Kinetic weapons were the cause of the worst of the destruction on Conver Ky
Star Name: 37 Geminorum Class: G0 V Luminosity: 1.25 x Sol Distance from Sol: 56.3 ly
Planet Name: Conver Ky Nolwocs Type: Eogaian (terraformed to Eugaian) Diameter: 12900 km4 Colonised 1966 AT
Konver Ky was the capital of the Conver Ambi up until the Conver War.
Originally the planet was a lifeless eogaian world, but the reducing atmosphere was terraformed over a period of five centuries by Jovian Ecotech resulting in a very Earth-like planetary biosphere, into which was introduced a plethora of exotic life forms both natural and gengineered. By the time the Conver Ambi was waxing as a religious-corporate empire Conver Ky grew into one of the richest and most populous systems in existence, larger than Bourgatov and New Earth.
During the Conver War, the conflicts within the system led to massive use of relativistic kinetic weapons, amat bombs, and aggressive self-replicating swarms, wiping out the biosphere. This forced the survivors to flee into emergency space habitats where they were easy prey for the Orthodox cleansing program. In the final phase of the war, singularity weapons were used in the system, destroying most of the remaining habitats. In the end 99.5% of the population had been wiped out. The system remains dangerous to this day due to drifting singularities and nanotech spores.
Empires Wars - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Second Federation and later term for two major and several minor interstellar wars rimwards of Sol during the Age of Empires. They saw the S>2 and especially archailect empires gain ground over the earlier SI:1 and SI:2 governed empires. The two most important of these were the (earlier) Nexus War (involving the breakup of the Taurus Nexus) and the (later) Conver Wars (involving out-of-control elements in the Conver Ambi, presumably the result of subversion by a perverse or ahuman ai).