Image from Steve Bowers
Kiyoshi A shell, the largest component of the Pentad. The outermost shell of statite reflectors can be seen above the outermost living environment. Also visible are the intrastellar mass-streams that connect the five stars of the Xi Scorpii system .

Kiyoshi - Data Panel

Primary:Xi Scorpius 5
Original Class:Five star system - A and B: F5V, C and D: G8V, E: K2V
Note: The A and B components of the Xi Scorpius system have both been subjected to extensive core modification and starlifting procedures resulting in the removal of approximately .5 solar masses from each body and the subsequent conversion of each component into extremely stable G-class stellar bodies with a consequent reduction in temperature and increase in lifespan.
modification Luminosity:1.4 to.71x Sol
Distance from Sol:92.5 ly
The A and B components of the system form a binary pair with an average separation of some 19 Astronomical Units. The C component orbits the A&B system with an average distance of some 210AU. The D and E binary pair orbits some 8000AU from the ABC complex and are in turn separated by an average distance of 329AU.
Region:Outer edge of the Inner Sphere
Planets:None. All original planetary material converted into the Kiyoshi Pentad and associated structures.
Dysonology:The Kiyoshi Pentad and the Transport Net

The A, B, C, and D components of the Kiyoshi system have all been enclosed in mass-stream supported dyson sphere layers.

Each of the four primary elements of the Kiyoshi complex consists of some 10,000 concentric habitation shells, with each shell supported by a geodesic grid work of active compression streams accelerated by magnetic induction and powered by the central star. With an innermost average radius of some 3.7 million kilometers and an average distance between shells of 10 kilometers (providing a gravity differential of approximately 10% across the entire thickness of each habitat shell from approximately 9-11 m/s2), each dyson possesses some 3 billion times the surface area of a terrestrial planet such as Earth. For a 1.75m tall neb standing at sea level the Kiyoshi horizon is, on average, 114.5km distant. A similar sized neb standing on a 1km high mountain/arcology can see for >2750km (in reality atmospheric hazing prohibits this range at visible wavelengths). The combined habitable area of the entire dyson complex is approximately 12 billion times the surface area of a terrestrial world.

Spread across the surface of each of the four dysons are millions of environments and habitats of nearly all sorts. Most are terrestrial, many are not. Illumination for each is provided by a network of light-pipes, reflectors, and filters running from the innermost surface of the structure all the way to the outermost level. At the final outer layer of each dyson, the light is sent upward toward an array of statite light sails that reflect it back down to provide illumination for the outer shell. For those biomes that use non-terrestrial atmospheres or have significant pressure differentials, industrial grade air-walls, extending from 'floor' to 'ceiling' between the interior levels, and hundreds of kilometers above the outer surface, prevent atmospheric mixing. While most Kiyoshin biomes are of planetary dimensions others are hundreds, thousands, or even millions of times the size of a planetary environment. Despite this, barely more than half of the total surface area of the complex has been fully developed, with the rest still left for the work of future generations.

The E component has also been surrounded by a network of mass-streams but uses these dynamic compression members to support an extensive network of manufacturing and processing complexes in close proximity to the central star. In addition to supporting the elements of the manufacturing system, the mass-stream network is also used to launch finished products and materials toward the other components of the Kiyoshi system and its wormhole links.

Running between the layers of each dyson structure, above their outer surfaces, and through the space between them is a second mass beam network. Numerous skyhooks connect the surface of each layer to the local mass streams and from there to the entire network as a whole. Using the Transport Net it is possible to rapidly reach virtually any point on any of the primary dyson spheres and to travel between the spheres themselves in a matter of days to months depending on ones destination and preferred method of travel along the mass streams.

Control and stabilization of the intrastellar transport links is managed by a system of re-collimation and re-aiming stations spaced at regular intervals along the network and controlled by comm-gauge wormhole links. As the components of the Kiyoshi system orbit around each other, the stabilization system continuously adjusts and re-aims the mass beams to maintain system integrity as well as compensating for the occasional magnetic or gravitic anomaly originating in the central stars.

