![]() Image from Michael Boncher | |
Symbol of the Seams Treaty Zone |
The Seams - Data Panel | |
Definition | Modosophont/Transapient Protectorate & Commerce Treaty Zone |
Symbol | A Flying Infinite Cross |
Ruling Archailect | The Burdikeer. The Burdikeer is an S:5 Tribemind created by Avatars representing all Sephirotic Archailect signatories of the Version War Treaty that created the Seams. (translator's note; the name Burdikeer is believed to derive from the Archaic English Board of Directors) |
AI Ethos | The Burdikeer is a legalist entity concerned primarily with protecting Seam space from incursion by adjoining Empires, and with facilitating trade and industry between and in those Empires. The Burdikeer performs minimal interference in the lives of Eir citizens, but will act to mediate or to keep peace within Eir borders. |
Founded | c.4654AT, by treaty agreement between the Sephirotics tied to the end of the Version War. |
Seams Civilization | A loose confederation of independent Modosophont Worlds |
Science and Technology | Technology Level: Various worlds have adopted Low Tech, High Tech or Ultratech levels with pockets of abandoned Clarketech relics and artifacts Technology Type: A full spectrum of nano (drytech, biotech and synanotech) is available at all levels and is in fairly common use. Transapientech and godtech are limited mostly to the Burdikeer, Transavants and other capable minds. |
Territory and Population | Current Territory: Composed of thin ribbons and sheets of space between established sephirotic empires, occasionally attached to clusters of stars. Rarely more than 6 lightyears wide, this territory spans most of established space. Occasionally thin tubes of space marble through a sephirotic at strategic points and routes. Territory Dimensions: approx 3.8 Million cubic ly : 0.01% of total Terragen Sphere volume |
Representative systems | The Orange Polity, Traction, Blue, Alpha Star, Beta Star, Delta Star, Null Star |
Proportion of Inhabited Star Systems | approx. 475,000 total systems of which 12.852% are colonised so far: approx. 61,000 systems |
Number of Core Star Systems | 3.779% nexus connected core systems, approx 18,000 systems |
Current Core Population | approx 396 trillion sophonts - Average System Population: approx 22 Billion |
Core Population Breakdown | Local Modosophonts: include Rianths, Tweaks, Uploads, Human Nearbaseline, Su, Transavants, Tribeminds, Aioids, Splices, Vecs, Bioborgs, Cyborgs, Nanoborgs, Modosophont : 71.300% : approx 282.348 Trillion Total Bionts : 50.200% : approx141.8 Trillion Artificial : 37.900% : approx 107.0 Trillion Infomorphs : 11.600% : approx 32.8 Trillion Xenomorphs : 00.300% : approx 847.0 Billion ------------- Transavants 28.300% : approx 112.068 Trillion Total Bionts : 42.740% : approx 47.9 Trillion Artificial : 40.180% : approx 45.0 Trillion Infomorphs : 15.920% : approx 17.8 Trillion Xenomorphs : 01.160% : approx 1.3 Trillion ------------- Transapients : 00.004% : approx 15.8 Billion Bionts : 18.344% : approx 2.898 Billion Artificial : 39.147% : approx 6.185 Billion Infomorphs : 40.972% : approx 6.474 Billion ISO : 00.006% : approx 0.950 Million Xenomorphs : 01.531% : approx 241.898 Million Total Colonial Population: approx16.275 Trillion - Average System Population: approx 266.8 Million Colonial Population Breakdown: Modosophont : 53.862% : approx143.7 Million Bionts : 50.200% : approx 72.1 Million Artificial : 37.900% : approx 54.5 Million Infomorphs : 11.600% : approx 16.7 Million Xenomorphs : 00.300% : approx 0.43 Million Transavant : 33.103% : approx 88.3 Million Bionts : 42.740% : approx 37.7 Million Artificial : 40.180% : approx 35.5 Million Infomorphs : 15.920% : approx 14.1 Million Xenomorphs : 01.160% : approx 1.02 Million Transapient : 13.035% : approx 34.8 Million Bionts : 18.344% : approx 6.38 Million Artificial : 39.147% : approx 13.6 Million Infomorphs : 40.972% : approx 14.3 Million ISO : 00.006% : approx 2100 Total Xenomorphs : 01.531% : approx 0.53 Million |
Government and Administration | Government: Baseline Benevolent Bureaucratic Dictatorship Administrative Divisions and Regional Govt: Local administrations are often called Threads, taken from the form often created by the Wormhole Nexus. A thread is a section of wormhole nexi, usually in linear form of interconnected worlds. They have a control radius of relativistic space surrounding their Thread which they govern as well. Often this is left to their Embassies and Virtual Capital of Andid Reyun. |
