Jesus Christ
Image from Wiki Commons
A human from the Agricultural Age of Old Earth, born somewhere between 1975 and 1971 BT (6-2 b.c.e.) and died 1939 BT (30 c.e.).

Founder of Christianity, and still worshipped as God in human form in some parts of the Galaxy by Christians and by members of some derived faiths. He is variously regarded as an avatar of some other deity, a prophet, a bodhisattva, a satguru, a heretic, and so on by members of some non-Christian religions; in Islam he is regarded as a Messenger of Allah.

As with many persons from pre-Technocalypse history, there are those who believe that some or all of what is recorded of his life is a fiction.
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Development Notes
Text by Stephen Inniss
after an original entry by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 23 December 2008.

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