Mandra Quin'Si
Mandra Qu'insi
Image from Steve Bowers
Mandra Quin'Si, with its broad canals and strips of irrigated land resembles the classic pulp fiction idea of Mars

Mandra Quin'Si - Data Panel

StarMu Herculis A
TypeG5 IV
Distance from Sol27.4 ly
Companions300 AU distant Mu Herculis BC 27.4 a pair of red dwarfs 2 AU apart
PlanetMandra Quin'Si
ClassificationAreanXeric subtype, partially terraformed
Part of the Mu Herculis ternary system. Mandra Quin'Si had largely lost its atmosphere and was slowly heating up as Mu Herculis A grows brighter.

K4H and TakiCorb partially terraformed this dry planet, covering the desert surface with wide canals fringed by irrigated land. Mandra Quin'Si resembles the classic atomic age pulp sf fables of Mars, although in this case the canals and decadent cities were built by human slaves ruled by the tyrants known as the Terrorlords of the Quasa'an Dynasty.

In 2446 the Tsutari Ambastory, a religious confederation drawn from the worlds and habitats of Mu Herculis A, B and C, overthrew the Quasa'an dynasty, bringing the era of tyranny to an end.

Mandra Qu'insi and moon
Image from Steve Bowers
Mandra Quin'Si and its moon, Alyoia
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Development Notes
Text by Steve Bowers
expanded from the original by Anders Sandberg
Initially published on 10 February 2010.

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