
Outer Volumes moon with an unusual indigenous biosphere orbiting a resonant MesoJovian world

Image from Steve Bowers
The bouyant xenobionts known as 'Black Teardrops' swarm above the foramide sea

Shona Data Panel

StarYTS 110-120-0805
RA 18h 26m 26.4621s
DEC -18d 05m 10.410s
Dist 6292.929226 LY
XYZ Coordinates 4207.143774, 4442.857096, -1470.347368
Distance from Sol 6292.929226 light years (near IC 4715 in Sagittarius)
Spectral Type K4V, no companions
Metallicity 1.007 sol
Mass 0.5838 sol
Luminosity 0.152 sol
Diameter 1.368 sol (1.223 sol as seen from Tsi'wadzj)
THE SYSTEMThe YTS 110-120-0805 system consists of seven planets, two relatively well-populated asteroid belts, a thinly populated Kuiper Belt, and a small assortment of outer system objects. None of these are particularly unusual for a system of this size and age, save for the two innermost worlds, which are in a 1:1 resonant relationship with each other and may be categorized as Janusian MesoJovians.
Planets(listing outward from YTS 110-120-0805):

Ayao Janusian MesoJovian mass 1.897426652e+27 kg (resonant with Oya)
Oya Janusian MesoJovian mass 1.8993252652e+27 kg (resonant with Ayao)
Inner belt Mixed Asteroids 1.603
Eshu EuArean 2.055 4066.237 2.4673446e+24 kg
Obatala EuArean 3.371 4798.212 2.6226738e+24 kg
Aganju Nebulous Superterrestrial 7.022 28969.436 1.387030014e+26 kg
outer belt Gelidic Asteroids 9.472
Ochosi MicroJovian 11.962 24520.458 8.9792226e+25 kg
Olokun LithicGelidian 19.363 4240.659 9.021042e+23 kg
Ayao and OyaThese two gas giants are in 1:1 resonance with each other, and exchange orbits on a regular basis
Planet Type Janusian MesoJovian (both)
Distance from Primary variable
Insolation variable
Diameter variable
Density variable
Gravity 20.2688 N/20.2890 N
99 hrs, 0 min, 52.56 sec (both)
Year 71 days, 3 hrs, 14 min, 7.29 sec (both)
Orbital Eccentricity variable
Axial Tilt 0.055 degrees (both)
Distance to primary: varies from a minimum of 8,181,500 km at periastron to a maximum of 0.98747 AU at apastron, with a semi-major axis of 0.52038 AU. NOTE: Periastron lies 201,750.552 km beyond the farthest extent of the central star's Roche lobe.
Insolation: varies between 0.05 kW/m^2 at apastron to 15.61 kW/m^2 at periastron; mean value
is 0.77 kW/m^2.
Diameter varies between 150276.184 km at apastron and 165861.44 at periastron, with a mean value of 158068.92 km.
Density: varies with radius; between 794.2003 kg/m^3 at periastron and 1067.8147 kg/m^3 at apastron, with a mean value of 917.5440 kg/m^3 (Ayao); Oya's corresponding values are 794.9951 kg/m^3, 1068.8832 kg/m^3, and 18.4622 kg/m^3, respectively.
Orbital eccentricity: Ayao and Oya increase/decrease their respective orbital eccentricities by 0,00043 per orbit
Shona is the third moon of Oya, and has a radius of 4964.934 kilometers and period of 27.8 hours, orbiting Oya at a distance of 317,988.889 kilometers. It has seas of foramide, an amide related to formic acid. The foramide seas support a biosphere, and the atmosphere holds a number of large animal-like organisms which are the subject of current investigation.

More details about this recent discovery

Academic paper about the YTS 110-120-0805 system here (pdf file)

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Development Notes
Text by Radtech497
Initially published on 02 November 2010.

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