Epsilon Indi

One of the earliest interstellar colonies, initially populated by clones

Epsilon Indi
Image from person43
Tierra del Fuego, the original world of House Stevens

StarEpsilon Indi Stellar class K4.5V
Luminosity 0.22 x Sol
Mass 0.754 x Sol
CompanionsBinary Brown Dwarfs, Praxis and Gnosis
PlanetsI - Little Garcia (Hermian)
Semi-major axis: 1.95 AU
Orbital period: 0.099 standard years
Mass: 0.23 x Earth
Radius 4011 km
II - Tierra del Fuego (Arean)
Semi-major axis: 0.5183 AU
Orbital period: 0.587 standard years
Mass: 0.75 x Earth
Radius 5409 km
III Epsilon Indi Ab - Shiva MesoJovian Type world
Semi-major axis: 11.55 AU
Orbital period: 45.20 standard years
Eccentricity: 0.26
Inclination: 64.25 degrees (0 deg = face-on, 90 deg = edge-on)
Mass: 3.25 Jupiters
Radius 70889 km
- satellites: Ganesha, Kartikeya
IV - Deep Red (LithicGelidian)
Semi-major axis: 19.3 AU
Orbital period: 97.65 standard years
Mass: 0.84 x Earth
Radius 6112 km
V - Rashid (LithicGelidian)
Semi-major axis: 28.8 AU
Orbital period: 177 standard years
Mass: 0.84 x Earth
Radius 6112 km
- satellites: Mughrabi
ColonisedAutonomous ship Swift, launched 488 AT, arrived 610 AT)
Colonyship Sure, launched 499 AT, arrived 621 AT)
Image from Steve Bowers
Shiva, Epsilon Indi Ab
Imhotep 12, 764 AT, Prima Station, Epsilon Indi orbit

The oldest of the female Indis moved forward slightly, then stopped. She was attached to a thin dexter-arm, the same silver colour as the walls, which held her in place in the microgravity. Now I noticed that the other clones, about twenty in number, were each held in place by similar equipment. On the other hand we newcomers were drifting and jostling each other, grabbing each other's arms and bouncing off the walls. Not a very impressive sight, it must be said. The woman looked at Ellie and myself, with a small flicker of interest, before addressing us in a loud voice.

"People from Sol, I greet you. I am Barbara-Prima Barbara Stevens, of the Stevens family. Your arrival is unprecedented and unexpected; our family had thought the Old System dead. Still, you are here, and this is as it must be. With your help we can start to make this system into a new home for our people." The plastic membrane she wore vibrated when she said certain words. Something in her manner seemed dismissive, perhaps even hostile, but she seemed to address her remarks mostly towards my clone cousin and myself. Acting Captain Konrad was fretting nearby, apparently unhappy at being ignored.

-From Voyages of the Starlark

Epsilon Indi is an old Inner Sphere system, first successfully colonized by House Stevens. Since the Empires Era the system has been a part of the NoCoZo.

The Prudence Foundation craft Sure arrived in 621 AT. Due to cryogenic failure only a limited genetic stock was available, so cloning techniques were used to populate Epsilon Indi I and II. This colony, with only 47 genotypes but thousands of individuals, became the famous House Stevens.

The arkship Starlark arrived in 764, followed by a number of other refugee ships including a Hindi Expansion vessel in 880 AT. This effectively ended the isolation of House Stevens, but at first the clone colony became even more isolationist, cutting itself off from the other planets in this system. Gradually the more gregarious clone-clans among House Stevens won the day, and they began to open up.

A Deeper Covenant cycler station was established at the E Indi Ba brown dwarf, which they named Praxis, in 641 a.t. This linked E Indi Ba to the so-called Eridanus Cycle, which formed an important node in the early Beamrider network. Trade with the Deepers enabled the E Indi polities, and eventually the entire League, to flourish economically. Without the Deepers it is unlikely that the League could have continued as an economic and political entity. And without the input and resources of the League, the Deepers would probably have taken much longer to attain a position of prominence, and quite possibly been totally overwhelmed by and assimilated in to the Federation

The various colonies in the E Indi Provisional Confederacy willingly joined the League except for several Christian-cultist and Ecopagan compounds located on planetoids in the outer belts. House Stevens successfully terraformed E Indi II, now named Tierra del Fuego, and became the most powerful force in the system.

One member colony, the Ganesha Mission, visited by the Bluesky cult in AT 1151, attempted to use League laws to gain resources held by the Deep Red corporate Settlement on E Indi IV. This resulted in an early rift, eventually settled by an ambassador-judge aboard a heavily armed control-ship from E Eridani.

The internal power struggles within the 'Star Spirit 3' council were also important events in the heyday of the League. At the breakup of the Eridanus League many of the House Stevens clone-clans departed for Ridgewell.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The Astronomer, Steve Bowers, Aaron Hamilton
Initially published on 24 October 2001.

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