Garden Worlds

Life-bearing Worlds

Garden Worlds
Image from Steve Bowers
Several natural Garden Worlds in the Terragen Sphere. Clockwise from top left; Menexenos, Macrystis and Lontis, Trees, Earth, Fuego, Tanhauser and Samael

Also called Macrobial, Macrobiotic or Macrobiological Worlds, these worlds are life-bearing planets with a complex biosphere and macroscopic life forms. Naturally evolved garden worlds are rare; most garden worlds within the Terragen sphere have been engineered by Terragens or xenosophonts. Worlds with primitive unicellular, protobiotic or noncellular life are generally not considered to be garden worlds.

The term 'natural garden world' is sometimes reserved for worlds with biospheres that have evolved without any known interference since the planet's formation, although natural garden worlds which have been minimally altered in the distant past by various xenosophonts are often still included. There are currently 3560 natural garden worlds within the Terragen Sphere.

List of natural garden worlds

A selection of naturally evolved garden worlds in the Terragen Sphere (chiefly the closest example of each type to Sol). All dates in AT (the After Tranquillity calendar)

Star: System Name Constellation: Distance from Sol (ly) Planet Name First Reached by Terragens Planetary Type Sophonts (if any) Notable Species /Conditions
Sol: Solsys 0 Earth (home world of the Terragens) Aqua Gaian (Marine) Humans Cetacea, Elephants etc
HD 47186: Forest Ophiuchus: 122.3 Trees 2033 Aqua Gaian (Marine) Pspyder
JD 414155: Senbanya Canis Major: 253 Sentohai 2377 AmuAquaGaian Ammonia + water biosphere
YTS 122-18819: Sshwakek Leo Minor: 349 Chencue 2533 TitanoGaian Aladdin's Lamp
JD 281911: Piaget Carina: 398 Duxed 2619 Stilbonian AquaGaian (Satellite)
JD 10199752: Kawatonyi Cepheus: 419 Won Karana (So Colorful) 2708 Aqua Cytherean Biosphere in supercritical fluid
YTS 878112 -661: Liyasi -Otohsa Eridanus: 453 Jirayaka 2789 Vesperian Aqua Thalassic Tidally locked oceanic
YTS 771967 -07: Berrinche Vulpecula: 485 Fuego 3020 Apnean AquaEuropan Lignosagittae
JD 502206-1: Si'swikknii Eridanus: 507 Wiis'ssnii 3028 AquaGaian Oceanic life
JD 474939 A/B : Mye/Ayeve Aquila: 519 Mye's Gate 3101 TitanoGaian Wetmats
JD 9901079 : Kallawah Orion: 533 Kallahwa Yenah 3134 Vesperian AmuAqua- Europan (Satellite) Ammonia + water biosphere
YTS 4090739 -1: Juroduba Capricorn: 557 Pannewa 3098 AquaGaian Sunspire