Cooling of the overall Kiyoshi complex is also handled in part by the Transport Net. In combination with a recycling dust layer magnetically pumped between each habitat level and then out into space, the mass stream particles of the transport net are used to absorb heat from each habitat level and then ultimately release it into the cold of intrastellar space as the mass streams converge on and are then sent through the deep space components of the system connecting the major elements of the Kiyoshi complex.
Important Local Artificial IntelligencesAI overseer: Kiyoshin Transtelec Synod Cluster (S4 distributed intellect with associated S3 and lower sub-minds in secondary roles. Dream Factory elements are also present in an advisory capacity)
AI's ethos: The thrill of adventure and the joy of discovery. Kiyoshi is a major sponsor of deep space probe expeditions, exploration swarms, and the continuing maintenance and operation of the Argus Array.
AllegianceMutual Progress Alliance
Psyche, Art, Culture; Government and AdministrationMetapsychology, Art, Culture, Society, Ideology, Language: See main
entry on MPA

Government, Legal system, Constitution: See main entry on MPA
Economics and Local InfrastructureMajor Industries: Tourism, environment design and construction, habitat design and construction, megascale architecture, aesthetics theory, transapient design services

Angelnetting: Ubiquitous throughout the Kiyoshi system but generally kept to a low profile. Most angelnet functions are fulfilled by small, personal net systems rather then the large-scale global systems. Exceptions include the various climate and habitat control systems which maintain and separate the various elements of the Museum of the Worlds, the general maintenance systems of the overall Kiyoshi complex, and many of the larger Oasi, inside which angelnetting may be expanded up to virtually total coverage.

Major Orbitals: At least 50,000 High Oasi are scattered across and between various parts of the mass-beam Transport Net connecting the components of the Kiyoshi system. Many are magnetically coupled to the mass beams and ride along them much like the transport capsules and omnicraft that use them for transport. Traveling craft may match velocities and dock with an Oasi and their passengers spend a few hours or days enjoying the various entertainments and luxuries that these large communities have to offer.

The Oasi often compete among themselves to see which can produce the most enticing and enjoyable entertainments, resulting in a vast outpouring of art, music, and culture, as well as some of the most famous hedonics centers outside of the NoCoZo. For this reason, even the most impatient traveller will usually try to move between the Kiyoshin components via 'The Scenic Route' at least once in the course of a lifetime.
Hop, Skip, Jump to Medius (5500m)
The Trains Always Run On Time to Greylag(Negentropy Alliance)(2850m)
Street of Dreams to Long Haul (MPA) (1800m)
Like Clockwork to Monostheria (Metasoft) (1500m)
Enlightened Self-Interest to Branswerg (1800m)
Shortcut short range gate connecting the Scorpius A and B binary system to the D and E binary system. (300m)

Spaceports: Virtually anywhere a spacecraft or transfer pod can dock is considered a spaceport among the High Oasi. Simply taking up a complimentary velocity vector or linking into an approved spot within the cluster is usually considered sufficient among the Caravansari.

The primary Kiyoshi habitats employ extensive traffic control systems to both assign orbital slots and to direct shuttlecraft and incoming omnicraft to Transport Net access points as well as local Oasi landing ports.

Cycler Routes: 14 beam-lines with 8 lines expanded to handle particularly heavy beamrider traffic. At any given time over 100 beamrider craft are operating within, or within a light-year of, the Kiyoshi system.

Population: Total system population of the Kiyoshi complex is currently some 148 trillion sophonts ranging across a broad cross-section of clades, types, and species. It is sometimes claimed that examples of nearly every race that is can be found somewhere within the Kiyoshi system.

Hazard Rating: 0.0 -0.5 depending on where in the system a visitor is at any given moment

Kiyoshi B shell
Image from Steve Bowers
Kiyoshi B shell, the second largest suprashell in the Xi Scorpii system


The Kiyoshi system was actually colonized before the founding of the MPA itself by various groups of 'second generation' colonizers. These set out from the original colonies founded prior to and immediately after the Technocalypse. The multiple stars of Xi Scorpius 5 drew a number of colonizing missions due to the expectation that such a system would have extensive asteroidal and cometary resources available to support orbital habitats.

The arrival of several such missions, all within a 50 year span, might have lead to social and even military conflict, but after somewhat strained relations initially, the colonists soon settled down to developing their respective colonies, each around different stars of the system. Over the next 2000 years the colonies developed an advanced and loosely unified civilization built around extensive orbital bands encircling each star. When the MPA was founded in the third millennium AT, Kiyoshi was one of the first systems to join.

