
House Genen colony at Chi Eridani

Image from Steve Bowers
In the absence of habitable planets, this system has been colonised by constructing a massive McKendree cylinder

Star: Chi Eridani A
Type: G5 IV post-main sequence subgiant
Luminosity: 8.82 x Sol
Distance from Sol: 57 ly
Companion: Chi Eridani B
Type: Mv red dwarf
Colonised 2050 AT

Zallach-Whige - McKendree cylinder 3700km long, with two hi-grav counter-rotating rings, one at at each end.

Chi Eridani has no habitable or terraformable planets, but has three small gas giants. The gas giants were mostly unsuitable for colonisation because of high winds. There were some bubblehabs in the slower zones of these windy gas giants, but not near the fast zones or the poles with their complex polygonal rotation patterns.

The moons were fragmentary and small so the moon colonies were limited in size. The colony in this system was stagnating until the Zoeific Biopolity constructed a McKendree Cylinder (Zallach-Whige) in 8950 AT, and encouraged House Genen to populate it.

House Genen has created a specialised biosphere inside this large megastructure. This biosphere follows Non-Predatory Imperative principles, so that it contains no predatory animals at all, but instead includes herbivorous versions of several Earth predator species, such as lions, tigers and wolves. Bears are present, but only as panda-like herbivorous variants. Even parasitic relationships have been replaced with symbiotic ones where both (or all) organisms involved benefit. In many cases even the behaviour of herbivorous species has been modified to favour less aggressive socialisation and more peaceful temperament. Such complex ecological relationships are difficult to achieve, and this biosphere is the result of many thousands of years of developmental research, mostly in much smaller habitats.

A moderate population of highly modified humans and provolves also inhabit this cylinder-world, all of whom follow vegan diets.

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Development Notes
Text by Steve Bowers
additional material by Ryan B
Initially published on 10 November 2014.

The Non-Predation Imperative movement is loosely based on ideas in the Hedonistic Imperative by David Pearce
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