Carapace Armor

Light combat armor consisting of layers of synthetic chitin and diamondoid plating over an underlayer of kevlar and arachnoweave. First employed in approximately 95 a.t. by American, Australian, and European military and security personnel working in peacekeeping or riot control situations. Although slightly cumbersome, the armor was effective against the newly developed carboweave knives and Deep Penetrator classes of ammunition made possible by the developing bio- ceramic technologies.

Later advances in bionano production and quality control technologies increased the damage resistance of the armor while reducing its thickness and weight. These advances in turn led to carapace armor being retained in the arsenals of planetary and habitat security forces into the early Interplanetary Age as well as enjoying a relatively brief stint in the military forces of the time until the development of synsects and other swarm-based and ai controlled weapons systems made humans in combat essentially superfluous.

In the modern era, original suits of carapace armor can be found in the Museum of Human History on Luna as well as the collections of several museums and ancient weapons enthusiasts scattered across the Inner Sphere. In addition, some ludd and prim cultures, as well as era-appropriate societums have been observed to employ the armor in combat situations. Finally, nanotech copies of the armor can be seen in the occasional historical reenactment or mock combat scenario of the pleasure habitats of the NoCoZo and Utopia Sphere.

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Development Notes
Text by Todd Drashner and 'Total Annihilation'
Initially published on 05 November 2003.

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