JD 9099833: Sevdago Pyxis: 575 Reshlak 3011 Capno Cytherean Venus-like biosphere
JD 2026652: Tayaksekal Sagitta: 590 Zakdakha 3166 Vesperian AquaAmuGaian Fobek
JD 400435-530: Minnesang Ara: 641 Tanhauser 3218 PetroGaian Walking Mountain
YTS 8785810: Tayatang Cygnus: 743 Tarraraic 3277 AquaArean Gotawen's Burrower
YTS 10-99033-1: Daw' Qalil Puppis: 755 Hadiqat Aljalid 3310 AzoGaian Nitrogen biosphere
JD 73881012: Yagarton Sagittarius: 858 Mergatross 3421 Capno Abyssal CO2 biosphere
JD 7716807: Yechidah Hydra: 882 Ruach 3436 Jotunnian Ammo- Neptunian Ruach Toroids
YTS 39249-11: Decesanon Camelopardalis: 944 Tamarinde 3489 Capno AquaGaian (Pelagic Thermal) Khowagong
YTS 496619-04: Nudora Monoceros: 1071 Elmo 3655 AquaGaian (Marine) Cookie Fiend
YTS-4885002 -3825: Illusion Telescopium: 1098 New Montana 3680 AquaGaian (Marine) Thyresta (extinct) post-Thyrestan biota
JD 30302266: Furang'ne Lyra: 1225 Yorobong 3699 CapnoAquaGaian CO2/water biosphere
JD 870135: H'tat'sa'thoss Ophiuchus: 1235 Tohul 3702 AquaTohulian (Estuarine Thermal) To'ul'hs Skywhale
YTS 702550 -20: Arctar Perseus: 1355 Kalii 3755 AquaGaian Deathjungle of Kalii
JD 7399228: Skiinnysti Vela: 1467 Ukando's Brewery 3992 DionoEuropan Alchohol-based biosphere
JD 3566-181: Namse Namse Taurus: 1516 Garri Garri 4790 AquaAmmo Gaian Ammonia- water biosphere
YTS 9267-9531885: Rayleigh Triangulum: 1732 Blue 5184 AquaGaian Panthalassic Bluefysshe
JD 20021991: Lenxoc-Acxace Vela: 1824 Xenxac 5601 AquaDionoGaian (Marine Thermal) Xenxac windgliders
JD 5560221: Norton Vulpecula: 1954 Orwell 5502 AquaGaian (Marine Tepidal) Headfangs
YTS -660100-44911-2: Kampel Sudd Lyra: 2019 Calinder's World 5409 AquaGaian (Marine Tepidal) Stiltwalkers
YTS 32050-2-331-1: Savastus Camelopardalis: 2050 Macrystis and Lontis 5387 Vesperian AquaGaian and HydroJovian Papercutters
YTS-5456111-003: Nico Gemini: 2107 Paula 5708 AquaGaian (Lacustrine) The Paulans Joltweed
YTS- 241934611: Banchua-Wonomo Scorpio: 2116 Kambora! 6333 Vesperian CapnoCytherean CO2 biosphere
Rho Bentharis: Ha'um'te Scutum: 2286 S'sol-a 6405 AquaGaian (Pelagic) Hov's'sa (extinct) Aquatic civilisation
YTS 102483210 Hydra: 2550 Euripides Mey 6500 AquaGaian (Thalassic) bacterial life
YTS-209101 -01001-2: Bay'rsa Sagittarius: 2406 Ystrad 6500 AmmoJovian Ring System Conchsquid
JD 4436-022:Gaotocho Monoceros: 2486 Nemonon 6509 CapnoGaian (Pelagic Thermal) CO2 biosphere
JD 574863405: Ha'o'kass'so Serpens: 2561 T'hos'shoss 6609 BrimoGaian Sulfur biosphere
