New Mars

Arean type planet, new home of the ancient Martian tweaks

New Mars Surface
Dome habitats on the surface of New Mars; a small stand of Turbine plants can be seen in the foreground

New Mars Data Panel

Star11 Leonis Minoris
Luminosity0.765 x Sol
Distance from Sol36.5LY
Galactic xyz-23.91, -3.735, 27.27
PlanetsBarsoom Dry Selenean world 1200 km in diameter. Semimajor axis 0.9AU, year 0.899 standard years
New Mars AreanXeric world 7590 km in diameter. Semimajor axis 1.9.AU, year 1.4 standard years
Companion11 Leonis Minoris B, a red dwarf companion in an eccentric orbit which has prevented the formation of any gas giants in the system.
New Mars Flag
Image from Steve Bowers
The flag of New Mars
First reached by Lagrange Defenders, who sold the development rights to New Mars Development. The company named the AreanXeric planet New Mars and offered it as the perfect place for Martian-adapted tweaks to settle. The various clades of tweaks which had been modified to survive on Mars in the early stages of its terraforming were now being displaced, as they found the higher atmospheric pressure uncomfortable. New Mars was reasonably similar to the conditions on Old Mars in the early days, and the Martian Tweaks needed little adjustment to live there happily.

Mars Tweak
Image from Steve Bowers
An early Martian tweak, adapted to very low pressure environments. These tweaks left Mars once the terraforming process raised the atmospheric pressure above 100 millibars. Members of this clade have migrated to many locations in the Terragen Sphere, especially New Mars

Being relatively wealthy they brought with them a good investment climate, and New Mars began to prosper.

As interstellar commerce developed, New Mars joined the NoCoZo at the earliest opportunity. It has remained a free market bastion, a rival to Merrion, Mutual Satisfaction, and Atlantis in interstellar finance. Most of the system is a Tier II member, and the New Mars Lagrange points (called Lagfor and Lagfiv) are Tier III members, home to several banking habitats.

New Mars
Image from Steve Bowers
New Mars from orbit

Today New Mars is one of the most populous systems, with over 20 billion inhabitants. The old tweaks of New Mars proper are a minority, although through several holding companies and foundations they own a sizable chunk of the infrastructure in the system.

New Mars
Image from Steve Bowers
The planet has been extensively developed, but remains a dry Mars-like world with very little free water and thin air. The flag of New Mars is derived from the Old Mars flag, with three white stars on top to represent the new system.
Image from Steve Bowers
The surface of New Mars, with its distinctive butterscotch sky, resembles that of Old Mars before terraformation. Here a group of Polarizer light-vecs visit this world as tourists.

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Development Notes
Text by Anders Sandberg
additional material by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 09 December 2001.

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