Yoson Confederacy
The Infinite Way
Image from Avengium
The Infinite Way, symbol of the Yoson Confederacy
Several worlds linked by religious and philosophical ties (greatly influenced by Etodism), in the volume between Euphrosyne and Pardes. The Confederacy was founded by the Hippocratic Clade ethnicity in the 2500's on Beta Canum Venaticorum III and spread outwards towards Cygnus during the Age of Expansion. The first colony that joined the Confederacy was Yosonia, which soon became the spiritual and temporal centre for this grouping.

Many of the Yoson worlds were founded by ex-Eridanus League pilgrims as those worlds declined. This resulted in the transfer of Etodist memeticites but also many other minority factions and beliefs; Etodism is a tolerant belief system, although their missionary culture is strong. The early rapid expansion of the Confederacy has sometimes been attributed to the influence of Adrian Yue, who invested heavily in the commercial structure of the expansion project.

The Confederacy was mainly involved in spiritual matters, and became a local hothouse of religious experimentation and exploration in the 4400's. Gradually it coalesced into a stable "mini Sophic League". It persisted with minor changes until 5944, when it was formally dissolved due to major emigration to other systems and demands for reform.

The religious debates and turmoil included several re-interpretations of Etodist doctrine to justify violence (such as against the Tahmetian Crusaders who sometimes repressed Etodist minorities) but Etodists never really took to the concept of holy war. There was increased Etodist involvement in politics, however, and resultant concerns over potential corruption of the clergy.

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Development Notes
Text by Aaron Hamilton and Anders Sandberg
Initially published on 10 July 2000.

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