ACAF 7319-19063879: Huycau -Sitr'achra Camelopardalis: 2611 Samael 6802 AmunGaian (Lacustrine) Samaelians Three-tailed scourge
JD 21009541: Re-Oss Qoc Delphinius: 2637 Nui Spiridonia 6905 AmunGaian (Estuarine Thermal) Rollerox
YTS- 687140983: Ketisek Cassiopeia: 2816 Fortunella 7080 TitanoGaian Methane biosphere
M67-1-684: Nattiga Cancer: 2939 Koelher 7027 GaianXeric Archtrees
M67-1-439: Bouvea Cancer: 2944 Ferraro 7031 AquaEuropan Spicularians
JD 11094479: Sharp Point Norma: 2971 New Poseidon 7207 AquaGaian (Pelagic) Macroamoeboids
YTS-11315-10014: Huma Circinus: 3084 Simurgh 7309 Superterrene AquaGaian (Estuarine) Pentapods
JD 47887479: Word of Konto Sagittarius: 3144 Ratay's Vision 7633 TitanoGaian (Lacustrine Tundral) Methane biosphere
JD 9802-8: Sevikli Perseus: 3210 Oshiq 8744 AquaGaian (Marine Thermal) Undercow
YTS 1499-0101-4: Socrates 471 Auriga: 3372 Menexenos 8826 AquaGaian (Marine Thermal) Menexenes Worldtrees
YTS 955673 7889 00: Anaximander Carina: 3667 Kammerer 7981 AquaGaian (Marine) Festuca Sophonce Joker Leafants
JD 19101-11-8: Demonia Aquila: 3699 Iridule 7980 AquaGaian (Pelagic Thermal) Pipers Crownfish
JD 6630205-1: Shataten Taurus: 3701 Remagar 8822 AquaGaian (Estuarine Glacial) Snowghosts
G Ilnaris: Bvoydance Lupus: 3795 MuvonVie 7882 TitanoGaian HIE565MZE (extinct) Methane -breathing civilisation
ACAF 4359902: Hamihrun- Fershendh Carina: 3950 Gogandhu 7882 AquaGaian (Marine Tepidal) Cthonids Mud-otters
Lambda Aedes: Madus Perseus: 4370 Socius 9003 DionoAquaGaian (Estuarine Thermal) Dyglufsare Liminal biota
Washington Auriga: 5133 Seattle 9017 Marine SuperGaian Cuddle Bear
YTS-4450100-499 -221: Shili Cepheus: 4911 Yanqiu 9801 Vesperian AquaGaian (Pelagic Tundral) Eyegloes
JD 205688910: Surdindo Camelopardalis: 5642 Lhagharia 9990 AquaTohulian (Marine Tepidal) HIE072CZE (extinct)
Wet greenhouse biosphere
JD 89190012: Napin Carina: 5842 Hyrai 9225 AquaGaian (Estuarine Tundral) Hyraian (extinct) Temperate water biosphere
YTS 110-120-0805: Masao Sagittarius: 6292 Shona 9878 FormaTohulian Black Teardrops
Alpha Jupkai: Iahi Decha Carina: 6459 Iahi Daon 9986 FortoAquaGaian (Marine Tundral)
Iahi Daon (extinct) Nitrous oxide biosphere
ACAF 7356-15412488: Tsin'gakh Aquarius: 7384 Tsi'wadzj 10200 AquaGaian (Marine) Pas'utu'ril Gliding Crab
ACAF 546-220910: Ndiangu Mme Anwu Scorpius: 7816 Uwa Mmanu 10477 Superterrene PetroGaian (Marine) Xenacutidont diabolicus

