An eccentric hypersapient performance artist, first encountered on the Metasoft reserve planet Jafalgia in the early 56th century.

In eir early incarnations, the Quizical often appeared as a human-sized dancing harlequin, although latter incarnations would see em use increasingly massive nanocyborg bodies (eir golden gryphon/siberoo form was especially popular in the late 57th century). The Quizical's most common pastime was leaving behind miniature works of Perfect Art, namely his trademark "mirrorgems" - palm-sized crystals that seemed to occasionally reflect the observer's deepest desires, yet never in the same way twice. More rare occurrences were the Quizical's "extravaganzas". Once a generation e would emerge from eir disguise (either human or local vehicle or architecture, depending upon eir size at the time) into a public place, and put on an elaborate musical number of mesmerising beauty in which many unsuspecting bystanders took part (usually via neuromuscular manipulation provided by inhaled nanofoglets). Many surrounding devices were rigged to provide musical amplification, lighting and other special effects, while recording devices were artfully distorted and sometimes even disabled. All those who observed eir show were deeply affected by it for the rest of their lives, and were inspired to work on something creative later in their lives. Many famous movements emerged from these events, including the Lateral Violationists and the Animergence. This cycle ensured that Jafalgia remained one of the most culturally rich baseline worlds in the history of the Terragen Sphere.

By the 59th century, when e has reached the size and form of a large silver whale, the Quizical ceased all public appearances (at least in any recognizable form). Whether e achieved second toposophic transcension - and what became of em if e did - remains a mystery to sapients everywhere.

Many believe that the Quizical was merely a blatantly obvious mimetic tool used by Metasoft to manipulate their baseline "pets". Indeed, the Quizical frequently succeeded in stretching the potential of "mere" baseline creativity to its limits, surprising even superbright artists with the various movements e inspired. Others believe that e was a Jafalgian posthuman. In fact, the planet Jafalgia has a long history of baseline artists, writers and musicians who attempt to ascend to posthuman status, never to be heard from again.
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Development Notes
Text by Darren Ryding
Initially published on 17 March 2003.

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