
Image from Steve Bowers

Hugens was the name taken by a semi-mythical early AI philosopher/economist. She (she preferred a female persona according to surviving records) was allegedly one of the early transapients from prior to the Technocalypse. Whether she still survives and what her current whereabouts may be are both unknown. There is some faint evidence that Hugens may now either be a core component of GAIA or that she may have left for what became Negentropic or NoCoZo space.

Hugens is best remembered for her early work in the field of memetics, categorizing memetic effects into the now-superseded Hugens Model of Memetics and Interactions, best known by the acronym MoMI. The MoMI was a breakthrough in that it allowed for discrete processing of memetic effects, iteratively reaching steady states as inputs cross-connected and rationales and preferences grew from the overloading of specific connections.

Over time, other works would challenge the MoMI, and various polities would absorb certain aspects while rejecting others in their personalization and cultural genesis. The single most common error claimed to be found in the MoMI was exactly its breakthrough - that the generation of a steady state indicated a resistance to change. This is something many polities have found repugnant, especially once healthy lifespans grew rapidly with advances in medical and other sciences.

There are still sophonts practising memetic analysis of events and polities using the MoMI as a precursor to secondary analysis of the situation - that is, generating a 'steady state' picture to utilize as a benchmark for comparison with future alterations.

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Development Notes
Text by John B
Initially published on 20 September 2004.

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