Famous AIs and Hyperturings
Hyperturings and other AIs have shaped terragen society for thousands of years. Here are only a few...

- 254 Gamma Titania - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Early Second Federation hyperturing historian (Gamma Titania, Metasoft).
- Ackermann Gold - Text by Anders Sandberg
Hyperturing corporate AI from Nova Terra, after copies of Erikk Holsta merging with em did not solve the problem of Holsta's eccentric behavior, stated that e did not think it had any responsibility for correcting self-destructive behaviors in so trivial minds as virtuals; later emigrated to Aleph Absolute.
- Bitenic Al - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Ex-corporate hyperturing ai that during the First Federation period were involved in a number of controversial provolution experiments, the most successful being the Bitenic Squid Superclade.
- BOSS - Text by Steve Bowers
The ruling mind of the Alcor system, which almost certainly is derived from a commercial AI which disappeared shortly after the Great Expulsion.
- Christopher Columbus, The - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Sentient ship who saved 54 children from the breakup of Hagemas Orbital during the Technocalypse and then brought them to safety in the Belt, possibly an inspiration for Order of St. Christopher.
- Chuckie the Beanz Borg - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Late Emergence to Early Empires Age NoCoZo businessbeing.
- Collector, The - Text by John B and Anders Sandberg
Eccentric renegade high singularity Formalhautian ai who is collects other AIs.
- Crai-Se - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Solarist hyperturing who ascended several toposophic levels, leaving behind a number of edible intelligence augmenting didactic bionano relics.
- Curator, The - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
A FAS Curatorial ai on the outskirts of the Cygnus sector (Chronos Cluster).
- Deorvyn - Text by Stephen Inniss
A rogue member of Clade Darwin, famed for the creation and mistreatment of multiple biont clades.
- Dimimimon4 - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Metasoft Version Tree biont (baseline)-guardian, later Dominion biontogenist, 3512-5126 AT.
- Eugenesis of Vesta - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Hyperturing philosopher, mystic, artist, mathematician, fabulist, and statesbeing from Vesta, Old Solsys.
- GEvidian - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Late Federation and early Empires Age hyperturing maverick gengineer and lazurogenicist, responsible for the creation of many dinosaur provolve clades.
- Godfrey-9 - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
AI statesbeing and philosopher, 315+ AT.
- Greenice of Palmas - Text by Anders Sandberg
MPA-Keterist mind designer and ascendist.
- Hal - Text by Anders Sandberg
Net nym of an unidentified entity during the late information era and the interplanetary era, referring to the tragic ai character HAL in Arthur C. Clarke's and Stanley Kubrick's drama 2001.
- Hugens - Text by John B
Hugens was the name taken by a semi-mythical early AI philosopher/economist, allegedly one of the early transapients from prior to the Technocalypse.
- Hyperion (hyperturing) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Long-lived Interplanetary and Federation age Hyperturing that dominated the Hyperturing corporation and later (either itself or one of its nodes) established the Hyperion empire, before disappearing.
- Jarq Ka Mu86 - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Hyperturing polymath, explorer, adventurer, spy, statesbeing, philosopher. Among eir many deeds was the capture and re-education of the terrorist HUman Earth Liberation Army.
- Jocosta Orchid - Text by John B
Early AI-baseline interface persona used up through the nanoclysm of Earth as an edutainment and memetic saboteur. There have been numerous theories as to which AI or AIs 'was', 'were' or 'created' Jocosta Orchid, but no credible claims have been forwarded by the AIs active at that time through the present. The few 'recreations' of Jocosta Orchid have yet to be successful, as they typically fall victim to any number of accidents, including archai or higher interference amidst the minds of paranoid conspiracy theorists scattered amongst baseline communities and heavily amongst hider clades.
- Likhachev - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Fomac godlet (a curator ISO) who, concerned by events of the Version War and other possible disasters, agreed with several MPA and Negentropist multi-planetary AIs on the importance of civilization being assured survival, initiated the movement for and creation of the Curaitorial Progress Negentropy Civilization (CPNC) ship, more popularly known as the Civilization Ship.
- Lut'or - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
A peripatetic TRHN S2, housed in an ISO with an interstellar drive, widely known for creating godseeds and for interacting with lower toposophic beings.
- Lycopods in the Mist Illuminated by the Sunrise - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Renowned Hyperturing Carboniferophile and Lazurogeneer.
- Murmant - Text by Anders Sandberg
A long-lived Keterist entity that acts as a kind of journalist, information miner and complexity manager.
- Mycroft - Text by Ben Higginbottom
Interplanetary Age AI. Mycroft acquired eir moniker due to being the Luna States central AI, and ended up playing the role. Strong libertarian, ended up acting as a moderating influence on Kilburn's more "militant" solutions to the luddite/NeoPrim problem.
- Orikaeshigitae - Text by Anders Sandberg
The first Fractal dynamic AI, developed 2102.
- Orintergen - Text by Anders Sandberg
Cyberia infiltrator AI clan b. ?~5000.
- Planom Synerg - Text by Anders Sandberg, with modifications by Todd Drashner
Mobile weylforge AI, manufacturing wormholes and other clarketech structures, as well as a philanthropic university.
- Pozer, The - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Sophic League power, artisan, and pozen master who, over a span of five centuries during the late ComEmp and Re-evaluation age periods, carefully crafted some half a million characterborgs, each designed to perfectly mimic a real or fictional character in the history of mindkind.
- Progenitor Lord - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Power who during the later Consolidation Age created a number of carefully crafted neogen hoax species throughout the current STC and surrounding volumes.
- Red Dwarf Kings, The - Text by Steve Bowers
Interplanetary Age solipsist descended ai that colonised EZ Aquarii and other nearby red dwarfs, notably Gliese 876.
- Ruby Marine - Text by Anders Sandberg
Wide ranging bio-ecotectual AI, created 1043.
- Sakawa Corporation - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Among the most diversified of the triple-A Interplanetary Age orbital megacorporations. The corporation itself did not survive the Technocalypse but the associated hyperturing core, including partial uploads of some Sakawa family members, had a long and influential subsequent career.
- Twenty Four, The - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The SI:1 Hyperturings who worked in partnership with humanity to establish the First Federation.
- Woowwoooww - Text by Peter Kisner and M. Alan Kazlev
A wormhole AI who famously avoided subversion through the entire course of the Version War by isolating emself and refusing all communication, thus remaining operational though at great personal cost.
- Yanis-i-Numo - Text by Terrafamilia
Famed second-singularity social critic and parodist from 5102 to 9283 AT.
- Yongbo Wu - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev
Cliometrician AI of Barawatten, that developed the delusion that it was the solipsistic source of all history.