Splice and Provolve Universalist Church
Major religion derived from the Universal Church.

The Splice and Provolve Universalist Church split from the Universalist Church in 3994, in the system of Ahag and its 11 neighboring systems (which also contain notable numbers of provolves). Heavily influencing the Splice and Provolve Universalist Church are both Interplanetary Age Catholicism and Buddhism. The 12 Primuses of the Splice and Provolve Universalist Church are located on the 12 founding systems, and once every 12 years for 12 weeks they meet in the Council of Popes, where they make official church decisions. They can also call an emergency meeting, but this has rarely happened and they do not have very much to decide, even in the Council of Primuses, because most decisions are made by the cardinals and bishops.
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Development Notes
Text by D. David Barbeau
Initially published on 28 February 2001.

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