Language-family derived from the various forms of New English; a major language-family spoken by Terragens since the late Information age.

Unlike many ai and vec languages, Anglic allows the use of metaphors. Anglic also differs from the ai languages by being much more susceptible to uncorrectable errors due to insufficiently redundant encoding, by its high tolerance of lexically and grammatically induced ambiguity, and by its facility for dealing with what subsingularity-grade Terragens call "fuzzy" logic and relative concepts (for example, "good" and "bad").

With the establishment of the First Federation, as part of the effort to formulate a uniform ontology, the various derived forms of New English and Post-English were standardized as Unic, and a prescriptive regime was monitored by the Unic Institute. With the break-up of the Federation, the Institute was dissolved and Anglic returned to the older English tradition of descriptive lexicons and grammar, although Unic continued to be used as a trade and diplomatic language, and as lingua franca among a few old houses and clades. In addition many words from various ai, vec, trade, and even alien languages have been borrowed into Anglic, and the Anglic language family undergoes frequent dialect transformation, due to its susceptibility to fads.

Anglic remains the single most widely spoken language family in the civilized galaxy. There are no less than ten million different major dialects and sub-dialects, although not more than two dozen of these are spoken widely.

Anglish Languages


Anglish itself went through a number of stages in its development and evolution, especially in the Inner Sphere and main civilised regions. Some early developments are found in most or all descendant languages. For instance, see the table of Early and Middle Anglish third-person and gender pronouns.

proto-Anglish (New English, Space English)

Interplanetary Age language resulting from fusion of Late Industrial and Early Information age Modern English with elements of other languages like Russian, Chinese, Japanese, ircspeak, ebonics, and so on - simpler grammar and syntax than Modern English, but with a lot of technical terms and very rich in neologisms. No longer in use anywhere.

Old Anglish

A development of Proto-Anglish that was used in First Federation times (at the time it was still called "English"). Derived languages are still common throughout much of the Outer Volumes, though many are changed beyond recognition and incomprehensible to an Anglish speaker. No longer used in the Inner Sphere.

Middle Anglish (Federation Anglish, Fedspek)

A popular upper class and diplomatic language that then acquired wider use among the other classes as well, in wide use during the Second Federation, and experienced a revival during the nostalgic period of the ComEmp. Rather similar to Edenese (both languages share a number of words and phrases). Since the Second Federation Ontology was Fedspek friendly the Solar Dominion wanted nothing to do with it. The Mutual Progress Alliance and the NoCoZo however supported it. Today pure Fedspek is only found in a few worlds and habitats of the Outer Volumes and the periphery. However, derivative language like High Anglish, Low Anglish, New Anglish, and Newfed, and their further derivatives, are common.

High Anglish

A development of Fedspek in ComEmp period, still used today. A formal, scholarly, aristocratic, ceremonial, and diplomatic language, supported by the Mutual Progress Alliance. The Solar Dominion naturally point out the virtues and superiority of High Solarian as a ceremonial language, but High Solarian is a more difficult tongue to master, and not spoken outside Dominion and Dominion-client worlds.

Low Anglish

A somewhat simplified version of High Anglish popular on many words during the ComEmp period and still used in a few places today. Originally use of Low Anglish was considered a sign of ill-breading, baselinehood, or animanty, but this prejudice is much less common now. Gave rise to a large number of derived languages, including a number of important local trade languages, on various biospheres and habitats during the Age of Fragmentation (after the ComEmp).

New Anglish

A popular and rather recent development of Low Anglish; a number of dialects differing only in minor details are to be found in the vigorously expanding areas of the Carina Rush.


A development of Fedspek during the later ComEmp, still found on some worlds today.

Academic Coronese

Cyborg academic language used at the University of Corona and in many affiliated habitats and biospheres. Various forms of pidgin Coronese, employing less rigid syntax, are popular among the baseline humans, with different dialects developing on different habitats and worlds - e.g. Quarkish Coronese, Toirrese (spoken in the Toirres Deme and throughout the Leoti system in general), and the multifarious dialects of the Roaming Reach, to name just a few.

New Martian

Form of Martian spoken on New Mars. One of the largest languages among Martian-adapted tweaks.


NoCoZo trade language in the Anglish family, derived from the First Federation Old Anglish Pidgin and Merrionese.


The official Cygexpa language. Part of the Anglish family (derived from Old Anglish), although parts are completely artificial.

Niu Cygnese

Simplified trade language descended from Cygnese.


Anglish-derived trade language used in the Sagittarius region. Whitneey branched off from Fedspek (Middle Anglish) during the Second Federation and especially with the isolation of these communities that followed the destruction of the local stargate nexus during the Version War.


Anglish language from Eden. A development of Old Anglish, with many additional nuances. Commonly understood among Inner Sphere worlds and often used in diplomacy.


Academic speciality language used for archive and library science. Libspek was developed during the period of empires, slowly being updated by the Institute of Information Retrieval on Hollo-Vau and the Encyclopaedia Institute on Ken Ferjik.


Edenese-descended Anglish language. Used across the Solar Dominion, understood on many worlds. Solarian branched off from Edenese after the formation of the Solar Dominion during the period of major expansion.


Genen genetekkerese-based dialect, developed as part of the family historicism of the 2000's. Commonly spoken by Genen, official language on Frog's Head.
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  • High Anglish - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
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  • Low Anglish - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
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  • Middle Anglish (Federation Anglish, Fedspek) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
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  • Old Anglish - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
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  • Proto-Anglish (also New English, Space English) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 16 September 2001.

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