
Image from Public domain image of Bonobo from Wikipedia

Along with chimpanzees, baseline bonobos were the most closely related of the apes to baseline Homo sapiens. Like chimpanzees they were native to Africa, though they tended to live in the denser rainforests. Physically bonobos were distinguished from chimpanzees by their smaller size, blacker skin, longer legs, shorter arms, and more upright posture, but more significantly they differed in their behaviour. Unlike female chimpanzees, female bonobos were dominant in their social groups, and also unlike chimpanzees, bonobos tended to mediate disputes through sexual play rather than through violence. They became extinct in the wild due to poaching and habitat destruction during the early Information Age, but were maintained in breeding colonies. They were successfully provolved during the late Information Age. Despite the fact that they are much less aggressive than either humans or provolved chimpanzees, Sapientbonobos have been significant in the history of the Inner Sphere, particularly as founding members of the Institute For Primate Provolution and later of the New Beneficence, and have many descendant clades and polities elsewhere as well. Among the the most influential of these has been clade Eja. As with other apes, it is thought that GAIA may have lazurogened the baseline species, even though there have been no unambiguous sightings by pilgrims to Old Earth. The largest confirmed "wild" populations of bonobos are found at Ao Lai.
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Development Notes
Text by Stephen Inniss
Image from Wikipedia Public Domain Images
Initially published on 07 February 2005.

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