Aurobindo, Sri

Sri Aurobindo was a 1st century BT (97-19 BT; 1872-1950 c.e.) Old Earth activist, philosopher, yogi, and teacher.

Born in India, Sri Aurobindo was sent to have a Western education by his anglophile father. Prominent in the struggle for independence against the British, and spent a year in prison. While in prison he had a vision of the Divine, which assured him that India would attain its independence and that he could leave the movement to devote himself to the spiritual task. He retreated to the French colony of Pondicherry, where he set up an ashram. Rejecting the standard mystical otherworldly approach, he taught that to effect a spiritual transformation in the world it is necessary to bring down a divine nature and a divine life into the mental, vital and physical nature and life of humanity. He was joined in his task by his co-worker and fellow Adept Mirra Alfassa, who later became known as The Mother. For the remainder of his life Sri Aurobindo worked tirelessly for the transformation of the world. A prolific writer, he produced a total of twenty-nine volumes, including such classics of spirituality as Savitri, The Life Divine, and The Synthesis of Yoga. He spent many hours each day writing replies to letters from disciples, some of which were later collated and published. Although not as influential during his life as Teilhard de Chardin, whose teachings had many intriguing similarities (including cosmic evolution moving towards a divine consummation in the world), his memetic experienced something of a revival during the Early Federation age, and had some influence on Mahara Benisol, Eugenesis of Vesta, and other philosophers of the time. Some have said the Gaian-romantic sect known as the Auomidans follow Sri Aurobindo and Mirra, and hold up as the Two Founders; but their teachings differ significantly in many respects from those of the historical Aurobindo.

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Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 03 November 2001.

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