
 Image from Ron Bennett |
Star 17 Cygni A
Type F5 IV-V
Luminosity 3.779 x Sol
Distance from Sol 68 ly
Companion 17 Cygni B
Planet Qjellto
Type Arean
Mass 0.3 Earths
Former Cygexba world.
This small planet in the Inner Sphere was terraformed in 2100. It was settled over the next few centuries by retrists and low-tech peripatetics. It developed quietly until 2654 when an outbreak of the Babel plague destroyed the language centers of 78% of the population. As coordination broke down, even the relatively simple society of Qjellto crashed.
Within a few months over 12 million people had died, either of starvation, accidents or conflicts between bands of looters. When relief ships arrived, many refused neural reconstruction treatments due to their beliefs. Enough were restored to recreate some of the pre-disaster society. Among the survivors an aphasic movement developed, based on the idea that the virus actually is a sacrament returning mankind to its pre-linguistic days.
The aphasics congregated on the Hrek peninsula, which in 4896 became a Utopia Sphere enclave run by the archailect Nameless One. The Qjellto society elsewhere developed into a fairly typical multiurban Inner Sphere society, eventually joining the Zoeific Biopolity in 9405.

- Babel Plague
- Cygexpa
- Cygnus Volume - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Volume of space encompassing the constellation Cygnus as scene from SolSys; formerly incorporated into House Cygexba.