
Tadmor and Anomie (formerly Hope)

Silence and Anomie
Image from Steve Bowers
The gas giant Tadmor is orbited by the terraformed moon Anomie
Heaven holds a sense of wonder, and I wanted to believe that
I'd get caught up when the rage in me subsides...

   —Silence, Delerium, 1999 (c.e.)

Silence and Anomie — Data Panel

Primary:Errai, Gamma Cephei, HD 222404
Class:K1e IV
Luminosity:8.6x Sol
Companion:M class red dwarf distance 21AU
Region:Inner Sphere
Mass:550x Earth
Orbit:2.1 AU
Year:2.5 Standard years
Atmosphere:H2, He, CO2, H2O, CH4, NH4, various organic compounds
Moons :Anomie (formerly Hope) 10,600 km, terraformed xeric gaian
Reason 5000 km cybernetic node world
Alliysan 3000 km cybernetic node world
45 smaller moons converted to water bubble worlds or cybernodes
TravelStargates: Gamma Cephei (Anomie) to Mu Cassiopeia (Pandya); The Better Way to Travel
Gamma Cephei (Anomie) to Chi Draconis (Lam Wai-Chun); Well of Infinity
Allegiancecurrently Sophic League and Communion of Worlds

Tadmor and Hope

The Truth-Santaya Networks colony ship from Ganymede with two thousand colonists in nanostasis arrived at Gamma Cephei in 1420 a.t.. At this time, Gamma Cephei was occupying the position of the Pole Star for Earth's rotation; but since there was almost no contact with the population of Earth at that time, the fact was of little consequence.

Their arrival was greeted by a single AI entity which called itself 1200TR; this entity, which was loosely associated with the so-called Diamond Belt AIs, had been living in the system for five hundred years, having escaped from the Old Solar System during the Technocalypse. Having fled the destructive power of the technoplagues which were flooding the system, 1200TR was happy to meet with other survivors of that event. E greeted the colonists as friends and companions, assisting them to set up terraforming operations on Hope, a dry moon of Tadmor, the largest gas giant.

The culture of Hope developed into a fast-moving cybertopia, with every human augmented to a greater or lesser extent; powerful processing substrates were set up on Reason and most of the other moons of Fortuna, and became home to billions of virtual posthumans, all of which remained integrated with the cyberculture of Hope.

Vast thermal conversion units were floated in the huge watery gas giant of Tadmor, also supporting a virtual cyberculture, the Tadmor Grid. Tadmor is a large, warm, wet Jovian world, with a high water and CO2 content and many rapidly cycling organic compounds in the upper atmosphere; however the atmosphere is too energetic for cellular life to have developed.

The culture of Tadmor developed for hundreds of years towards fabulism and an open minded approach to phenomenology; the stories and rumours and gossip that flashed between the worlds of Gamma Cephei became ever more convoluted and unlikely, but none were discounted. It became a matter of pride to be able to defend any rational or irrational position in an argument, and to be entirely arbitrary in ones beliefs; meanwhile the everyday running of the Errai system was entrusted to a clade of pragmatic aioids, many descended from and connected to the original 1200TR entity.

By 2240, when the Errai system was connected to the Wormhole Nexus, the Tadmor Net was one of the most active in the Inner Sphere. Thousands of Cyberian virtual personalities migrated to addresses in the Tadmor net, relishing the anarchic atmosphere and freedom of thought; most were cynical about the irrational belief systems that were springing up and replicating in this fertile ground, but nevertheless were amused enough to add some bizarre twists of their own.

Soon Tadmorian meme complexes were sneaking out and infecting the newly forged Known Net of the Inner Sphere planets; stories about secret contact with extragalactic or extradimensional aliens, time travel, communication with the Dead and with the Creator of the Universe abounded and sent less sophisticated societies into turmoil. By 4240 Tadmor was a byword for unreliable or baroque information to be used for its entertainment value only.

The augmented humans of the partially terraformed planet Hope and the virtual personalities of Reason and the Tadmor Power Grid were not content with being humoured, however; many changed strategy and began a campaign of Hypertrolling, stirring hatreds between the members of the shaky Second Federation between tweak and nearbaseline, terraformers and extremophiles, bioid against aioid. Some of the divisions that led to the Version war may have started as ingenious hypertroll attacks.

By 4655 the Inner sphere was ablaze with malicious factions and chauvinism, finally attracting the attention of several Archailect Avatars; The God Emperor of the Solar Dominion forbade any further discourse with Tadmor whatsoever, while Zoe of Hibbert wrote a sentient address to the people of Tadmor which argued for sense and moderation in endless and persuasive iterations until many of that world saw the light.

But many other hypertrolls returned to the information hyperhighway with increased malicious vigour to cause mayhem, until finally the system was infected by a variation of the Babel plague virus which attacked both human and electronic inhabitants of that system. The origin of this virus was unknown, but it mostly attacked the Broca's area of the brain or its electronic equivalent in aoiods. Soon the language of the peoples of Errai was completely without grammatical construction, losing all finer nuances of meaning and any possible offensive content. By the time the Cygexpa WarFleet arrived to claim the world as a protectorate during the Version War the world was a gibbering shambles, and the Fleet stood off without making physical contact for fear of infection.


Today the world of Tadmor has become a largely communication-free zone; all trace of the Babel virus is eradicated, but a wordless, language-free, aphasic existence has become the rule for all inhabitants. All communication with the outside world is handled by the venerable 1200TR; spared by the plague, E is now the only speaking inhabitant of the system. Penitents from the Sophic League and Utopia Sphere come to join in this solitary lifestyle, and many burnt out high toposophic entities come here too, to flee the madhouse universe of endless communication found throughout the Civilised Galaxy. The terraformed Moon formerly known as Hope has now been renamed Anomie; this name is only ever used by outsiders, as no words will ever be spoken there.

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Development Notes
Text by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 18 October 2008.

Renamed in December 2015 in line with new IAU nomenclature
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