
In Tantric Buddhism, the interval or intermediate state between two states, such as between two births(in reincarnation).
Buddhism teaches that all existence is impermanent, and hence consists of a series of intervals. The term become popularized through the The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bar do thos sgrol (bar-do tho-dol), "Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo"). According to Tibetan doctrine there are six bardos: the bardo of birth, the bardo of dreams, the bardo of samadhi (meditation), the bardo of the moment before death, the bardo of dharmata (experience of Reality), and the bardo of becoming or rebirth. The Bardo Thodol describes the last three of these, and is traditionally recited in the presence of the deceased believed to be experiencing these states, usually for a total period of 49 days. It is believed that the teaching contained in the text can enable the deceased to attain liberation while in the bardo states, or at least to attain the best possible rebirth. The memetic was popularized and misinterpreted by the atomic age visionary and pharmacologist Timothy Leary, incorporated into the NuAge movement, and became an influential motif for esotericists throughout much of the interplanetary period.
The Gengineer Republic were among those who further reinterpreted and misinterpreted the memetic, while in the Cis-Lunar orbitals and on Earth Tibetans and Tibetophiles were trying to restore the original meaning. By the first Federation period the GenoGenetekker pharmo-bardic approach had won out, and much derived and mythopoeticised elements of Learyism and Pharmobardism can be found among some Genen, post-erotocracy, erogenic, and other phyles and clades to this present day