Extropism (philosophy)
Information Age transhumanist memeticity, founded by Max More and based the Extropian Principles. A heavily modified form was later adopted by and incorporated into the Negentropy Alliance. A derived religion, now extinct, was known during the Interplanetary Age.
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  • Extropia - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    [1] Interlinked Information to First Federation age evolving communities embodying extropian values. Included both virtual cultural communities and actual communities in several orbital free zones.
    [2] Belt habitat of Extropist sect, Interplanetary Age to Nanotech Age.
  • Extropian - Text by Anders Sandberg based on the term in his Transhumanist Terminology
    One who affirms the values and attitudes codified and expressed in the Extropian Principles.
  • Extropian Principles - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The five values of Boundless Expansion, Self-Transformation, Dynamic Optimism, Intelligent Technology, and Spontaneous Order, which form the basis of the extropian memeticity.
  • Extropism (religion) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Interplanetary Age religion, an extension of extropist philosophy, based on rigid application of Extropian Principles and worship of Max More as an avatar. Although the actual Max More turingrade upload and eir associated copies and ais vigorously denounced the movement, its leadership retained control through a selective isolation of the community in the Belt Habitat Extropia. The habitat, along with the few remaining members of the sect, were destroyed in the Technocalypse in 566 AT.
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Development Notes
Text by Anders Sandberg
Initially published on 24 October 2001.

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