Star Ross 248 Type M6V Distance from Sol 10.3 ly Colonised 680AT
Colonised by the Beamrider Network in 680AT, this system was one of the first contacted by the Eridanus League in 783 but declined to join. After an economic crash in 950, the remaining colonists decided to align themselves with the new First Federation.
Currently aligned with the Solar Organisation, this system is mostly populated by space-adapted humans and aioids adapted to withstand the frequent flares.
First Federation Period - Text by M. Alan Kazlev The period encompassing the historical span of the First Federation, from about 900 to mid third millennium. It was succeeded by the establishment of the archailect empires ("sephirotics") in their own right.
Sol - Text by M. Alan Kazlev The sun of the Sol System, a G2 type yellow dwarf, it has the defining quality of being the home-star of terragenkind. Even today much galactic measurement is based on distances from Sol.