
Image from PortalHunter
A provolved infomorphic gull gliding through an abstract representation of virchspace

An uploaded intelligence, or an information entity such as an aioid, that resides in a virtuality environment.

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  • Virchers
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  • Virchology
  • Virchophobia - Text by Thorbørn Steen
    Virchophobia is the irrational fear of virches. Virchophobes who find themselves in a virch will suffer from anything from restless anxiety to full-scale panic attacks. Generally virchophobes have no trouble avoiding virches, and once they have realized their disorder will be able to live almost normal lives. Virchophobia sometimes includes the fear of virtuals or a-life, but these fears are generally classified separately.
  • Virchspace - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Any digital space or environment; pertaining to virch or a cybercosm.
  • Virtual
  • Virtual Body - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    One's av (avatar), the body one takes when 'facing in virtual reality. By means of the virtual body, even the sensorium of the ordinary body is transformed to appear and feel different than it does in rl.
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  • Virtual Rights - Text by Max More in Anders Sandberg's Transhumanist Terminology
    Rights given for convenience to a partial; these rights are really rights of the person whose partial it is, rather than of the partial itself. Similar in some respects to currently existing corporate rights.
  • Virtualics - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Science and art of engineering, designing, and/or studying virtual worlds and universes.
  • Virtualism - Text by Anders Sandberg
    The belief, common among many long-term virchers and long-term copies, that only virch is real, and ril is an illusion.
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Development Notes
Text by Anders Sandberg in his Transhuman Terminology
Initially published on 10 November 2001.

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