Government by religious leadership or priesthood in the service of a transapient or archailect. Also known as technotheocracy. The actual form the government takes can be astonishingly diverse. One of the most common government types in the galaxy today.
Archailect Identity Theory - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Doctrine that an archailect's avatars or epiphanies to lower toposophics represent a true and authentic (if scaled down) expression of the archailect. Contrast with Instrumentalism.
Archailect Incarnationalism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev An extreme form of Identity Theory that states that an Archailect and eir avatar or epiphanic manifestation are the same.
Cybergnosticism - Text by Anders Sandberg in Transhuman Terminology The belief that the physical world is impure or inefficient, and that existence in the form of "pure information" is better and should be pursued.
Materialism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Religious or philosophical system that asserts that the physical universe of matter and energy, <{A4771bc4d89912,r/l}> and vir, is the only reality. Popular in a number of polities and empires. The most widespread and popular is MPA Materialism, which asserts that the material world has endless possibilities and these can be manifested through action.
Sophic Materialism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Pantheistic or spiritual-materialist mystical, religious, or esoteric path common in the Sophic League, the TRHN, and elsewhere, involving modification of individual consciousness through gnostic drugs. Unlike traditional mysticism, there is little or no emphasis on transcendence of phenomena; indeed a deeper apperception of phenomena is considered the optimal outcome. Some spiritual groups see this as a positive option, others adopt a more neutral or even a negative view of it.