Proxima (Proxima Centauri) System

The closest star to Sol

Proxima system
Image from Dangerous Safety
The Proxima Centauri system; Lif, Lifthrasir, Ask, Embla, Skoll, Hati and Fenrir

Proxima System -Data Panel

SystemNames: Alpha Centauri, Cenaurinume
Stars: 3; Rigil Kentaurus, Toliman, and Proxima Centauri
Distance from Sol: 4.321 ly (J2000), 3.660 ly (10600 AT)
StarNames: Alpha Centauri C, Proxima Centauri (Proxima)
Orbital characteristics:
- Semi-major axis around A+B: 8,700 AU
- Period: 547,000 Julian years
- Eccentricity: 0.50
Physical characteristics:
- Mass: 0.1221 x Sol
- Radius: 0.1542 x Sol
- Luminosity: 0.001834 x Sol (bolometric)
- Temperature: 3,042 Kelvin
- Spectral type: M5.5Ve Red Dwarf.
- Age: 4.85 billion years
Distance from Sol: 4.244 ly (J2000), 3.555 ly (10600 AT)
Polities- Proxima Cenaurinume Polities allied with the Nauri vec culture
- The Proxima Confluence Polities allied with the Sephirotic Inner Sphere
Lif -current era
Image from The Astronomer
Lif in the Current Era has been ecoformed to create a non-standard life-bearing environment
LifNames: Lif
Orbital characteristics:
- Semi-major axis: 0.029 AU
- Orbital period: 5.15 days
- Eccentricity: 0.038
Physical characteristics:
- Type: Vesperian Minervan VitrioGaian (Estuarine Thermal)
- Mass: 3.688E+24 kg (0.618 Earths)
- Radius: 5,518.7 km (0.866 Earths)
- Density: 5,238 kg/m^3
- Mean surface acceleration: 8.082 m/s^2 (0.824 g)
- Rotation period: Tidally-locked
- Albedo: 0.432
- Average surface temperature: 337 K
Atmosphere: - Surface pressure: 415.0 kPa
- Composition: 93.9% nitrogen, 4.8% oxygen, 0.9% sulfur dioxide, 0.4% carbon dioxide, trace amounts of argon, water, hydrogen sulfide, and sulfur
Proxima/Lif Lagrangian points:
L1: Lagrange Magshield
L2: The Ring of Mirror of Questionable Quality
L3: empty
L4: Nauri computronium swarm
L5: Nauri computronium swarm
- Proxima Cenaurinume:
- 50 Sephirotic polities, all of them having some presence on the Ring of Mirror of Questionable Quality.
Image from The Astronomer
LifthrasirNames: Proxima Centauri b (Proxima b), Lifthrasir
Orbital characteristics: - Semi-major axis: 0.0485 AU
- Orbital period: 11.186 days
- Eccentricity: 0.020
Physical characteristics:
- Type: Vesperian Minervan AquaTohulian (Pelagic Thermal)
- Mass: 1.492E+25 kg
- Radius: 9,008.2 km
- Density: 4,873 kg/m^3
- Mean surface acceleration: 12.273 m/s^2 (1.251 g)
- Rotation period: Tidally-locked
- Albedo: 0.684
- Average surface temperature: 616 K
Atmosphere: - Surface pressure: 13.8 MPa
- Composition: 59.2% carbon dioxide, 20.4% water, 12.9% oxygen, 7.3% nitrogen, 0.1% hydrogen, trace amounts of sulfur dioxide, methane, argon, and helium
Lagrangian points:
L1: The Blob, a mysterious singular Nauri structure of unknown purpose whose shape is constantly changing. It is guarded by a restriction swarm that prevents Sephirotic settlement of the area.
L2: The Will of the Golden Sisters, a swarm of tens of thousands of rotahabs, each containing experimental Cytherean ecosystems. Most of them are inhabited by Venusian tweaks.
L3: empty
L4: Nauri computronium swarm
L5: Nauri computronium swarm
- Proxima Cenaurinume.
- 24 Sephirotic polities, dominated by House Mey Auralai, a direct descendant of the Sorority of the Gardeners of the Golden Worlds.
AskName: Ask
Orbital characteristics:
- Semi-major axis: 0.097 AU
- Orbital period: 31.725 days
- Eccentricity: 0.13
Physical characteristics: - Type: Stilbonian Rhean CapnoChionian (Tundral) + AquaGanymedean
- Mass: 6.534E+24 kg
- Radius: 7,162.6 km
- Density: 4,245 kg/m^3
- Mean surface acceleration: 8.500 m/s^2 (0.866 g)
- Rotation period: 19.035 days (locked in a 3:5 spin-orbit resonance)
- Solar day length: 47.587 days
- Albedo: 0.221
- Average surface temperature: 187 K