National Holidays | Independence Day, Major sephirotic holidays (localized) |
Constitution | The Burdikeer have a code of conduct that is applied to their interests only and Transapient activities. There is no set constitution for the general populace and is left as the purview of the local polities in whatever manner they may organize. |
Legal system | Most enforcement of the laws is done through local polities and official groups. They maintain their own courts and semblance of order. There are no guidelines from the Burdikeer in this regard to how a society is administered save enforcing their right of immunity to local laws. Most obey the local customs and laws in which they operate, but occasionally violate them to achieve goals for the Burdikeer. The Burdikeer employs avatars for law enforcement known as Boujouais. These avatars are one part state police, assassin, diplomat, troubleshooter, aid worker and humanitarian. Normally covert in nature, they prefer to remain anonymous to enhance their ability to work. The Boujouais also act as judge, jury and executioner when required. Their sole task is to enforce the laws and edicts of the Burdikeer. Most often, Boujouais are Transavants, Proxav or Su. Rarely an aligned Transapient is involved, but it is theorised that this is in essence a true piece of the Burdikeer |
Economics, Local Infrastructure, Standard of Living | Currency: The Seams currency is based on the Erg Standard. Its major monetary unit is the Erg Credit. Most wormhole connected developed have some degree of Afflueconomics and in some rare cases, full Afflueconomics. Items here are incredibly inexpensive if not completely free. These systems often have a strict set of privileges administered by the Burdikeer and local polity to those who wish to trade and conduct business in these environments. Major Industries: Baseline industry is wildly varied by polity and locale. Transapient industry is highly regulated and controlled in scale and form. Transapients involved in these endeavors are regulated to specific, precise lanes and isolated, highly guarded systems to prevent contact with the denizens of the Seams. Military Expenditures: Unknown, but estimated to be over 40% of GDP, dedicated nearly exclusively to monitoring, and control of space and trade inside the Seams. Due to treaty, no Burdikeer force is allowed outside of the Seams. |
Interstellar Trade and Treaty Relations | Exports Baseline society exports very little to the Sephirotics outside of those worlds connecting directly to gateway systems. Transapient trade is incredibly diverse and high volume, but classified, or unspecified. It is theorized that much of the mining of raw materials for special projects is done here and exported to the sephirotics. Imports A broad variety of goods from all trading partners can be found here. Very eclectic and hard to find goods can be purchased here as well. Occasional Ultratech and Clarketech goods and services. Mostly importation of data and rare, useful technology. |
Interstellar Relations | Interstellar Relations are excellent. The Seams, being a treaty created political entity by the major sephirotics at the end of the Version War, have excellent relations with their parent empires and close ties directly to the upper leadership of these Empires. |
Interstellar treaty organization participation | Tragadi Accords, ComEmp Non-Aggression Signatory, Garden World Environmental Protection Signatory, St Andre Convention Signatory, Universal Declaration of Sophont Rights Bonitsa Baseline Protection Treaty |
Most Favored Trade Status | Communion of Worlds. Cyberian Network. Fomalhaut Acquisition Society. Keter. Metasoft Version Tree. Mutual Progress Association. Negentropic Alliance. NoCoZo . Orion Federation. Solar Dominion . Sophic League. Terran Federation. Utopia Sphere. Zoeific Biopolity |
Long Running Interstellar Disputes | None |
