
World with an early neogenic ecosystem

Image from Anders Sandberg
One of the most common artificial organisms on this world is the Thingie, a colonial auto-heterotroph found on the seashore
Star: 36 Ophiuchi A
Type: K1 Ve orange dwarf
Luminosity: 0.291 x Sol
Distance from Sol: 19.47 ly (J2000 epoch)
Companion Star: 36 Ophiuchi B, K1-5 Ve orange dwarf in eccentric orbit
Semimajor axis of B's orbit around A: 88 AU
Closest approach of B to A: 6.8 AU
Colonised: 1191 AT

Image from Steve Bowers
Neo-Helix before ecopoeisis

The disruptive effect of the close approach of the companion star has ejected all but three planets, all small terrestrial worlds; Crick, Watson and Neo-Helix. Neo-helix has the distinction of possessing the first wholly neogenic ecosystem ever created.

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  • Ecopoiesis - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The science and art of designing, shaping, sculpting, or modifying ecosystems.
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Development Notes
Text by Todd Drashner
additional material by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 07 January 2002.

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