Stevocations (Kepler-62)

Caretaker/former Cygexpa system in Lyra

Stevocations system
Image from Dangerous Safety
The Stevocations system: Silefobran, Nossad, Omonaum, Discoti, Rovoa

Stevocations - Data Panel


Primary: Steve
Distance from Sol: 981.31 ly (J2000)
Constellation Lyra
Allegiance Zoeific Biopolity
Colonised 3780 AT
Planets: 5
StarSteve (Kepler-62)

- Mass: 0.764 x Sol
- Radius: 0.660 x Sol
- Temperature: 5062 K
- Luminosity: 0.256 x Sol
- Age: 7 billion years
PlanetsSilefobran (Kepler-62 b)

Orbital Characteristics:
- Semi-major axis: 8.557 Gm (0.0572 AU)
- Orbital period: 5.715 days
Physical characteristics:
- EWoCS Typing: Vesperian AithaliTerrestrial LapiYdratian IgneoAbyssal
- NoLWoCS Typing: Vesperian Pyrothalassic
- Mass: 1.644E+25 kg (2.753 x Earth)
- Radius: 8,652 km (1.358 x Earth)
- Density: 6060 kg/m^3
- Mean surface acceleration: 14.66 m/s^2 (1.495 g)
- Solar day: n/a (Tidally locked)
- Albedo: 0.17
- Temperature: 1986 K (surface), 884 K (1 bar average)
Atmosphere Characteristics:
- Surface pressure: 5.3 kbar (530 MPa)
- Composition: 58.8% water, 33.1% carbon dioxide, 7.9% oxygen, 0.2% nitrogen, trace amounts of sulfur dioxide, hydrogen, methane, argon, carbon monoxide, and helium.

Nossad (Kepler-62 c)

Orbital Characteristics:
- Semi-major axis: 14.36 Gm (0.0960 AU)
- Orbital period: 12.44 days
Physical characteristics:
- EWoCS Typing: Vesperian SulfoliTerrestrial LapiMinervan BituGaian
- NoLWoCS Typing: Vesperian Hephaestian
- Mass: 7.704E+23 kg (0.129 x Earth)
- Radius: 3,561 km (0.559 x Earth)
- Density: 4071 kg/m^2
- Mean surface acceleration: 4.05 m/s^3 (0.413 g)
- Solar day: n/a (Tidally locked)
- Albedo: 0.22
- Temperature: 651 K (average), 774 K (day side), 518 K (night side)
Atmosphere Characteristics:
- Surface pressure: 4.4 mbar (440 Pa)
- Composition: 31.8 % carbon dioxide, 22.4% carbonyl sulfide, 15.9% carbon monoxide, 12.2% carbon disulfide, 7.8% sulfur dioxide, 5.8% sulfur monoxide, 2.3% nitrogen, 0.4% hydrogen sulfide, 0.1% sulfuric acid, 1.1% miscellaneous hydrocarbons (primarily butane and pentane), trace amounts of sulfur, argon, and hydrogen

Omonaum (Kepler-62 d)

Orbital Characteristics:
- Semi-major axis: 18.49 Gm (0.1236 AU)
- Orbital period: 18.16 days
Physical characteristics:
- EWoCS Typing: Vesperian PyroNeptunian CereYdratian
- NoLWoCS Typing: Vesperian PyroNeptunian
- Mass: 3.294E+25 kg (5.516 x Earth)
- Radius: 12,895 km (2.024 x Earth)
- Density: 3668 kg/m^3
- Mean surface acceleration: 13.22 m/s^2 (1.348 g)
- Solar day: n/a (Tidally locked)
- Albedo: 0.26
- Temperature: 582 K (1 bar average)
Atmosphere Characteristics:
- Surface pressure: 576 kbar (57.6 GPa)
- Average Composition: 82.9% water, 10.1% carbon dioxide, 4.4% methane, 1.6% hydrogen, 0.8% ammonia, 0.1% helium, trace amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, neon, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon monoxide
- Composition at 1 bar: 57.1% water, 35.6% hydrogen, 4.8% carbon dioxide, 1.4% helium, 0.7% methane, 0.1% oxygen, 0.1% ammonia, 0.1% nitrogen, trace amounts of neon, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon monoxide
- 1 captured planetesimal moon


