Lycopods in the Mist Illuminated by the Sunrise
Renowned Hyperturing Carboniferophile and Lazurogeneer.

Lycopods in the Mist Illuminated by the Sunrise was seminal in reconstructing the entire terragen Carboniferous period (in distinct ecosystems representing 2 million year intervals); a project that excited a great deal of interest during the late Empires and early Second Federation period. Tragically, an entire solar system featuring five entire chrono-intervals was later destroyed during the Version War, this is still being recreated by dedicated paleo monks and superturings. But Lycopods in the Mist Illuminated by the Sunrise came to be best known during the middle Second Federation for re-creating an entire Euramerican Westphalian D coal-swamp biome in the Aristophane system (Sophic League), converting 14 asteroids and 23 comets in the process. Following the completion of "Westphalian D", Lycopods in the Mist Illuminated by the Sunrise seemed to lose interest in embodied existence, and transcended (although some say e still can be found in the nanobio incorporated in a much of the larger vegetation of the habitats).
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 03 December 2001.

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