Habitat
Image from Steve Bowers
Gardenio Cylinder, a former Jovian League habitat orbiting Io

TypeIonian (EuHephaestian) Subtype
Primary, PositionJupiter, v (all)/i (Galilean only)
Primary, Distance from421,600 km
Diameter3,630 km
Gravity0.183 G
Length of day1.769 days (tidally locked)
Atmospheremostly sulphur dioxide
Surface Temperature-143° C (average)
Surface CompositionSilicates, sulphur, sulphur dioxide
DiscoveryJan 8, 1610 AD, by Galileo Galilei
AdministrationSolar Organisation territory
GovernmentSolar Organisation direct administration territory
IndustriesScientific research, tourism, extreme sports, simmimersion, waldoing.
SophontsCurrently no permanent presence on the surface. About 250,000 scientists, artisans, and tourism workers in the four orbitals. Species: near-baseline superior, cyborg, vec, baseline, and ai in subequal proportions.
PlanetologyHolotype for Ionian Subtype of world. This moon, a body larger than Luna, is unlike any other object in Sol System, although a fairly common type in the right celestial environment. Volcanoes, lava-flows and lakes of bright orange molten sulphur dominate the surface of Io. There are extensive regions frosted with sulphur dioxide snow.
History and CommentsA few of the old automated mines and research centres are carefully preserved as historical exhibits. Io's orbit lies deep within Jupiter's radiation belts, making it inimical to unshielded life, and it is a popular center for extreme sports. Much of the moon's energy is supplied by the Io flux tube.

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 10 November 2001.

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