
Image from Anders Sandberg

An ai of baseline human-equivalent intelligence and sophonce. Also known as a TTP (Turing Test Passing) entity/machine. Several earlier types of AI such as SIs and Vots could pass some versions of the Turing Test convincingly without true self-awareness, but only a true sophont entity could pass the exacting versions in use at the end of the first century AT.

The first turingrade AI machines were developed in 90 AT as the result of several different development paths, but were very naïve entities when first constructed. At first turingrade AIs were limited to physically large computer substrates, so were not mobile; the first fully mobile human-equivalent robots were not developed until many decades later.

Note that (except for an association with Atomic Age mathematician Alan Turing) this term is not related to the concept of the Turing Machine, which is an idealised concept in information technology describing a theoretical computer which manipulates symbols on an infinite strip of tape.

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Additional Material by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 09 January 2002.

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