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- Ihikkk (Zeta Tucanae IV) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
In Anglish, Snowwhite. A glacial world just outside the life zone, covered with massive ice sheets, terraformed to produce a glacial ecosystem rather than a temperate ecosystem.
- Ocean of Ys, The - Text by Liam Jones
Artificial circumstellar ocean world.
- Yang - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Brown dwarf near Solsys, site of one of the first beamrider colonies and stations. During the dark ages a number of clades settled or developed here. Currently a prosperous and diverse old core system and beamrider nexus.
- Yangko - Text by Steve Bowers
Penglaiese heritage world.
- Yanqiu - Text by Steve Bowers
Superterrestrial 'eyeball' world with indigenous xenoecology
- Yathrib - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Stellar Umma system.
- Yoruba - Text by Steve Bowers
Terraformed world with relics of an earlier colonisation by ahuman AI.
- Yosonia - Text by Steve Bowers
HD 180161 Colony founded by the Yoson Confederacy in 2608.
- Zallach-Whige - Text by Steve Bowers
House Genen colony at Chi Eridani.
- Zamzam - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Capital of the Shell Stellar Umma.
- Zarathustra - Text by Anders Sandberg
A colony that recovered from near-collapse to become one of the most successful in the Inner Sphere.
- Zarauztar - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Important NoCoZo system.
- Zennor System - Text by Steve Bowers
Several icy moons of gas giants in this system have been heated to create ocean-worlds or water-worlds.
- Zeta Legati - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev
Home to a nanotech upload civilization, the Eternalists, in the Serpens sector of the Outer Volumes.
- Zeta1 Reticuli - Text by Anders Sandberg
A populous system with three successfully terraformed planets.
- Zeta2 Reticuli - Text by Steve Bowers
Diamond Network star with one single AI inhabitant, known as Ziggy.
- Zetap IX - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Important Metasoft world.
- Zhang Qian - Text by Steve Bowers
Sophic League planet with mobile cities.
- Zikhron - Text by Steve Bowers
Originally a Jewish colony, now culturally diverse.
- Zybal Manta - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Location of the Amacrine Cloud, an important example of transingularity Perfect Art accessible to subsingularity beings.
Text by Orion's Arm Editors
Initially published on 31 December 2007.