Lalande 21185
Lalande 21185
Image from Steve Bowers
Lalande 21185 and Achilles
StarLalande 21185:
Type: M2V red dwarf:
Luminosity: 0.026 x Sol
Distance from Sol: 8.31 ly
PlanetLalande 21185 b, Achilles:
Semimajor Axis 0.0785 AU
Orbital Period 12.95 standard days
Mass 2.99 x Earth
Type Hot Superterrestrial
Trojan Asteroid FamilyNew L4:
A large group of asteroids orbiting in resonance with the planet Achilles, mostly in the L4 Lagrange point. The largest members include New Hektor, New Paris, New Odysseus and New Ajax. Most have been reconstructed into space habitats of various descriptions, such as O'Neill cylinders, Bishop Rings and McKendree cylinders, as well as microgravity habitats inhabited by space-adapted humans and vecs.
O'Neill Cylinder pair at Lalande 21185
Image from Steve Bowers
An O'Neill cylinder pair at New L4 in front of the asteroid New Hektor
Early Genetekker outpost. The long-planned ship Erwin Chargaff was launched in 568 AT by Jovian Genetekkers, shortly after the Technocalypse, without the benefit of boostbeams, since these had been appropriated by GAIA for security reasons. The Chargaff arrived in 721 AT.

During the Sol System dark age the society expanded, and a number of GAIA arks brought further colonists and skills. Some time in the late 840s AT things began to fall apart - a combination of internal conflicts between local factions, and possibly infection by a replicator that arrived with the later Backyarders and merged with the local bionano, although the facts are still dispute. In any case, only degenerate survivors inhabited the decaying orbital habitats when the First Federation megacorps arrived in 1175. These persisted for a few decades afterwards, until becoming totally assimilated as their children all joined the new world. (The habitats remain a museum.)

Lalande 21185 became an important centre for genetic engineering during the Federation period. The system quickly grew into a business paradise, with just a token Federation oversight and a booming space industry. In the later Federation era with the emergence of the higher singularity AIs and opening of the new frontier, New L4 was gradually eclipsed and lost much of its economic power. During the Expansion Era, fearing subversion, it became a nominal member of the neutral Sophic League.

The system was occupied by standardization forces during the Version War. It became increasingly isolationist and elitist during the Fragmentation era and remains an independent (non-aligned) system, consisting of 43 habitat-based polities.

There is also a small Curatorial presence in the system. Lalande 21185 is considered the original home of a number of Genen clades, especially space-adapted bionts of many species, and has strong ties with the Biopolity.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Updated by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 03 December 2001.

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