Orbital Characteristics:
- Semi-major axis: 65.97 Gm (0.4410 AU)
- Orbital period: 122.4 days
Physical characteristics:
- EWoCS Typing: HydroTerrestrial CereYdratian AquaMuspellian
- NoLWoCS Typing: Pryohydrothalassic - Mass: 2.466E+25 kg (4.130 x Earth)
- Radius: 10,710 km (1.681 x Earth)
- Density: 4793 kg/m^3
- Mean surface acceleration: 14.35 m/s^2 (1.464 g)
- Solar day: 9.78 days (9.06 day rotation)
- Axial tilt: 1.2 degrees
- Albedo: 0.81
- Temperature: 974 K (surface), 263 K (1 bar average)
Atmosphere Characteristics:
- Surface pressure: 244 kbar ( 24.4 GPa)
- Average Composition: 84.4% water, 11.7% carbon dioxide, 2.8% methane, 0.5% ammonia, 0.4% hydrogen, trace amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, helium, hydrogen sulfide, neon, and carbon monoxide
- Composition at 1 bar: 80.8% water, 10.0% carbon dioxide, 7% hydrogen, 1.4% methane, 0.2% ammonia, 0.2% oxygen, 0.1% nitrogen, trace amounts of helium, hydrogen sulfide, neon, and carbon monoxide
Satellites and rings:
- 4 planetesimal moons (1 regular and 3 captured)
- Faint rocky ring: Ring Radius = 71,000 to 184,000 km; Ring Mass = 1.022E14 kg; 172 moonlets more than 100 m across.


Orbital Characteristics:
- Semi-major axis: 111.0 Gm (0.7423 AU)
- Orbital period: 267.3 days
Physical characteristics:
- EWoCS Typing: Microbiotic HydroTerrestrial CereRhean AquaThalassic (Tundral)
- NoLWoCS Typing: Panthalassic
- Mass: 1.671E+25 kg (2.798 x Earth)
- Radius: 9314 km (1.462 x Earth)
- Density: 4929 kg/m^3
- Mean surface acceleration: 12.84 m/s^2 (1.309 g)
- Solar day: 19.61 hours (19.55 hour rotation)
- Axial tilt: 11.4 degrees
- Albedo: 0.57
- Temperature: 279 K (average)
Atmosphere Characteristics:
- Surface pressure: 6.04 bar (604 kPa)
- Composition: 98.0% nitrogen, 1.3% carbon dioxide, 0.4% oxygen, 0.2% argon, 0.1% water, trace amounts of methane, neon, ammonia, helium, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen
Satellites - Faibar: Apnean Selenian Microdwarf
Semi-major axis = 162,763 km; Orbital period = 4.522 days; Mass = 1.415E+21 kg; Radius = 484 km
- 1 regular planetoid moon
- 5 captured planetesimal moons

Pre Settlement

Rovoa was one of the most Earth-like worlds known at the time of its discovery (during the Information Age), and was thought to be capable of supporting liquid water and possibly life. Discoti had also piqued interest at first, but it was quickly made apparent that this world was likely more Venus-like. Interest faded in the system over time as more Earth-like worlds were discovered closer to Earth, that is until the Rovoa was found to have moderately thick atmosphere which contained oxygen, ozone, and methane. While it was long suspected these gases arose from biological processes, this wasn't confirmed until the mid 3nd century AT with the detection of photosynthesizing life in the planet's global ocean by its reflection spectra.

The Stevocations system officially got its name in 386 AT, after the virch of the same name from 208 AT, which was popular among belters at the time. The virch Stevocation was a Slice of life comedy/drama virch featured the fictional life of Steve Wilds and five imperfect evocations of hirself.

Early Colonization

Stevocations was first reached by the Caretaker God Opikealeeve in 3680 AT to investigate and protect the biosphere of Rovoa. Prior to to eir arrival, it was presumed based on models that the planet hosted a complex macrobiotic ecosystem. Instead however, it was revealed to have a more rudimentary microbial biosphere comparable to Earth's early Proterozoic era.

In 3810 AT, a group of colonists from the Cygnus Expansion arrived with the intent of developing as much of the system as they could. They had anticipated there possibly being a caretaker presence in the system by the time they arrived, which barring any involvement from the archai would prevent them from colonizing Rovoa. Much to the surprise and delight of the colonists, Opikealeeve, whom had found the biosphere to be rather mundane, allowed them to settle on the planet with only minor supervision.

