Nanocyborg, Nanoborg
A nanoborg is a biont heavily enhanced with nanotechnological subsystems, beyond mere symbiotic parts like nanochondria or nanofabricated implants. The nanosystems enhance their capabilities, allow shapeshifting to greater or lesser degrees, rapid healing or reorganization, and the ability to nanofacture new parts. Nanocyborgs move beyond biology in many respects, and often gradually transform themselves into full postbiological states. Among the better known nanocyborgs are the mists of Nimbus.

- /|\/|\ (Aka Polarizers, lightballs) - Text by Anders Sandberg
Many clades have been so worried by the risks of mind-tampering and various forms of information gathering that they have turned to encrypted thought processes. Beside the Xo La Y and the Vore Abergist , the /|\/|\ are the most well-known example of encrypted minds.
- Borg - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Generic term for a biont who uses radical bio-organ or cyborg augmentation to modify eir phenotype or body.
- Columbia-Bartlebel, Clade - Text by Anders Sandberg
Hedonistic Utopian nanocyborg clade, combining the Keterist transcendentalism with Ceresian techno-utopianism.
- Cyberhermeticism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Emergence and Expansion Age nanocyborg predecessors to Neohermeticism. Integrated classical hermetic and occult-mystical themes with proto-Keterist toposophical speculations
- Direct Neural Interface Standard (DNIS) - Text by Anders Sandberg
Neural code standard, used among many near-baseline cyborgs and advanced cyborgs with pidgin lobes.
- Electra Entity - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Expansion age nanocyborg activist clade, Pleiades Volume.
- House/Clade Hyperborg - Text by Glen Finney
Clade-based posthuman House.
- Mirrored Owls - Text by Jay Dugger; additional notes by Anders Sandberg and Ben Higginbottom
Distributed nanocyborg clade that favours gas giants.
- Pozer, The - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Sophic League power, artisan, and pozen master who, over a span of five centuries during the late ComEmp and Re-evaluation age periods, carefully crafted some half a million characterborgs, each designed to perfectly mimic a real or fictional character in the history of mindkind.
- Sentient Cancer - Text by Anders Sandberg
Software/nanotech perversion of nanocytes or nanochondria of beings or objects with symbiotic nanosystems. While large-scale perversions gain the most publicity, small outbreaks of opportunistic or expansionist alife are far more common. One form of minor perversion that has recently emerged as a serious threat is sentient cancer.
- Soon-Eh - Text by Daniel Eliot Boese
A clade of nanoborgs whose members are partway between biont and ufog; highly metamorphic liquiforms, they can assume the shapes and attributes of a wide variety of solid or liquid forms, with a range similar to Plasm SELs. Each individual is effectively an uploaded mind running on a substrate of ufog cytobots. They are notorious for a culture that involves consuming the bodies and subverting the minds of other sophont beings.
- Xo La Y - Text by Anders Sandberg
Minor Solarist clade of nanotech cyborgs.
- Yas Om - Text by A. C. Maté and Extherian
Synthetic humanoid clade with polysophont mental architecture