
Zoeific Biopolity Bluegreen Goddess
Image from Bernd Helfert

Fifth toposophic archai of the Zoefic biopility. Famously was born as a biont before ascending to the first toposophic in the middle federation period. Later migrated to Hibbert Orbital, Cis-Jove, in 1874 a.t. where she accrued followers that would later aid her in founding the Biopolity.

Her strongly Biocentric teaching, which incorporated a subtle mix of animistic and pantheistic mysticism, pragmatism, genetekkerese biotranshumanism, hedonics, and libertarianism, became the ideology around which the Zoeific Biopolity developed.

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 15 December 2001.

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