Vast Endeavour

Vast Endeavour
Image from Steve Bowers

Star: TYC 8627-2183-1
Type: A2
Luminosity: 73 x Sol
Constellation: Carina
Distance from Sol: 1149 ly
Planet: Vast Endeavour
Diameter: 20910km
Mass: 5.3 x Earth
Type: Superterrestrial rocky world (supergaian subtype)
Gravity: 1.98 gees

Supergaian world in the Weber Expanse affiliated with the NoCoZo, inhabited mostly by vecs and Homo Economicus tweaked to tolerate this planet's high gravity. Most well known for its highly erratic and creative sentient core markets.

The system is also home to a large number of habitats which house one of the most important centres for specialist businessmind metareviewing in the NoCoZo. The habitat We Lucky Few known for the Institute of Economic Architecture and the infamous Chahipho Collection of alien art.

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Development Notes
Text by Anders Sandberg
Initially published on 12 December 2001.

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