
Image from Steve Bowers
The Mokup-Gran uses sunlight as a source of power for computation and metabolism; the tree-like polyps have some limited dexterity, allowing them to manage the local environment. The ecology produces flammable diamondoid foam, which burns fiercely at regular intervals.

Star: HIP 101997 III
Type: G8
Luminosity: 0.506 x Sol
Distance from Sol: 46.9 ly
Distance from Eden: 1.8 ly
Constellation: Capricornis
Planet: Mokupuni
Type: Cytherean modified to quasi-gaian
Diameter: 8090 km

Colony of Eden. with aioid nano-ecology.

Mokupuni was originally a small Venus-like planet, modified by Edenist dissident AIs in the 3500's as the site for their own surreal sessile cyber-biosphere. The surface is dominated by the Mokup-gran, a segmented creature extending in branches across the entire surface and acting as a nutrient/information network housing chambers containing DNA-based computronium supporting the inhabitant AIs.

The rest of the surface is dominated by land corals and plants extracting carbon from the atmosphere into diamond foam which regularly ignites as the oxygen content of the atmosphere becomes too high; this creates a firestorm followed by a brief cold spells resetting the ecology. Some data is apparently lost permanently in every firestorm; this may be a mechanism used by the Mokup-Gran to destroy unwanted files or memories.

The Mokup-Gran declared themselves neutral before the Version War and only interacted rarely with the rest of the Sephirotic empires; after nearly a thousand years of negotiations they joined the Diamond Network in 8999, one of the few worlds in the Terragen Sphere to leave the Sephirotics in order to join another metaempire.

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  • Eden
  • Nano-ecology, Nanecology - Text by Anders Sandberg
    A distributed system of nanodevices and the structures constructed by them that self-organizes in a bottom-up manner without any central control; analogous to an ecology. Sometimes used to denote the entire nanosphere of a world, even when parts of it are under top-down control.
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Development Notes
Text by Anders Sandberg
Updated by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 08 December 2001.

updated 2/1/15
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