Thomism / neo-Thomism
The theological system of St. Thomas Aquinas (medieval age Old Earth) — a synthesis of Aristotelianism and Old Catholicism — teaching that sophont philosophy and supernaturalist theology have separate spheres, with one seeking truth through the agency of reason and the other through that of revelation, but that the two support each other.

According to Thomism, all knowledge begins with sense (or instrument) perception from empirical data. From this the intellect abstracts universals and on the basis of these proceeds through deduction and induction to knowledge of things in their causes, and thence to knowledge of ultimate causality and the conclusion that the universe is the creation of an infinite uncreated Being. Everything in nature is composed of matter and form with the potentiality of the former being brought to actuality by the latter. Everything that is natural is good in itself and a cause of evil only when used for ends other than those for which it was created or beyond the limits prescribed by sound reason or divine law. Because of eir rational nature sophont beings are compelled by necessity to seek the highest good.

Along with Augustinism, Thomism remains an important element of the teachings of the Catholic Church.

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 09 January 2002.

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