Genemod (small)
Image from Orion's Arm Contributors

Genetic modification. Can be somatic (designed not to be heritable), germline (capable of being inherited by offspring) or both. Genemods are designed to alter a bionts body at a fundamental level, "reprogramming" their capabilities and responses to the environment. Major genemods that seek to significantly alter tissue, organ or whole body function often are constructed with iterative steps that guide relevant cell clusters through appropriate growth and redevelopment. In the modern era applying a genemod is an easy process; it can either be uploaded into one's medisystem or downloaded to a genestick so that it may synthesise appropriate augmentive nanites.

Most genemods today are genomically modular and are carefully labelled to ensure a compatibility test is run with the user's genome, before allowing insertion. Even so, it is advisable to ensure one's genome is backed up and to consult an autodoc, even when using reputable brands.

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 31 October 2001.

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