Euripedes Mey

Euripedes Mey
Image from Steve Bowers

Constellation: Hydra
Star: YTS 102483210
Type: K5v
Distance from Sol: 2550 ly
Reached: 6407 AT

Euripides Mey (YTS 102483210-IV) is a mesobiotic world (Gaian Type - Thalassic Subtype) near M48, under joint Sophic/Caretaker stewardship. It was first reached by the exploration and poet-theologian relativistic Neumann Probe Gregor 23 in 6407 AT.

Euripedes Mey
Image from Steve Bowers
Survey drones measure a vast carpet of Gregor's Mat which covers these low hills near the ocean on this world

Gregor's Mat

The ecosystem on Euripedes Mey is basically solitary and colonial protistoid. Although some 58,000 species have been recorded, there are no multi-cellular animals. The most complex organism is Gregors Mat. Multicellular plants are common but of a simpler grade than terragen plants, and these include dense thickets of Land Kelp, Higgirt Moss, and several thousand other species, which flourish in the moist valleys and lowlands near the coasts. The dry interior is devoid of anything other than microbial life.

During the sporing season the individual amoebas that make up a Gregor's Mat combine to form a single super-organism that may reach dozens of square kilometers in size (the largest Mat recorded was in 9208, with a single colony of 6,700 km2) They remain in this state for several weeks, before dispersing or attenuating. However some mats may continue for months. The mats show emergent behavioural properties that are beyond the capability of individual amoebas, but none have ever been considered sophont or sub-sophont.

Gregor's mat
Image from Steve Bowers
Closer view of the Gregor's Mat colonial structure

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 24 October 2001.

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