The cetacea are a clade of highly intelligent marine terragen mammals that include three suborders, including the Odontoceti (toothed whales, dolphins, and porpoises), Mysticeti (baleen whales), and Archaeoceti (extinct whales). There were originally about 75 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises during the Holocene, though this decreased with the extinction of a number of whale species during the Information Age.
It is believed that all known species have been lazurogened by GAIA. In addition many species of cetacean have been provolved (the dolphin being one of the earliest creatures to be provolved).

- Blue Whale
- Click Train - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Series of low-frequency clicks produced by some aquatic animals (especially cetaceans), merpeople, and bioborgs during echolocation. This train passes through a sound-focusing organ (usually a fat-filled organ in the head - e.g. the "melon" of the toothed whale). The train of clicks is focused into a beam that bounces off objects and reflects (echoes) back to the receiver.
- Dolphins
- Enhanced Dolphins
- Gaian Whale
- Hwii
- Orca
- Oro Mistral
- Physeteridae (Sperm Whales)
- Pod - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
A social group of baseline whales. Among cetacean provolves (enhanced dolphins, gaian whales, etc.), pod has various meanings, ranging from a small family or social group to a community, a ship's crew, a polity, or (rarely and usually poetically) an entire clade.
- Skiiws'nnii, Sk¡iiws'nnii
- Syrtis