Early colonization efforts were centered around Discoti, due to its mild temperatures and abundance of materials in its atmosphere and orbit. Early colonization of Rovoa was much slower, as Opikealeeve wanted to ensure there was minimal impact to the local biosphere.

In 4400 AT, the wormhole Shortcut was established in the outer system linking to HD 173936, which reached 500 m in radius by the time of the Version War. Cygexpa were neutral in that conflict at first, but joined with the Solar Dominion after they were attacked by NoCoZo irregulars. The NoCoZo and Cygexpa had many characteristics in common at this time, and is may be the case that the NoCoZo thought they could absorb the Expansion quite easily, but this turned out not to be the case. The Stevocation system sent a number of warships via their newly-established wormhole link to join with the Cygexpa Attack groups. Like most warcraft in the Version War, these craft were crewed by uploaded sophonts optimised for combat.

After the end of the Version War the Stevocations system received an influx of spacer To'ul'h, followed by skywhale provolves shortly afterwards. These made their homes in the atmospheres of Discoti and Omonaum.

In 6230 AT work began on engineering a magmatic biosphere on Silefobran, based on Rheolithoid parabiology. During the following few centuries, Silefobran saw an influx of flying clades augmented to handle the high temperatures.

Stevocations Today

Rovoa has a global ocean and large polar ice caps, being slightly colder than the Gaiacene Earth. Rovoa's hypoxic microbial biosphere has been developed into a diverse garden of multicellular life, based on simulated evolution of the biosphere over two billion years, and seamlessly meshed with non-native ecologies. The original ecosystem has been preserved by Opikealeeve in reserves both on and off world. The high amounts of carbon dioxide and low amounts of oxygen in the atmosphere requires nearbaseline humans to wear respiratory equipment when outside.

In the current era Rovoa has a significant population of aquatic sophonts, particularly dolphin provolves and similar morphs, all of which have been radically tweaked to thrive in anoxic conditions. Since Cygexpa was dissolved in 7247, this system has become an informal member of the Zoeific Biopolity. Among the most recent arrivals in this system are a number of Archosaurian clades, including aquatic morphs such as lazurogened and provolved icthyosaurs, mosasaurs and plesiosaurs. Rovoa's surface population is around 2 billion sophonts, with another billion in habs around the planet. Faibar, Rovoa's largest moon, has been turned into the moon-brain ISO of the (now S:3) caretaker Opikealeeve.

The largest population center for embodied sophonts in the system is Discoti, both on and around the planet.- Discoti's rings have been disassembled and replaced by a band of habitats housing 150 billion embodied sophonts. There are 6 orbital rings around Discoti made from carbon in its atmosphere. They are each 16000 km in radius and 500 km wide, with a surface gravity of two-thirds that of Earth and a combined surface area 59% that of Earth's surface. These bands are all inclined 5 degrees from the equator and are on slightly eccentric paths. Because of this, they seem to weave around each other, coming as close as 90 km at the 30 points where the cross over each other. There are large pillars that connect the rings together at these points, which also extend downward into the planet's atmosphere and all the way down to the planet's superionic ice surface around 1000 km below the cloud layer. The rings host an embodied population of 60 billion individuals. The atmosphere of Discoti is also host to a sizeable population of around 10 billion sophonts, primarily in the cloud layer, but habs can be found all the way down to its ultra high pressure surface. There is a notable population of modified To'ul'h and skywhale provolves below the cloud layer.

A high temperature magmatic ecology has been introduced to Silefobran's surface and lower atmosphere. It has a population of cyborg dragons on and above the surface.

Omonaum is host to the Forram Foam, a supercontinent sized collection of interconnected bubblehabs on the nightside of the planet, where winds are weak and temperatures are cool. It serves as an anchor for the 3 dozen orbital rings in the upper mesosphere and in low orbital space, which in turn help to hold the Forram Foam together and in place. 20 of the 22 billion embodied sophonts on Omonaum reside in the Forram Foam. Omonaum also hosts populations of modified dragons, skywhales, to'ulhs, and other aerial clades. Habitats in orbit around this world host a population of 15 billion, with an additional 10 billion in habs at the Steve/Omonaum L2 point.
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Development Notes
Text by Dangerous Safety
Initially published on 18 June 2020.

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