Over the next 1500 years Kiyoshi would develop into one of the primary systems of the early Alliance. When, 500 years before the bi-millennial of the Alliance, it was suggested that the event should be commemorated with a grand construction, the Kiyoshin population of the time vied with several other systems for the honor of being chosen as the location where the great project would take place. Even despite the realization that the construction of the Kiyoshi Pentad would result in the eventual destruction of their orbital homes, the population overwhelmingly supported the proposal. Construction of the complex was timed to be complete on the 2000th anniversary of the founding of the Alliance and, despite various setbacks and events that threatened that deadline, construction was completed on time.

Kiyoshi would come to symbolize the Mutual Progress Alliance for millennia afterwards and until the construction of Kepleria was considered the 'jewel' in the Mutual Progress crown.

Megastructural Migration, Omnicraft, and the Vagabond Way

Over 67% of the population of the Kiyoshi system identify as adherents to the memetic known as the Vagabond Way (although critics point out that of these, perhaps only a third live in complete accordance with the principles of the Way). According to the Vagabond Way, the thrill of travel and finding new places to experience is a defining factor of a well-lived life. Staying in any one place for too long is boring and leads to societal decay.

As a result of this view, the population of Kiyoshi is almost constantly on the move. Using advanced multifunctional omnicraft able to operate equally well in any environment whether land, water, air, or space, most citizens of Kiyoshi spend their time traveling in small nomadic communities ranging in size from a few to a few thousand individuals or family groups.

The exceptions to this lifestyle are the Oasi and the Caravansari. The Oasi are stable, stationary communities whose members consist of that portion of the Kiyoshi population who choose not to practice (or not to practice for a time) the Vagabond Way. Oasi communities generally range in size from a few thousand to several million sophonts each and can be found scattered across the entire Kiyoshi complex, both on the four habitation structures and at various points along the mass-stream network connecting them. In particular, the largest Oasi communities can be found at those points where several mass-streams pass within close proximity to each other. These 'High Oasi' may be supported by several mass-beams simultaneously and support populations into the hundreds of millions.

In direct contrast to the Oasi, the Caravansari often see themselves as ultimate expressions of the Vagabond Way. They are huge, mobile communities of millions of sophonts, constantly on the move. They travel in great fleets of omnicraft, moving across the seas, skies, and plains of the various Kiyoshi nodes and occasionally using the Transport Net to shift their entire populace from one node to another. Their populations are themselves highly fluid and ever changing with various smaller groups splitting off to go their own way, joining up from the general Vagabond or Oasi population, or shifting from one Caravansari to another when two or more groups come together in the course of their travels.

Both Oasi and Caravansari share a mutually symbiotic existence, with the Oasi providing points of stability and community for the Caravansari (and their smaller cousins) while the Caravansari provide an 'escape valve' and source of excitement and adventure for the Oasi population.

As a result of its vast size, mobile and highly adventurous population, and MPA proclivities the Kiyoshi Pentad is in a state of virtually continuous Megastructural Migration and reengineering. At any given moment, large sections of the habitats surface and interior layers are undergoing reconstruction into some new, complex, and exciting environment for the delight and adventure of the inhabitants. For an up and coming Environmental Engineer a well-received work can mean centuries of adulation, while a negative review by the Kiyoshi population can lead to just as many centuries of shame and ridicule. Only Djed itself is considered a greater challenge (and a greater honor) to the practitioners of the art of habitat creation.

The Museum of the Worlds

The one major exception to the Kiyoshin ethos of continual habitat modification is the Museum of the Worlds. Located on the Kiyoshi Alpha component of the system, the Museum dates from the initial construction of the Kiyoshi complex and an earlier, more settled phase of Kiyoshin history.

The Museum aims to replicate in one-to-one scale all of the 'interesting' terrestrial class worlds that have been discovered to date by Terragen civilization. This includes all of the Garden World ecologies known to exist, be they terrestrial, halogenic, or even cryonic (the latter two contained by environmental barriers), as well as various non-Garden World planets that have been found to contain interesting geologic, climatic, or even nanotechnic phenomena. Critics are quick to point out that the Museum is not strictly accurate in its renditions of some ecosystems and worlds due to the difference between Kiyoshin gravity and the natural world that is being replicated.

Kiyoshin natives dismiss these claims by pointing out that their renditions of planetary ecologies are carefully crafted to produce life forms of virtually identical appearance externally even if internal modifications may have been made to accommodate the higher or lower gravity of Kiyoshi. The critics, in the meantime, remain unconvinced.

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Development Notes
Text by Todd Drashner
Initially published on 11 March 2006.

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