- Surface pressure: 66.4 kPa
- Composition: 97.8% nitrogen, 1.6% carbon dioxide (vapor), 0.4% argon, 0.2% carbon monoxide, and trace amounts of methane, oxygen, neon, hydrogen, helium, and ammonia (vapor)
Lagrangian points: all are occupied by swarms of Nauri structures
- Proxima Cenaurinume
EmblaName: Embla
Orbital characteristics:
- Semi-major axis: 0.322 AU
- Orbital period: 190.989 days (0.523 Julian years)
- Eccentricity: 0.00
Physical characteristics:
- Type: Tholian Rhean TitanoCalidian (Conlectic Thermal) + AquaGanymedean
- Mass: 8.692E+24 kg
- Radius: 8,032.9 km
- Density: 4,003 kg/m^3
- Mean surface acceleration: 8.990 m/s^2 (0.916 g)
- Rotation period: 4.83 days
- Solar day length: 4.96 days
- Obliquity: 8.4°
- Albedo: 0.394
- Average surface temperature: 115 K
- Surface pressure: 855 MPa
- Composition: 98.2% nitrogen (vapor), 1.2% methane (vapor), 0.5% hydrogen, 0.1% argon (vapor), and trace amounts of carbon monoxide (vapor), neon, helium, and ammonia (vapor)
Lagrangian points: all are occupied by swarms of Nauri structures
- Proxima Cenaurinume.
- 6 Sephirotic polities, including a tweaked Muuh polity.
Skoll and the Enlightenment Ring
Image from Steve Bowers
Skoll and the Enlightenment Band
SkollNames: Proxima Centauri c (Proxima c), Skoll
Orbital characteristics:
- Semi-major axis: 1.489 AU
- Orbital period: 5.199 Julian years
- Eccentricity: 0.005
Physical characteristics:
- Type: CryoNeptunian YmirJotunnian
- Mass: 7.251E+25 kg
- Radius: 23,775.7 km
- Density: 1,288 kg/m^3
- Mean surface acceleration: 8.561 m/s^2 (0.873 g)
- Rotation period: 18.132 hr
- Obliquity: 64.9°
- Albedo: 0.310
- Average surface temperature (1 bar): 56 K
Satellites: 4 Apnean, 17 asteroidal
- Proxima Cenaurinume.
- 463 Sephirotic polities, the most populous being the Enlightenment Band, distantly followed by the Boostbeam Pagoda Theocracy.
Image from The Astronomer
Hati (before construction of the supraplanetary structure)
HatiName: Hati
Orbital characteristics:
- Semi-major axis: 3.636 AU
- Orbital period: 19.837 Julian years
- Eccentricity: 0.006
Physical characteristics:
- Type: CryoNeptunian YmirJotunnian
- Mass: 1.144E+26 kg
- Radius: 27,446.5 km
- Density: 1,321 kg/m^3
- Mean surface acceleration: 10.135 m/s^2 (1.033 g)
- Rotation period: 23.805 hr
- Obliquity: 27.6°
- Albedo: 0.299
- Average surface temperature (1 bar): 53 K
Satellites: 3 Apnean, 28 asteroidal
- Proxima Cenaurinume.
- 826 Sephirotic polities, including the Outer Ring Confederation and the Eduu Jötunn Association.
Image from The Astronomer
FenrirName: Fenrir
Orbital characteristics:
- Semi-major axis: 6.674 AU
- Orbital period: 49.334 Julian years
- Eccentricity: 0.011
Physical characteristics:
- Type: NeonianNeptunian YmirJotunnian
- Mass: 8.560E+25 kg
- Radius: 25,377.1 km
- Density: 1,250 kg/m^3
- Mean surface acceleration: 8.871 m/s^2 (0.904 g)
- Rotation period: 13.615 hr
- Obliquity: 10.3°
- Albedo: 0.620
- Average surface temperature (1 bar): 37 K
Satellites: 6 Apnean, 19 asteroidal
- Proxima Cenaurinume.
- 135 Sephirotic polities, including the Fomac-aligned Fenrir Living Museum and the Alambrac Nations Combine.
AsteroidsThe outer Proxima belt Total mass: 7.943E22 kg
- Proxima Cenaurinume:
- 1,458 Sephirotic polities spreading across 155,464 habitats, with major habitat concentrations at 148 locations such as the Hi'ts'wii'nnik habitat cluster and the dwarf planet Anitya.
See also: The History of the Proxima System
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Development Notes
Text by Updated by The Astronomer with contributions by Dangerous Safety and Ryan B (Rynn)
from an original article by M. Alan Kazlev and John M. Dollan
Initially published on 18 November 2010.

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