Psyche, Art, Culture | Metapsychology: Diverse, by local polity. Sections of the Seams often mirror a mix of the nearby local sephirotic cultures. Society: There are three broad categories of sophonts living in the Seams. They are designated by sociologists as: The Invited, the Rejected and The Curious. These classifications come from how the populations came to be denizens of the Seams, and follow general trends of personality and behavior of current Denizens. The Invited are a group who were deliberately brought to the Seams to fulfill specific jobs and tasks for the Burdikeer, their Sephirotics, Polities, Masters or Corporations inside the Seams. This group often is allowed the privilege to come and go from the Seams back to their home sephirotic and polity as their new positions see fit. They are often the happiest, most stable of the three groups since they feel a real sense of purpose for being in the Seams, and can, if desired return from whence they came. The Rejected is a population of sophonts who were expelled from their original sephirotic or polity for a variety of reasons and forced to live in the Seams. Often there are many problems adjusting to life in the Seams since they are forbidden to return to their home or leaving to go to any other sephirotic. Many have a tendency to group in gateway systems trying to find a way back home, while others will scatter as far as they can or try to find another way out. Commonly, this group is generally unhappy, and has to be treated for many psychological issues and is a regular source of low level discontent and civil unrest. The Curious came to the Seams of their own accord. Nobody asked them to come and often are here to explore and make their own fortune in ways they cannot find in their home sephirotic. This is probably the most mobile group of the three, often exploring and pushing boundaries where ever they go. Although they are also the smallest of the groups, they are the most trouble to deal with, since most have a very strong sense of individuality and drive. These are the denizens most likely to ascend, cause trouble for the Burdikeer and cause general strife in the population of the Seams at various intense degrees. The Seams contains a considerably dynamic and mobile society as compared to the sephirotics. Discontent and trade seem to keep the population at a permanent state of motion, from strong currents to slowly eddying pools of populations and polities. This dynamic environment causes a lot of mixing of cultures and ideas. It is estimated by some that between 12% and 30% of all denizens in the Seams are engaged in interstellar travel. Since there is no uniform code of conduct save that concerning inter-toposophic relations, there is a lot of chaos regarding the political states inside the Seams. The types of economy, politics, philosophies and social norms can vary greatly. To some, this is very hard to acclimate themselves to, especially if they have been used to a fairly stagnant, homogeneous culture. Often these denizens attempt to find isolated systems that they can retain or regain this relatively stagnant status. |
Ideology | No official religion exists in the Seams. There is no protection of persecution of religion by the Burdikeer. Local governments have complete authority in these matters unless they interfere with the authority and operations of the Burdikeer. |
Psychological Stagnation | The Seams are a highly dynamic environment, forming a natural resistance to Psychological Stagnation for Baselines and Transavants. Although the Burdikeer employ a basic form of social welfare, by providing for base needs of food, water, shelter and energy, this is at a very crude level compared to normal modern levels of life. Often this level of discontent prevents people from becoming too set in their ways, forcing growth and change. If a section of society does become stagnant, it often is not of issue to the Burdikeer until it interferes with the nature of trade, or some outside Transapient force is discovered responsible for it. If either one of these reasons exist, the Burdikeer will act, mimetically, commercially or militarily to deal with the situation. |
Psychological Liberation | Ascension is neither encouraged nor discouraged, but Transapient denizens are not allowed and are either evicted or encouraged to leave the Seams immediately, by force if necessary. Transavantism is protected as long as the base level of sapience is still baseline equivalent. Transavants are often actively recruited and used by the Burdikeer for official jobs and functions utilizing their unique abilities. = |
Culture, Fashion, and Art | Architecture: Styles brought to it through the neighboring sephirotics of the Seams. Most native forms of architectures are adaptations and modifications of styles and rely heavily on cultural fusion. |
Official Language | Devaje: A trading language used specifically in the Seams. All official communication in all forms comes in this language. Commonly there are as many local languages as there are cultures in the Sephirotics, but only Devaje is universally known by all denizens of the Seams. |