List of xeno-engineered garden worlds

Many worlds were transformed into garden worlds long ago by xenosophont agencies. In the Terragen Sphere, such 'xenoformed' worlds are somewhat more commonplace than naturally-evolved garden worlds, but they can usually be distinguished by examination of the fossil record and by molecular and genetic analysis. Many of these worlds are related to each other, the relation of which can be found by tracing back the lineage, dating the biosphere, and simulating each star's trajectory to see if they all converge at one point. There are 4,881 xenoformed garden worlds within the Terragen Sphere.

Star: System Name Constellation: Distance from Sol (ly) Planet Name First Reached by Terragens Planetary Type Sophonts (if any) Notable Species /Conditions
Lambda Aurigae: Helios Auriga: 40.7 New Gaia 1365 AquaGaian (Marine) HIE019CZE (extinct) Bubblekite
Chi Herculis: Balthazar Hercules: 51.6 Ridgewell 1383 AquaGaian (Lacustrine) HIE019CZE (extinct) Puffer Patch
HD 62549 Monoceros: 161 Xanthippe and Kate 2478 VitrioGaian Thiogens (extinct?) Sulfuric acid biosphere
HD 66740: Athos Puppis: 184 Ararat 2642 AquaGaian Mysterians (extinct?) Strobilatrees
JD 4409090: Tyrion Puppis: 214 Orobon 2877 Vesperian AquaGaian Mysterians (extinct?) Spoontrees
HD 65938: Yuanyin Monoceros: 215 LiuShan 2543 VitrioGaian Thiogens (extinct?) Sulfuric acid biosphere
JD 9011853: Sesko Cepheus: 225 Natfaire 2765 Vesperian IgneoGaian Volcanic biosphere
Enterprise 43: Elemagne Andromeda: 594 Outland 2933 ChloroAquaGaian HIE282NPE / Halogenics (extinct) Chlorine-rich biosphere
JD 1833530: Xytos Musca: 766 Tytalus 3219 ChloroAquaGaian HIE282NPE / Halogenics (extinct) Chlorine-rich biosphere
YTS 850002-341: Cantor Carina: 2735 Chorus 7953 ChloroAquaGaian HIE282NPE / Halogenics (extinct) Now homeworld of the Jade Chime Singers
JD 1330778: Minos Perseus: 3041 Labyrinth 7089 AquaArean + AquaCryptian HIE106CZE (extinct) Aurora Crabs
YTS 6709-4410A+B: Cook Norma: 3246 Steelcliff 7852 AquaTohulian (Pelagic Thermal) Unknown (extinct?) BGC deep biosphere
Omicron Afri: Latakaia Scorpius: 3528Muuhll> Doreen 7980 NeoBiotic ChloroGaian Doreens (extinct) Chlorine biosphere
Tau Felis Minoris: Rangatawa Triangulum Australe: 3712 Boyuduro 7632 TitanoGaian HIE236PPE (extinct) Low Temperature biosphere
CEA-346746: Zamdir Cygnus: 3966 Muuhome 7854 TitanoGaian (Lacustrine) Muuh Low Temperature biosphere
JD 9384611: Yihgrarung Aquila: 4378 Vianghsin 8433 SalifoGaian Metal-salt biosphere
YTS 34990-191: Static Lupus: 4448 Whisper 9101 AquaGaian (Lacustrine) unknown Bio-hosted cybercosm
YTS 9477-4102AB:The Lifegivers Gemini: 5656 Limner World Alpha 9750 AquaGaian Auld Limners (extinct) Limners
JD 43440611: Enigma Canis Major: 4597 Stanislaw 9921 AquaGaian (Lacustrine Tepidal) unknown Botworld mechosystem
JD 14061991: Versekrea Puppis: 5519 Clive's Brain 10056 AquaGaian (Estuarine) Cybyota Sophont envome
JD 15506177: Raiaak Puppis: 5610 Seedworld 10297 AquaGaian (Marine) Cybyota Jeepers

List of former garden worlds

Garden worlds are fragile. The slightest disturbance can bring the end to the reign of the complex life over their world. Far more numerous than the garden worlds are these former garden worlds, worlds where the biosphere had succumbed to the elements over time. Some suffered natural destructive events such as the brightening of the local star or devastating asteroid impacts. Others were artificially destroyed, whether deliberately or accidentally. Xeno-engineered worlds are often more susceptible to environmental failure; less than optimal candidates often fail over a relatively short amount of time, becoming uninhabitable to complex life, or even losing their entire biospheres altogether. There are at least ten thousand former garden worlds within the Terragen Sphere.

Star: System Name Constellation: Distance from Sol (ly) Planet Name First Reached by Terragens Planetary Type Extinct Sophonts (if any) Notable Extinct Species /Conditions
Delta Pavonis: Aristotle Pavonis: 19.881 Darwin 691 MesoBiotic AquaGaian (Marine Tepidal) Paraeurypterids
HD 117207: Sagrei Centaurus: 106 Mohan 1915 MicroBiotic AquaCalidian Meditating Idol Builders Extinct stone-age culture
HIP 40138: Jahannam Puppis: 245 Hutamah 2201 PostBiotic Agonian Unnamed species: HIE019CZE Ex-Mysterian world
JD 8819117: Ediaa Bootes: 446 Belawan 2978 MicroBiotic IoCytherean Thiogenics Former sulfur biosphere
YTS 116-4389224: Sihhyu Pegasus: 628 Nammjye 3119 PostBiotic ChloroTohulian HIE282NPE / Halogenics (extinct) Chlorine World
Chronos 29: Nerneiva Vulpecula: 2149 Daharra 6259 Now converted into a black hole Daharrans World now abandoned
YTS 9969-0091-443 Geminorum: 4300 YTS 9969-0091-443b 8679 Postgaian Batholithic Civilisation World now abandoned

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Development Notes
Text by The Astronomer, Steve Bowers 2020
based on original articles by Stephen Innis and M. Alan Kazlev; additional material by Dangerous Safety
Initially published on 05 April 2009.

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