Image from Steve Bowers
The abandoned half-built Dyson shell left behind by the Psychophagers

MyuvYin - Data Panel

Parent starStar: Gliese 205
Mass: 0.595 x Sol
Luminosity: 0.0184
Spectral type: M1.5Ve
Distance from Sol: 19.016 ly epoch 10600 AT
- Semi-major axis: 0.109 AU
- Orbital period: 16.9 days (0.046 standard years)
- Type: Tidally-locked HydroNeptunian
- Radius: 14,045 km
Satellites: none

- Semi-major axis: 0.689 AU
- Orbital period: 270.8 days (0.741 standard years)
- Type: EuNeptunian
- Radius: 15,667 km
1) MyuvYin: Radius = 1,503 km
2) Arresu: Radius = 1,211 km
Image from Steve Bowers
DuVel and TulMin, worlds in the MyuvYin system
MyuvYin was an early Inner Sphere colony, settled 809 AT by GAIA ark. The colonists (mostly nearbaseline humans of various origins) found a system with two Neptune-sized worlds. The largest moon of TulMin was MyuvYin (named in a constructed language the colonists had adopted while refugees on Luna). This moon was the most hospitable of all the worlds in this system, and a number of low worldhouses were constructed in craters.

A few colonists opted to exploit the sparse asteroid belt, but these were the first to be affected by a psychophager ahuman replicator swarm of unknown origin, which attacked in 1201 AT. This particular variant of psychophager subordinated the human mind and body, while controlling it with pain and enhanced fear until the victim was completely compliant. When the victim eventually died a new, cloned body would be built, which was imbued with the original victim's skills and knowledge through extensive neonatal DNI implants, which also doubled as control interfaces. As a result, the clone had little or no trace of the original's personality, yet could be bodyjacked to appear as if this wasn't the case. After a decade of desperate fighting, the entire system was subsumed, apart from a few ships which escaped to nearby systems to raise the alarm.

The population of this system melded (together with extensive computronium resources) into a capable group-mind, which has become known to history as the MyuvYin gestalt, or simply the MyuvYin. This gestalt grew ambitious and started an extensive self-development and expansion program. The MyuvYin proceeded to engage in unethical, by Sephirotic standards, genetic and cybernetic experimentation with their hosts. Over the decades, they succeeded in considerably speeding up the humans' prenatal development and lifespan, decrease the physical (but not psychological) complications due to pain overexposure. Useful traits such as fertility, dexterity, memory, learning and abstraction capabilities, compliance to pain and the neural integration to MyuvYinian interfaces were also enhanced. This radically transformed the blight and this low resource system, allowing a partial dyson shell and beam launchers to be built in a few centuries.


In the two centuries following MyuvYin's conquest, the MyuvYin Pyschophagers overran a number of nearby biont and cyborg systems such as the red dwarf LHS 1723 (Yiramm) and the white dwarf LP 658-2. Whenever possible, the native humans (and some cyborgs) were integrated into the MyuvYin blight and their most useful traits were passed on to the next generation of MyuvYinian Human templates. In most other cases, the other native clades were deemed unfit to join the blight and were instead rather painlessly turned into food or raw materials.

As their conquests progressed the MyuvYin civilization became increasingly aware of the First Federation, which was becoming increasingly rich and diverse during that era. The Psychophagers began to attack small outposts and autonomous stations in the volume close to Sol, and looked set to reach SolSys within a century. The Federation built powerful interstellar warships (notably the Crescent Class) to contain the threat, and managed to defend the system of Twilight from subjugation in 1480 AT. The Federation then tried to retaliate but the system of MyuvYin defended itself with its beam projectors, and could not be approached.

Attack on Photonchip Kingdom

In 1512 AT the MyuvYin civilization invaded the red dwarf system Gliese 213, which held a Diamond Belt civilization associated with the Procyon Extension. The ahuman entities in this system (known to observers in the Federation as the Photonchip Kingdom, due to the prevalence of photonic technology in their artifacts) had started to construct their own Dyson swarm shortly after colonization, in 921 AT. But, despite the centuries of dedicated infrastructure development and the technological renaissance experienced by the local culture this swarm was still in a very rudimentary stage, and was quickly destroyed. Nevertheless, the Photonchip Kingdom managed to infect the MyuvYin invaders with a sophisticated trojan virus, which they carried back to their home system. It is thought that the Federation also provided assistance in the design of this virus, and it may be the case that the Photonchip Kingdom system was a deliberately designed trap.

Many of the Pyschophager's colonies crashed by the 1500s AT as the Diamond Belt virus was able to bypass their blue and khaki goo defenses and disable the slaved zombies on which they had become dependent. Only the colonies at Yiramm and the brown dwarf Retmon survived, having independently developed an adequate anti-viral protocol in time. Both colonies spent the next three centuries redeveloping, reclaiming lost territory and cooperating to repel harassment from pro-biont polities. At 2104 AT, Yiramm-MyuvYin empire ships claimed the clade's original system for itself only. This fact incensed the Retmon-MyuvYin empire, motivating a inscrutable political war for the next two centuries. In the end the two empires merged into a single Neo-MyuvYinian civilization, later subverted by the mobile Panvirt ISO 101100abaaababa in 2853 AT. It is also thought that some MyuvYin Pyschophagers escaped to the frontier, either during the Inter-MyuvYinian War period or during the Neo-MyuvYin Civilization's fall, where they gave rise to various daughter clades. Even today, one occasionally encounters ahuman ai whose code shows similarities with the original distinctive MyuvYin architecture.

After the Psychophagers

With the collapse of the MyuvYin Pyschophagers, the real estate did not remain vacant for long. The remaining MyuvYinian Human clades slowly spread through the megastructures, eventually discovering ways to adapt the available infrastructure to their needs. The MyuvYin Half Dyson was also settled by various vec, neumann, aioid, and borg clades over the following centuries and claimed by a succession of colonialist polities of all affiliations: centralist, ahuman, and non-aligned. However, the locals (who would inevitably be armed and supported by rival groups as part of the astropolitical maneuvering of the time) proved difficult to budge without seriously damaging the megastructures, and as the system was poor in resources most occupiers lost interest after a century or two.

With civilization expanding outwards, Terragens of all substrates forgot about Gliese 205 which, like the Barnard Belt, became a refuge for individualists, paranoids, and semperists of all kinds. In 3625 the system was connected to the Beamrider Network, with several local polities (who reorganised some of their habitats into beamrider stations) joining the Deeper Covenant. Others discordant polities in turn made their own alliances and up to the modern age, the MyuvYin Half Dyson remains split into multiple ideologies. The system has never been connected to the Nexus, as there are some independent inter-polity alliances that distrusts the AI Gods and will react with surprising hostility to any Sephirotic missionary attempt. Despite this, the MyuvYin system remains popular with adventurers, subcultural historians, and sophontologists.
Related Articles
  • Crescent Class Cruiser
  • Diamond Belt
  • Psychophager - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    "Soul eater" - generic term for ahuman ai that not only use slaved bionts as subsumed bioprocessing nodes, but pump them with synhormones and memetic suggestions to ensure maximum terror and adrenalin (and hence greatest efficiency). Bionts captured by psychophagers rarely last more than a few years in their original form, but are then replaced by identical cloned copies, or modified to ensure greater sustainability. Not surprisingly, psychophagers are among the most despised of all transapient ai (at least among bionts).
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Steve Bowers The Astronomer and Rakuen07
Initially published on 09 November 2003.

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